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Digital Marketing Basics (5 cr)

Code: 3041249-3021

General information


01.06.2024 - 11.09.2024


31.10.2024 - 28.11.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Engineering and Business



Teaching languages

  • Finnish
  • English


0 - 45

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Business


  • Saara Tikkanen


  • PINBOS23
  • 31.10.2024 15:00 - 16:00, Digital Marketing Basics 3041249-3021
  • 14.11.2024 15:00 - 16:00, Digital Marketing Basics 3041249-3021
  • 19.11.2024 15:00 - 18:00, Digital Marketing Basics 3041249-3021
  • 20.11.2024 15:00 - 18:00, Digital Marketing Basics 3041249-3021
  • 28.11.2024 15:00 - 16:00, Digital Marketing Basics 3041249-3021


The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics


- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization


- lecture materials and one's own notes
- podcasts, videos and articles etc.
- DEMS project materials:

You can also utilize following e-books:
- Charlesworth, A. 2018. Digital marketing: A practical approach (Third edition.). Routledge / Taylor & Francis Group.
- Chaffey, D., & Smith, P. R. (2017). Digital marketing excellence: Planning and optimizing and integrating online marketing (5th edition.). Routledge.

Teaching methods

- online lessons
- group assignment
- 2 x individual online learning check exam

Exam schedules

1) Terminology learning check exam in ITS on 31.10. (for example after the first AGM)

- Learning materials for the exam:

2) The second learning check exam can be taken independently during week 49.

Learning materials for the exam:
- lecture materials

International connections

Learning in teams, in interaction with others, self and peer evaluation, digital learning.

Completion alternatives


Student workload

- Online lessons 4 h
- Group work & individual studying 100 h

Content scheduling

1. Learn digital marketing terms and prepare to take a short exam (learning check) after the first AGM. The exam is conducted in ITSLearning.
- Learning materials for the exam:

2. Write a short introduction about yourself to the ITSLearning discussion area. You can describe also your possible previous digital marketing experience from working life. In addition, please include something what you expect from this course.

Course schedule:
- AGM #1 // 31.10. at 15-16 (Finnish time)
- AGM #2 // 14.11. at 15-16
- SGM 19.11. or 20.11. at 15-18
- AGM #3 // 28.11. at 15-16

- Defining digital marketing & digital channels – “The big picture”
- Planning effective digital strategy and choosing the right KPI’s – “The plan”
- Website & SEO – “The basis”
- Digital advertising – “Spending the budget”
- Content marketing & social media – “Earning the trust & attention”
- Analyzing digital marketing performance – “Measure and understand”

Further information

ITSLearning & email

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment is based on the completion of the given group work & learning check exams.

Learning check exams (individual): 10 % + 30 % (0-5)
Digital strategy for a small company (group): 60% (0-5)

Degree of student's participation and activity in online classes can raise the grade.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

No final group report and pre-assignment delivered. No attendance at AGMs and SGM. The learning check exam(s) have not been completed. Free-riding in group assignments leads to failing the course. The course will be failed if the group assignment contains at least 40 % plagiarized content.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student recalls and understands the topics covered in the course (facts and concepts) but does not yet apply them extensively. The student follows instructions but does not generate independent solutions. The submitted assignments match the level generated by AI, and there is no presentation of personal reflection or insights. Text citations are missing, and content generated by AI or copied from elsewhere is presented as one's own writing.

Group report do present results but there is lack factual foundation, it is superficial and not well argued for. Structure, style and content of returned report is moderate.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student understands the topics of the course and can justify their choices. The student can apply their learned knowledge and skills to solve given tasks. They possess some ability to analyze the information they have learned and can identify cause-and-effect relationships between their conclusions and the theory.

The student works well both independently and in a group and can utilize field-specific knowledge in their studies. There is a lot of insights in the submitted assignment, and the sources used in the outputs have been transparently cited (= proper referencing techniques have been applied).

Group report include results which are well presented, are based on facts and are well argued for. Work shows critical thinking and source materials are well used. Good structure, style, and content of returned report.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can apply and evaluate the topics of the course as well as their learning. The student's submitted assignment demonstrate their ability to generate their own solutions or insights into the task. The student performs well both independently and in a group, and they can utilize and apply field-specific knowledge in their studies.

Report is high quality content wise. Report contains all the given topics, fact based argumentation and adequate critique of the results presented. Results have a direct link to the theoretical content presented in the course literature and materials. Excellent structure, style, and content of returned report.