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Recent Trends in B2B Buying Behavior (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: MS00BP62-3005

Toteutuksen perustiedot


02.12.2023 - 24.01.2024


02.01.2024 - 14.06.2024


5 op




  • Englanti


  • Master of Business Administration, Sales Management


  • Sirpa Hänti


  • YSMANK24
    Master of Business Administration, Sales Management
    Master of Engineering, Sales Management
  • 16.05.2024 09:00 - 16:00, Recent Trends in B2B Buying Behavior MS00BP62-3005


After completing the course, the student is able to
-Describe the modern purchasing processes
-Recognize the profiles and roles of buyers and decisions makers
-Describe different purchasing analysis tools
-Describe the critical touch points in customer journey
-Know the principles behind great customer experiences


-Purchasing process
-Buyer profiles and Decision Making Units
-Purchasing analysis
-Customer journey and customer experience management
-Building customer relationships
-Key Account Management


Pre-assignment (group exam) on 8.2.2024 at 9 (see the room from Tuudo). Book: Cheverton, P. – Velde van der, J. P. (2011). Understanding the Professional Buyer. What every sales professional should know about how the modern buyer thinks and behaves. Kogan Page, Replika Press Pvt Ltd, India. The book is available in e-format at TUAS library.

Other materials, see Itslearning (ca one week before the first contact day; some materials may be added during the course).


The course consists of readings, contact hours and assignments.
Learning is based on analysis of problem-oriented examples and issues, preparing practical tasks and collective students’ work while preparing a group work and presentation.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Group exam on 8.2.2024 at 9.
If the students are not able to participate to the exam, there will be a compensatory assignment: write a 12-15 pages essay (+ front page) based on the book and reflect the contents and ideas of the book to your own experiences.
Submit the essay by 18 February to Itslearning.

Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys

Innovation pedagogy is applied to reach learning at individual, group and network level. The assignments are planned to develop the students actual work tasks around customer linked issues.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Pre-assignment: Group exam.
Customer plan and presentation (group work).

Contact days on 8.2.2024 and 2.5.2024 (2 x 8 h), group work and independent work ca 120 hours. Attendance on both contact days is important/obligatory. However, if the student is absent, there is a compensatory assignment (no feedback is given).

Sisällön jaksotus

After the study unit the student is capable to
-Describe the modern purchasing processes
-Recognize the profiles and roles of buyers and decisions makers
-Describe different purchasing analysis tools
-Describe the critical touch points in customer journey
-Know the principles behind great customer experiences
The study unit focuses on
-Purchasing process
-Buyer profiles and Decision Making Units
-Purchasing analysis
-Customer journey and customer experience management
-Building customer relationships
-Key Account Management



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Pre-assignment (Group exam): min 15 – max 30 points.
Customer analysis and customer development plan: min 30 – max 60 points.
Active participation on contact days: 0 – 10 points.
Total: min 50 – max 100 points.
Each of the parts has to reach at least the minimum points.
If the assignments are delivered later than the given DL, 4 points are reduced. If the student is absent from the class, there will be a compensatory assignment. If the student is absent from the both contact days, 10 % of the total points will be reduced.

Hylätty (0)

The paper is not based on the literature and materials the teacher has instructed. The structure of the text is disordered, or the contents are disconnected, or some parts are totally missing. The layout is messy.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The paper is based on the literature the teacher has instructed but the literature and materials are in a minor role and the implementation is incomplete. The number of references is lower than the instructions. Academic referencing is not applied correctly or is not applied at all (e.g., APA). The contents are narrow/insufficient (based on the instructions). Applying the issues is done superficially or at poor level. The structure of the text is at some level fragmented and partly insufficient. The layout is unfinished, and the Thesis template is not applied. The expression is partly inconsistent and disordered. Spelling mistakes.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The paper is based on the literature the teacher has instructed. The number of references is almost meeting the instructions. Academic referencing is applied almost flawlessly (e.g., APA). Literature and materials are understood and applied at least at some level. The contents include many of the necessary and appropriate issues needed (based on the instructions). Quite clear structure and mainly consistent text that presents quite logically proceeding content. The layout is neat, and the Thesis template is applied quite well. The expression is fluent/quite fluent and represents mainly academic style. Clear structure. Only few spelling mistakes.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The paper is based on the literature the teacher has instructed and in addition, the student has referred to some extra good and critically chosen new academic articles. The number of references is meeting the instructions. Academic referencing is applied flawlessly (e.g., APA). Literature and materials are understood and applied excellently. The contents are clearly focused. The issues are applied excellently to the context. Clear structure and consistent text that forms a coherent, logically proceeding content. The layout is neat, and the Thesis template is applied very well. The expression is very fluent and represents academic style. No spelling mistakes.