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Finnish language 2 (5 cr)

Code: YK00CR42-3001

General information




30.10.2023 - 25.01.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Turku University of Applied Sciences



Teaching languages

  • Finnish
  • English


10 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Preparatory Programme for Higher Education Studies in English


  • Riia Lamminmäki


    Higher education preparatory program for immigrants


You can recognize characteristics of spoken language and understand clear speech. You will be able to tell about things important to you, such as hobbies or preferences, as well as to describe what is around you, and share your thoughts and information in familiar, everyday situations. You can form different types of sentences and give simple orders. You will be able to deduct meanings from context, and understand and write short texts about familiar, predictable topics. You can keep track of communication, understand the main points, and react logically. You will recognise phenomena connected to the Finnish way of life (e.g. holiday traditions). You know how to use different materials and tools for language learning, and also how to increase your vocabulary and cultural competences independently.


You will deepen your knowledge of Finnish language by studying themes as leisure, foods and drinks, celebrations, shopping, public transportation and health. You will also learn how to tell about most common jobs, workplaces, and professions. You will learn about most common verbs, expressions of time, locative cases, basics of the object, and basics of the past tense. You will also practice different types of sentences typical for Finnish language (locative, imperative, existential and necessive sentences).


The learning material can be found in the online learning environment Moodle. During the course, both open online materials and teachers' own material are utilized. No textbook is required for the course.

Teaching methods

The student works mainly in the Moodle learning environment and in Zoom online meetings. The student participates in joint online meetings twice a week and also studies independently regardless of location. To study online, the students need a computer, an internet connection, a headset microphone, and a webcam.

Exam schedules

The course cannot be completed by exam.

Student workload

5 credits is equivalent to 135 hours of student work. The course includes approximately 32 hours of online contact teaching, as well as group work and independent study. Successful completion of the course requires an active participation of at least 60 % in online contact teaching. Active participation in online meetings requires that the student has an audio and video connection during the meeting.

Content scheduling

week 44: hobbies and leisure
week 45: going to a restaurant, café or shopping
week 46: using public transportation
week 47: living environment and places in the city
week 48: living
week 49: body parts and health
week 50: Finnish traditions of celebration
week 1: telling about the past
week 2: professions and workplaces
week 3: work tasks
week 4: work experience and career plans

Further information

Communication between teachers and students takes place in the Moodle course discussion area.
Participation in the course requires proficiency level A1 in Finnish.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Tasks to be assessed:
1. Verb conjugation
2. Oral task (Going to a restaurant, café or shopping)
3. Text comprehension task (Public transport)
4. Presentation of one's living environment
5. Vocabulary task (Body parts and health)
6. Writing assignment (Work experience and career plans)
7. Grammar task (Imperfect)
8. Activity in the course

Students must do the tasks themselves and any kind of cheating in the learning tasks is prohibited. For example copying a task or producing a text using a translation programme or artificial intelligence is considered cheating. In case of cheating, the learning task in question will be graded failed.

Accepted learning tasks cannot be retaken. A failed task can be retaken once according to a schedule defined by the teacher. Tasks that are graded failed due to cheating, cannot be retaken.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The student has not achieved the course objectives. They are able to identify and use only a few course subject area’s concepts and cannot apply their knowledge.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student has achieved the course objectives fairly. They are able to identify and use the course subject area’s concepts and understand the conditions of knowledge and skills development.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student has achieved the course objectives well, even though the knowledge and skills need improvement in some areas. They are able to use the course concepts well and to apply their knowledge in study and work situations. The student is able to analyse their own knowledge and skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has achieved the objectives of the course very well. They know the course subject area’s concepts well and are able to make justified and fluent analysis on course subject area. The student is well prepared to apply their knowledge and skills in study and work situations. They are able to analyse the competencies of the study field and the development of their own knowledge and skills.


Participation in the course requires proficiency level A1 in Finnish.