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Bachelor’s Thesis Reporting and Maturity Test (8 cr)

Code: TH00BV53-3011

General information


02.05.2024 - 30.08.2024


30.08.2024 - 08.11.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

8 op

Virtual portion

8 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Health and Well-being



Teaching languages

  • Finnish


10 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Katri Mattsson


  • PSHSS21V
  • MSAISS21
  • 30.08.2024 09:30 - 11:30, Opinnäytetyön raportointi ja kypsyysnäyte TH00BV53-3011
  • 06.09.2024 09:30 - 11:30, Opinnäytetyön raportointi ja kypsyysnäyte TH00BV53-3011
  • 13.09.2024 08:30 - 10:00, Opinnäytetyön raportointi ja kypsyysnäyte TH00BV53-3011
  • 20.09.2024 08:30 - 11:30, Opinnäytetyön raportointi ja kypsyysnäyte TH00BV53-3011
  • 04.10.2024 10:15 - 11:30, Opinnäytetyön raportointi ja kypsyysnäyte TH00BV53-3011
  • 11.10.2024 08:30 - 10:00, Opinnäytetyön raportointi ja kypsyysnäyte TH00BV53-3011
  • 25.10.2024 08:00 - 11:30, Opinnäytetyön raportointi ja kypsyysnäyte TH00BV53-3011
  • 01.11.2024 08:00 - 11:30, Seminaari: Opinnäytetyön raportointi ja kypsyysnäyte TH00BV53-3011
  • 08.11.2024 08:30 - 10:00, Kypsyysnäyte: Opinnäytetyön raportointi ja kypsyysnäyte TH00BV53-3011


Bachelor’s Thesis Reporting and Maturity Test 5 ECTS
The study unit includes 4 ECTS of studies arranged in English

Students will:
• Gain proficiency in independent and team work
• Know how to act according to the principle of research ethics
• Learn to handle cooperation partnerships in a responsible manner
• Develop and demonstrate their ability to apply their knowledge and competence in expert assignments related to their professional studies
• Learn to recognize and apply counselling in a manner that advances their Bachelor’s thesis
• Know how to present their progress as well as to give and receive constructive feedback
• Demonstrate their familiarity with the field of their thesis as well as their language skills
• Know how to carry out a working life-oriented research and development project
• Know how to document their work and how to communicate the results
• Know how to report and how to create a written Bachelor’s thesis
• Publish a thesis according to instructions


• Advancing and completing the Bachelor’s thesis and the related reporting under supervision and according to a separate plan
• Presenting and defending the thesis and serving as an opponent to another student’s work as agreed
• Maturity test
• Publication of the thesis

Evaluation scale
