Nursing in Serious Illness and Palliative Care (5 cr)
Code: TH00CK57-3003
General information
06.05.2024 - 06.11.2024
04.11.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Anne-Mari Seppälä
- Johanna Kero
- 15.11.2024 09:00 - 10:00, Info - Vakavasti sairaan ja palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan hoitotyö TH00CK57-3003
- 18.11.2024 08:00 - 10:00, Vakavasti sairaan ja palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan hoitotyö TH00CK57-3003
- 20.11.2024 12:00 - 15:00, Harjoittelutunti R2 - Vakavasti sairaan ja palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan hoitotyö TH00CK57-3003
- 26.11.2024 12:00 - 15:00, Vakavasti sairaan ja palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan hoitotyö TH00CK57-3003
- 27.11.2024 09:00 - 12:00, Vakavasti sairaan ja palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan hoitotyö TH00CK57-3003
- 02.12.2024 12:00 - 16:00, Simulaatio R2 - Vakavasti sairaan ja palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan hoitotyö TH00CK57-3003
- 03.12.2024 12:00 - 15:00, Harjoittelututunti R1 - Vakavasti sairaan ja palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan hoitotyö TH00CK57-3003
- 04.12.2024 08:00 - 12:00, Seminaari - Vakavasti sairaan ja palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan hoitotyö TH00CK57-3003
- 04.12.2024 12:30 - 14:00, Opponointi- Vakavasti sairaan ja palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan hoitotyö TH00CK57-3003
- 05.12.2024 08:00 - 12:00, Simulaatio R1 - Vakavasti sairaan ja palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan hoitotyö TH00CK57-3003
- 12.12.2024 09:00 - 12:00, Reflektio - Vakavasti sairaan ja palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan hoitotyö TH00CK57-3003
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
- Materials in Itslearning
- Huovinen, A. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro, Helsinki: Syöpää sairastavan hoitotyö and Verisairauksien hoitotyö, pages 732-882.
Teaching methods
- Lectures
- Seminar and peer assessment
- Preclinical practice
- Simulation
- Independent work
- Reflection
- Exam
Exam schedules
Exams will be specified according to schedules and needs.
International connections
- Seminar work and peer assessment are carried out in small groups (3 to 4 people).
- Independent work
- Each student participates in one preklinical practice and simulation, lasting 4 hours.
- The exam is taken independently in Itslearning at a certain time. Material is available.
Completion alternatives
Participation obligation:
- Seminar and peer review
- Simulation
- Preclinical practice
- Reflective discussion
- Exam
If you are unable to participate, notify the teacher in advance and arrange a replacement performance. The replacement performance is primarily carried out during the same hour with another group.
Student workload
Work load of a student:
-Info and lectures 13 h
-Seminar work and peer evaluation 40 h
- Preclinical practice and simulation 27h
- Preparation for the exam and taking the exam 18h
- Independent tasks and work 35h
- Reflective discussion 2h
Content scheduling
The course is conducted between 4.11.-31.12.24.
The detailed schedule can be found on the Itslearning platform.
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English.
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
Further information
Please, contact the teacher by email.
Teacher can also inform students about matters related to the course on the Itslearning platform.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
- Seminar work FAIL - K5
- Independent tasks FAIL/PASS
- Simulation FAIL/PASS
- Preclinical practice FAIL/PASS
- Reflection discussion FAIL/PASS
- Exam FAIL-K5
The course is graded numerically (T1-K5). The final grade is the average of the seminar work and exam grades. (If the average is, for example, 3.5, it is rounded to H4)
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2)