Varhaiskasvatuksen lähtökohdat / Principles of Early Childhood Education (5 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: TH00CA80-3001
Toteutuksen perustiedot
01.10.2023 - 15.01.2024
15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
5 op
1 op
80 % Lähiopetus, 20 % Etäopetus
Terveys ja hyvinvointi
- Englanti
26 - 35
- Sosionomikoulutus
- Tiina Suni
- Kaija Penttala
PSOSTK22Sosionomi (AMK), Turku, K22
PSOSTS22Sosionomi (AMK), Turku, S22
PSOSS22ENDegree Programme in Social Services, Early Childhood Education, S22
• tunnet varhaiskasvatusta ohjaavan lainsäädännön ja palvelujärjestelmän
• tunnet varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmien kokonaisuuden ja ymmärrät sen merkityksen
• tiedät varhaiskasvatuksen keskeiset päämäärät ja tavoitteet ja perehdyt varhaiskasvatukseen lapsen kasvuympäristönä
• tunnet lapsen oppimis- ja kehitysprosessin
• tiedät varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomin kompetenssit
• varhaiskasvatuksen lainsäädäntö ja lapsen oikeuksien sopimus
• varhaiskasvatuksen kehittyminen ja yhteiskunnalliset tehtävät
• varhaiskasvatuspalveluiden kokonaisuus
• varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet ja lapsen varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma
• alle kouluikäisen lapsen kehitys
National core curriculum for ECEC in Finland
The Act on Early Childhood Education and Care in Finland
Teaching materials
Individual work, pair work, group work
Literature-based, lecture-based and learning assignment-based work
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
If you have a Finnish degree on early childhood education and at least two years working experience from Finnish early childhood education, you have a possibility to complete the course by recognition (theoretical assignment). In this case, please contact the responsible teacher for further details.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Learning diary in pair work 4 ECTS
Observation assignment and participation in contact teaching 1 ECTS
Sisällön jaksotus
Teaching on Mondays, weeks 3-6
Teaching in English at Salo campus
Mon 15.1.2024, 9:00 - 14:30 (TS)
- Course info & study assignments
- Introduction to early childhood education: The central goals of early childhood education
- The legislation concerning early childhood education and the related service system
- The competence requirements for a social pedagogue in early childhood education
Mon 22.1.2024 10:15 - 14:30 (KP)
- The development of children under school age
Mon 29.1.2024 9:00 - 14:30 (TS)
- The national core curriculum for early childhood education and care and the early childhood education plan
- Early childhood education as children’s learning environment
- Visitor from Pilke päiväkodit / Pilke Daycare Center, Elina Kutila (12:00 - 12:45, via Zoom): pedagogical documentation and learning environment in Pilke daycare
Mon 5.2.2024 10:15 - 14:30 (KP)
- Discussion on learning diary and observation assignment, course feedback
Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja
Presence in contact teaching is mandatory. In case of absence, compensative assignment must be completed (instructions in Itslearning). Max. absence is 50 % of the contact teaching.
Changes are possible.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Learning diary in pair work (F-5)
- first submission deadline 12.2.2024
- second submission deadline 26.2.2024
Hylätty (0)
- is not sufficiently familiar with the legislation governing early childhood education and care and the early childhood education service system in Finland.
- does not sufficiently know the basics of the Early Childhood Education Plan and understand its significance in early childhood education.
- does not know the key goals, objectives or basic task of early childhood education and is not familiar with early childhood education as a child's growth environment.
- does not sufficiently know the learning and development process of the child.
- has not participated in contact teaching according to the requirements
- has not completed all the learning assignments of the course
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
- has some knowledge of the legislation governing early childhood education and care and the early childhood education service system in Finland.
- has some knowledge of the basics of the early childhood education plan and some understanding of its significance in early childhood education.
- knows some of the key goals, objectives and basic tasks of early childhood education and is slightly familiar with early childhood education as a child's growth environment.
- knows a little bit about the child's learning and development process.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
- is familiar with the legislation governing early childhood education and care and the early childhood education service system in Finland.
- knows the basics of the early childhood education plan and understands its significance in early childhood education.
- knows the key goals, objectives and basic task of early childhood education and becomes familiar with early childhood education as a child's growth environment.
- knows the child's learning and development process.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
- is well acquainted with the legislation governing early childhood education and care and the early childhood education service system in Finland.
- is well acquainted with the basics of the early childhood education plan and understands its significance and applicability in early childhood education.
- knows well the key goals, objectives and basic task of early childhood education and understands the significance of early childhood education as a child's growth environment.
- knows well the child's learning and development process.
Valinnaiset asiakasryhmäkohtaiset opinnot voi aloittaa, kun opintoja on suoritettuna vähintään 60 opintopistettä. Opinnot suoritetaan kokonaisina moduuleina.
Varhaiskasvatuksen moduulit on vuoden 2025 alusta lähtien suoritettava järjestyksessä: ensin perusopinnot (1. moduuli) ja tämän jälkeen syventävät opinnot (2. moduuli). Tästä voidaan poiketa, jos se on opiskelijan HOPS:n näkökulmasta perusteltua ja opiskelijalla on aiempaa työkokemusta vähintään vuosi varhaiskasvatuksen työtehtävistä Suomessa tai aiempia korkeakoulutasoisia varhaiskasvatuksen opintoja, jotka on hyväksiluettu hänen opintoihinsa Turun AMK:ssa.