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Design and Use of Relational Databases (5 cr)

Code: TT00CP38-3001

General information




15.05.2023 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 200

Degree programmes

  • Open Studies


  • Kimmo Tarkkanen
  • Tommi Tuomola

Scheduling groups

  • Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. (Size: 500. Open UAS: 500.)

Small groups

  • Open UAS quota.


After completing the course, the student understands the basics of database systems, and especially the operating principles of relational databases. The student learns how to design and model a database with ER technique, transform it to relational schema and further implement it as a relational database. After the course, the student knows how to use at least one well-known database management system (SQLite, MySQL or similar), can plan and create relational databases as well as apply SQL for most common query and update operations to the database.


In the database design part of the course, students familiarize themselves with database thinking and the principles of data management from a quality perspective. Key topics include data modeling using ER diagrams, relational schema representations and normalization technique for validating the quality of the design. In the database use part of the course, students apply structured query language (SQL) to create a database (SQL DDL), and to manipulate and search data in the database (SQL DML). The course consists of self-study materials and practical exercises with a final test.


Published in Ville-system

Teaching methods

Remote self-study.
Lecture videos & slides; Exercises, material and tests in Ville online system

Exam schedules

Final exam will be available in Ville system.

International connections

Students collect points from exercises and tests in Ville.

Student workload

70 h Ville-tutorials about database design and SQL
15 h Videos and materials in Ville
40 h Exercises and tests.

Content scheduling

students familiarize themselves with database thinking and the principles of data management from a quality perspective. Key topics include data modeling using ER diagrams, relational schema representations and normalization technique for validating the quality of the design. In the database use part of the course, students apply structured query language (SQL) to create a database (SQL DDL), and to manipulate and search data in the database (SQL DML). The course consists of self-study materials and practical exercises with a final test.

Further information

Discord channels

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The student requires min. 50% of points and accepted final test to pass the course.
The course is graded on scale 0-5:
Grading is based on total points collected:
50%-59% of points --> grade 1
60-69% --> 2
70-79% --> 3
80-89% --> 4
90-99% --> 5

The number of total points available will be announced later.


The course is suitable for beginners and no previous studies are necessary.