Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Multichannel Business (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: MS00CD69-3002

Toteutuksen perustiedot


02.12.2023 - 01.12.2024


29.01.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op


5 op




Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta


  • Englanti


0 - 35


  • Tradenomi (ylempi AMK), liiketoiminnan kehittäminen


  • Mervi Varhelahti


  • YLIKES23
    Tradenomi (ylempi AMK), Liiketoiminnan kehittäminen


After completing the course, the student

-understands the principles for a profitable and customer-focused marketing activity within the chosen field of business
-is able to analyse the values and multichannel business
-understands the significance of emotions in social media discussions for business
-is able to use AI in multichannel business metrics


-multichannel business (focus on marketing)
-a company as an object of emotions in social media (incl. brand romance, word of mouth, emotional intelligence, halo effect, groundswell)
-digital value creation
-AI as enabler in multichannel business


Suggested article list in ITSlearning


Course is 100% online and instruction language is English, but the final output (= report) can be done in Finnish. If all participants are Finnish-speaking, kick-off and discussions can also be held in Finnish

29.1.2024 at 10-13 Kick-off meeting in Teams
Pre-assignments will be opened for you min 1 week before the meeting.
Mainly independent & self-directive learning
Collaborative asynchronous discussions with other students on discussion forums

Teacher participates in the discussions and the students can contact her individually to get support for the analysis.
Moreover, voluntary office hours are offered every second week and the timetable and zoom-link is available in Itslearning.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet


Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

- Introduction to the theme and sentiment analysis: pre-reading list + multiple choice test
- Designing and implementing (sentiment) analysis for your own organisation (or other institution, brand etc.)
- Reporting results and suggestions how these results could be used in business.
- self-evaluation of learning

Both activity in discussions and interaction between theories and practise in the final output & visibility of the analysis process will be assessed.

Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja

If you have completed the course Emotions in Business and social media you will no longer be able to participate in this course. It is the same course.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Multiple choice test (pre-assignment) 25%
Report 65%
Self-reflection 10%

Both activity in discussions and interaction between theories and practise in the final output & visibility of the analysis process will be assessed.

Hylätty (0)

* Quantity: Assignments are not completed to an acceptable level
* Quality: The minimum learning objectives are not met (see course description)

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

* Research, thinking, communication and reflection are acceptable
* Appear to grasp theory and have made a start in showing its applicability

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

* Research, thinking, communication and reflection are good
* General understanding of theory and application in real-life context

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

* Mastery of theory and penetrating insights in real-life context
* Outstanding research, thinking, communication and reflection


Basic business studies in marketing