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Specialization studies in Circular Economy (10 cr)

Code: 5100BI97-3001

General information


03.08.2024 - 01.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 28.02.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 - 10

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business

Teaching languages

  • Finnish
  • English


  • Annika Holmbom
  • Sami Lyytinen


The course allows the student to develop special professional expertise in a selected field of circular economy.


Specialization project. Topic from a company, other organization or a R&D project or development work by the Circular Business Models research group.


The RDI project has an introduction to research methods, but otherwise the students are obligated to find suitable sources for their project.

Teaching methods

Project work that includes drafting a research plan, doing fieldwork and end reporting with a report and final presentation.

Exam schedules

No exam and no possiblity to redo.

International connections

Sustainability RDI-project work. The topics for the projects are within sustainable development.

Completion alternatives

The sustainaibility project gives the possibility for the students to do field work in Turku or Utrecht as an Erasmus exchange worth 3 ECTS.

Student workload

The projects are estimated to be 10 credits, which includes 270h of work between the time period of 11.11.2024-31.1.2025. There are two projects to choose from.

Project 1: Building a new circular waste reception facility in Turku

The student has
• used research methods suitable for the task at hand.
• become familiar with the plans for the new waste reception facility in Turku, interviewed local stakeholders
• made an overview of relevant EU and regional legislation for public procurement and circularity
• selected a couple of good practices, interviewed stakeholders and analysed which elements could be applied to LSJH
• developed a circular design for the new circular waste reception facility based on the opportunities and obstacles derived from research on circular procurement
• Evaluation of EU legislation and regional legislation supporting circular procurement
• Overview of good practices in circular public procurement and an evaluation of how these could be applied in the process of LSJH
• Develop a plan for the new circular waste reception facility

Project 2: Circular business models for Heijmans

Develop quick wins for Heijmans: which materials can easily be reused, how to limit waste and conserve resources
Calculate the costs of de-assembling residual flows
Design a ranking ladder that can be widely used
Suggested approach
Choose, in cooperation with Heijmans, a case study project in Utrecht to start your analysis of residual flows
Make an inventory of all the residual flows from your case study and develop or select indicators to decide upon their environmental impact
Describe how these residual flows can be reused and calculate the costs of reusing these materials
Develop a tool (the so called ladder) to rank the residual flows from your case study in terms of environmental impact and economic benefit
Design your tool in such a way that it can be applied to other projects than your case study only

Overview of residual flows and costs for reusing these materials for your case study
Ranking ladder that can be widely used on any demolition project
Report detailing which quick wins can be implemented by Heijmans including references to existing research and good practices.

Content scheduling

Project course, where the students in groups of 4-5 persons do a sustainability project for a company. The course includes fieldwork in Turku or Utrecht. The course duration 11.11.2024–31.1.2025.

Further information

The course used an intern Teams channel named HU projektikurssi 2024. Information on the project
and about the Erasmus exchange

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Kurssin arviointikriteerit
Nämä arviointikriteerit koskevat meidän opiskelijoitamme. HUn opiskelijoilla on omat kriteerit. General

Arviointi perustuu
1) Opettajan, tuutoreiden ja toimeksiantajan arviointeihin. 60% arvosanasta.

Arviointikohteet: työotteen itsenäisyys, lopputuotos, yhteistyötaidot (tiimi, verkosto, toimeksiantaja, eli joka suuntaan), aihepiirin osaaminen, aikataulun pitäminen.

2) Itsearviointi, täytetään Webropol, 20% arvosanasta.

3) Vertaisarviointi, täytetään jokaisesta tiimiläisestä Webropol, 20% arvosanasta.