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Back-End Development (5 cr)

Code: TT00CJ65-3001

General information


30.11.2022 - 19.01.2023


10.01.2023 - 28.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 35


  • Golnaz Sahebi


  • PTIETS21swis
    PTIETS21 Software Development and Information Systems


After completing the course the student:
Knows the main alternatives technologies on the server-side in developing web applications.
Masters one server-side scripting language and can use some important libraries.
Understands the basics of web application architectures.
Can use a content management system or an application framework in implementing a web application.
Can use efficient tools in server-side scripting.


Learning a server-side scripting language.
Introduction to web application architectures.
Integrating a database server to a web application.
Using a content management system or an application framework in implementing a web application.
Tools for server-side scripting.
Implementing a small scale web application.


* Coursebook:
Get Programming with Node.js
Jon Wexler
Manning Publications
1 edition (March 15, 2019)

* The book is 480 pages, but the reading area of the course is about 300 pages.

* Unfortunately, the book is not available in electronic form through the library of our educational institution.

Teaching methods

Programming By doing learning
Interaction with teacher and classmates
Reading the book
Teamwork project

Content scheduling

The course includes 14 to 15 supervised work and theory sessions, 10 personal assignments, and a teamwork. No exam.

* Teamwork is done in groups of 3-4 people outside the instructional sessions.

* Planned course progress: We proceed according to the chapters in the course book.

1: Chapters 0-2 of the Course Start Theory and Development Environment Creation Book
2: Modules and a simple web server - chapters 3-4 of the book
3. Chapters 5 and 6 of the Request Processing and Routing Book
4: Chapters 8 and 9 of the Express and MVC book
5: Outlook and Error Handling - Chapters 10 and 11
6: MongoDB Database Connection and Mongoose Schemas and Templates - Chapters 13 and 14 of the book
7: Controllers and Models - Chapter 16 of the book
8: Working with Data Models - Chapters 17 and 18 of the book
9: Working with Data Models - Chapters 19 and 21
10: Sessions and User Authentication - Book Chapters 22-24

* Two additional will be used for teamwork presentations.

* The study plan may change as the course progresses.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The course is graded on a scale of 0-5.
In order to receive an approved performance, the student must receive an acceptable mark for both 1) personal practice tasks and 2) group work.
You can get a maximum of 10 points for each practice task. You can therefore get a maximum of 100 points for all practice tasks.

Personal practice tasks: 20 points -> grade 0.5; 30 -> 1; 45 -> 1.5; 60 -> 2; 75 - 2.5; 90 -> 3.
Participation in group work: 0.0 - 2.0.
(In both cases, 0.5 is the first accepted grade)