Varhaiskasvatuksen toiminta ja lasten ohjaaminen (5 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: TH00CA81-3005
Toteutuksen perustiedot
02.12.2024 - 13.02.2025
13.02.2025 - 13.03.2025
5 op
1 op
80 % Lähiopetus, 20 % Etäopetus
Terveys ja hyvinvointi
- Englanti
26 - 35
- Sosionomikoulutus
- Tiina Suni
- Noora Ahvenjärvi
PSOSS23ENDegree Programme in Social Services, Early Childhood Education, S23
- 13.02.2025 09:30 - 14:30, Early Childhood Education Activities and Tutoring Children TH00CA81-3005
- 20.02.2025 09:30 - 14:30, Early Childhood Education Activities and Tutoring Children TH00CA81-3005
- 27.02.2025 09:30 - 14:30, Early Childhood Education Activities and Tutoring Children TH00CA81-3005
- 06.03.2025 09:30 - 14:30, Early Childhood Education Activities and Tutoring Children TH00CA81-3005
- 13.03.2025 09:30 - 13:30, Early Childhood Education Activities and Tutoring Children TH00CA81-3005
• ymmärrät leikin ja leikkiympäristöjen merkityksen sekä leikin ohjaamisen lapsen hyvinvoinnin ja kehityksen perustana
• osaat havainnoida ja dokumentoida lapsen leikkiä
• osaat suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida toimintaa alle ja yli kolmevuotiaille huomioiden lasten osallisuuden
• tunnet lapsiryhmän ohjaamisen periaatteita
• ymmärrät arkitoiminnan merkityksen lapsen hyvinvoinnin ja kehityksen tukemisessa
• leikki eri ikävaiheissa
• alle ja yli kolmevuotiaiden lasten toiminnan erityspiirteet
• lapsilähtöisen toiminnan suunnittelu ja ohjaaminen eri oppimisen alueilla
• kasvatuksen, opetuksen ja hoidon kokonaisuus, kokopäiväpedagogiikka, ohjausvuorovaikutus
• leikin havainnointi- ja dokumentointitavat
Karvonen, P.; Ukkonen-Mikkola, T., Fenyvesi, K.; Salonen, M.; Erkkilä, P.; Laine, E.; Storgård, E. 2022. Playful learning in early childhood education in Finland. Otava Publishing Company Ltd.
Backman-Norda, P.; Staffansb, E. & Nybackc, M-H. 2023. The storycrafting method: A systematic review. Journal of Early Childhood Education Research Volume 12, Issue 2, 2023, 34–50
Gallagher, J. & Sayre, N.E. 2014. Movement and Music: Developing Activities for Young Children. NJ: Pearson Publishing.
Karlsson, L. 2014. Storycrafting - The key to the dialogical sharing culture. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus.
Ruokonen, I.; Tervaniemi, M. & Reunamo, J. 2021: The significance of music in early childhood education and care of toddlers in Finland: an extensive observational study, Music Education Research, DOI: 10.1080/14613808.2021.1965564
Individual work, pair work, group work
Literature-based, lecture-based and learning assignment-based work
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Contact teaching and reflection assignment 1,5 ECTS
Study assignment in pairs: planning, implementing, evaluating and reporting pedagogic activity in daycare 3,5 ECTS
- First submission 20.3.2025
- Second submission 3.4.2025
Sisällön jaksotus
Tiina Suni
Noora Ahvenjärvi
Teaching on Thursdays, weeks 7-11
Teaching in English at Salo campus
Thu 13.2.2025, 9:30 - 14:30 (Tiina)
- Course info and study assignments
- Planning child-oriented activities in different areas of learning
- Creative exercises
Thu 20.2.2025, 9:30 - 14:30
- Independent work on study assignment
Thu 27.2.2025, 9:30 - 14:30 (Tiina)
- Play at different ages
- Literature as a pedagogic method
- Exercises
Thu 6.3.2025, 9:30 - 14:30 (Noora)
- The combination of education, teaching and care, full-time pedagogy
- Interaction in guiding children
- Music & drama as pedagogical methods
Thu 13.3.2025, 9:30 - 13:30 (Tiina & Noora)
- Reflection on study assignment videos
- Course end and feedback
N.B! Presence in this teaching session is mandatory.
Changes are possible.
Attendance in contact teaching of the course is mandatory, which is based on the working and learning methods used in the course. The contact teaching includes interactive activities, discussions, peer learning, and workshop activities. Participation in contact teaching supports the development of the student’s professional skills and interaction abilities.
In case of absence due to illness, a compensatory assignment must be completed. The max. amount of absence is 50 % of the contact teaching. If this is exceeded, the completion of the course will be postponed to the next implementation. Presence in the last teaching session is mandatory
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Study assignment in pairs: planning, implementing, evaluating and reporting pedagogic activity in daycare, including video + reflection (F-5)
Hylätty (0)
- has not understanding on the importance of play, play environments and tutoring play for children’s well-being and development
- does not knows how to observe and document children’s play
- is not able to plan, implement and evaluate activities for children under or over three years or paying attention to children’s participation
- has not understanding on principles of tutoring a group of children
- noes not understand the basics of the importance of everyday routines in supporting children’s well-being and development
- has not participated in contact teaching according to the requirements
- has not completed all the learning assignments of the course
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
- understands the importance of play, play environments and tutoring play for children’s well-being and development in basic level
- is achieving to gain understanding on observing and documenting children’s play in basic level
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate some activities for children under or over three years, paying some attention to children’s participation
- has some basic level understanding on principles of tutoring a group of children
- understands the basics of the importance of everyday routines in supporting children’s well-being and development
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
- understands the importance of play, play environments and tutoring play for children’s well-being and development
- knows the basic strategies of observing and documenting children’s play
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate activities for children under or over three years, paying some attention to children’s participation
- is familiar with the basic principles of tutoring a group of children
- understands the importance of everyday routines in supporting children’s well-being and development
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
- understands deeply the importance of play, play environments and tutoring play for children’s well-being and development
- knows how to observe and document children’s play on several perspectives and in multiple ways
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate activities for children under or over three years, paying close attention to children’s participation
- has deep understanding on principles of tutoring a group of children
- understands the importance of everyday routines in supporting children’s well-being and development and is able to evaluate pedagogic activities on this perspective
Valinnaiset asiakasryhmäkohtaiset opinnot voi aloittaa, kun opintoja on suoritettuna vähintään 60 opintopistettä. Opinnot suoritetaan kokonaisina moduuleina.
Varhaiskasvatuksen moduulit on vuoden 2025 alusta lähtien suoritettava järjestyksessä: ensin perusopinnot (1. moduuli) ja tämän jälkeen syventävät opinnot (2. moduuli). Tästä voidaan poiketa, jos se on opiskelijan HOPS:n näkökulmasta perusteltua ja opiskelijalla on aiempaa työkokemusta vähintään vuosi varhaiskasvatuksen työtehtävistä Suomessa tai aiempia korkeakoulutasoisia varhaiskasvatuksen opintoja, jotka on hyväksiluettu hänen opintoihinsa Turun AMK:ssa.