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Introduction to Programming (5 cr)

Code: 5051111-3044

General information


30.11.2022 - 18.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 15.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology


  • Tommi Tuomola

Scheduling groups

  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)



Small groups

  • Group 1
  • Group 2


After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.


- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists


Lecture material is shared in the courses learning environment (itslearning).
The program examples discussed on classes.

Extra study material in web:

Teaching methods

Lectures, programming exercises, independent study

Exam schedules

Course exam is in may.

There will be two re-exams. Both will be arranged in june. Exact date to be determined later.

International connections

Using practical exercises to study designing and implementing Python programs. Exercises directly support learning the theory. We will use digital learning environments, web sources and available lecture material (in itslearning).

Student workload

Examples discussed on lectures
Exercises in ViLLE and homework exercises that are discussed in demonstrations

Contact study (lectures + demonstrations): 56h
Idependent study, homework exercises and exam: 79h

Content scheduling

january - may 2023
• january: First program, Python-language, variables
• february: Data types, imperative programming, printing, strings
• march: Selection and repetition, basic data structures
• april: Functions, file handling
• may: Introduction to classes, exam

Further information

Participating on this course requires a laptop computer that the student can take to classes and demonstrations.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment is based on both the activity of the student in participating to the demonstration sessions as well as the following:

Exercises successfully completed in ViLLE
Successfully completed and demonstrated homework exercises

All of these need to be successfully passed. The exact needed points are published during the first class.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

• does not know the basic concepts of programming
• is not able to understand or implement even the simplest programs

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

• is familiar and understands the basic concepts of programming like variables, control structures and functions
• understands how simple programs work
• is able to read and produce simple code

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

• is familiar and understands the basic concepts of programming like variables, control structures and functions
• understands how simple programs work and is able to find simple errors in them
• is able to produce simple programs

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

• is familiar and understands the basic concepts of programming like variables, control structures and functions
• knows how to use some data structures, such as arrays, lists and hashtables
• understands how simple programs work and is able to use debugger to find errors
• is able to implement programs that apply the knowledge gained from previous parts


Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.