Engineering Physics (5 cr)
Code: TE00BZ99-3008
General information
31.05.2023 - 16.09.2023
04.09.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
50 - 80
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Mikko Peltonen de Santiago
After completing the course the student can:
- use quantities and units in accordance with the SI system
- solve problems consist of motion
- make graphical presentations and analyze them
- draw free-body diagram
- solve problems involved forces using Newton´s laws
- apply work and conservation of energy to solve problems
- calculate electric and magnetic forces acting on particles and the wave motion of an electro-magnetic fields in engineer’s work
- describe measurement techniques of temperature
- SI system of units
- kinematics, friction
- Newton´s laws with some applications
- work, power and energy
- electric and magnetic fields
Physics notebook (written by TUAS Physics teachers, shared on ITSlearning)
OpenStacks AP Physics Collection (a free online Physics textbook)
In addition, other material (such as lecture slides) made by the teacher, shared on ITSlearning
Teaching methods
Lectures, homework, independent study
Exam schedules
1st part-exam on Thursday of week 43.
2nd part-exam on Friday of week 49.
Only one of the part-exams may be retaken. A retake will be arranged in Jan/Feb 2024.
International connections
We will be learning basic physics skills which are a part of the foundation of all engineering. Exercises and examples include some that are directly related to ICT. We use international notation and terminology which allows students to understand engineering-related literature, standards etc. In homework exercises, students are encouraged to work in groups. We use online learning platforms throughout the course.
Completion alternatives
If a student wants to pass the course without homework by attending a competency test this needs to be agreed upon with the teacher.
Student workload
Contact hours and exams 52 h
Independent study, homework and preparing for the part-exams 75 h
Content scheduling
Weeks 36-49
9/2023 - 10/2023: Units, quantities, linear motion, projectile motion free body diagrams, forces (Newton's laws), work, energy, power, momentum. 1st part-exam.
11/2023 - 12/2023: Electrostatics, electric field, potential, capacitors, DC circuits, magnetism, induction and its applications. 2nd part-exam.
12/2023 - 2/2024: Retakes of the part-exams.
Further information
Course's ITSlearning page will be used for all communications about the course.
A calculator is required (scientific calculator or a graphical calculator) for the course.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Total points given from homework exercises is 66 (one point per correct exercise).
Total points given from the part-exams is 60 (2 x 30 points).
To pass the course:
- Points gained from the part-exams must be at least 12 in total.
- Points gained from the homework before the first part-exam must be at least 12.
- Points gained from the homework after the first part-exam must be at least 10.
- However, total points gained from all homework and exams must be at least 50.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Total points are less than 50.
Part-exam points total are less than 12.
Points gained from the homework before the first part-exam are less than 12.
Points gained from the homework after the first part-exam are less than 10.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Total points at least 50 and less than 74, and points gained from the part-exams is at least 12 and from homework at least 12+10.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Total points at least 74 and less than 98, and points gained from the part-exams is at least 12 and from homework at least 12+10.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Total points at least 98.
High school mathematics courses (higher or subsidiary level)
Primary+secondary school and vocational school mathematics curriculum
equivalent skills