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Bachelor of Social Services’ Professional Development 1 (3 cr)

Code: TH00CA33-3017

General information


02.12.2024 - 31.01.2025


01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Health and Well-being

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


56 - 65

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Social Services


  • Heidi Ristseppä
  • Kaija Penttala
  • Noora Ahvenjärvi
  • Janina Luoto
  • Outi Linnossuo


  • PSOSTK25


• you know how to operate as a student in Turku University of Applied Sciences, and you have sufficient higher education studies and working life skills
• you integrate into your study community
• you are able to evaluate your actions and take responsibility for your learning
• you are familiar with the curriculum of the Bachelor of Social Services degree, the competence requirements for Bachelors of Social Services, and the operating environments of and qualification criteria for social and education service professionals
• you can express yourself in writing and use different text types appropriately
• you understand the significance of internationality in your field


• the facilities, systems and instructions of Turku University of Applied Sciences (incl. the degree regulations and safety instructions), the Digistartti course
• team building, the rules of your study group and being a member of a work and study community
• studying skills and innovation pedagogy
• the competence requirements for Bachelors of Social Services and the qualification criteria for social and education service professionals
• preparation of your personal study plan (PSP), the significance of your choices with respect to your career plan and development discussions with your tutor teacher
• working on your portfolio

Evaluation scale
