Digital Skills of Music Pedagogue in Hybrid Work (5 cr)
Code: KU00CI29-3007
General information
02.07.2025 - 30.09.2025
01.09.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
0 - 12
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Music
- Timo Korhonen
Teacher in charge
Timo Korhonen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- design his/her profile as a music professional according to needs from the perspective of hybrid work, taking into account the potential of network-based working methods and digitalisation to promote his/her employment
- define the needs for developing his/her own skills, working methods, technological solutions and pedagogical methods required by chosen educational development task from the perspective of hybrid work (added February 26, 2025, T.Korhonen)
- use technological solutions to enhance working on-site and online environments
- has created knowledge on opportunities of AI in music field (added by Timo Korhonen on February 25th 2025)
Creating the students own professional development profile
Digitalization and the work of a music pedagogue
The networks in the music pedagogues working life
Digital workstation
Sound settings
Working with digital scores
Software knowledge
Pedagogical practices
Introduction to AI in music field
The learning materials can be found at itsLearning course environment.
Teaching methods
Contact learning, e-learning, lectures, work shops, working in a small group, independent learning tasks.
International connections
Flipped learning, flipped assessment, peer learning.
Unnecessary traveling is avoided.
Student workload
Contact teaching: Lectures and group work in local meetings: 17 h
Online and distance learning: Online learning and independent working alone or in a small group: 118 h
Approximately 135 hours of work are required to complete the course.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The assessment focuses on the adoption of learning tasks and active participation in the work of the contact days.
Responsible teacher evaluates the assignments. To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments
Content scheduling
The course delves into the concept of technology assisted music pedagogy from the point of view of a music professional. Consider what the working life requirements of the near future will look like. Defining different skills profiles and digital skills needed by a music professional.
After completing the course, the student will be able to
- define and build a mobile workstation for music pedagogues
- uses the diginote app and connects it to an online learning program
- uses an external microphone via an audio card as the audio input to an online meeting program
- make audio settings for the network meeting program
- define a sound source for distance learning
- make audio settings for your instrument
- Understands the importance of network connectivity in achieving latency-free audio and video
- find out about the potential of AI to support one's own work
Contact days:
Further information
Teams and email.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Participation in contact teaching, approved completing of group, pair and independent tasks, and demonstration of competence.
Evaluation is continuous.
The responsible teacher evaluates the performance.