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Organizational BehaviourLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 3041238


5 op


This study unit will provide the students with foundation on the impact individuals, groups and structures have on human behavior within organizations and their contribution to the company’s success.
The student
- is able to identify trends in the changing business environment and their impact on organizations
- is able to describe the impact of organizational culture and atmosphere at the workplace
- knows the basics of working as a team leader
- is able to work as a team member and effectively contribute to the team results
- can identify and cope with typical problems of the working community
- is able to manage oneself and to find own development areas


- Changing business environment and change management
- Organizational design and culture
- Leading teams and efficient teamwork        
- Self management


01.12.2024 - 24.02.2025


24.02.2025 - 09.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 35

  • Taru Kankaanpää
  • PBUADS24


This study unit will provide the students with foundation on the impact individuals, groups and structures have on human behavior within organizations and their contribution to the company’s success.
The student
- is able to identify trends in the changing business environment and their impact on organizations
- is able to describe the impact of organizational culture and atmosphere at the workplace
- knows the basics of working as a team leader
- is able to work as a team member and effectively contribute to the team results
- can identify and cope with typical problems of the working community
- is able to manage oneself and to find own development areas


- Changing business environment and change management
- Organizational design and culture
- Leading teams and efficient teamwork        
- Self management


Presentation materials
Articles, videos, podcasts
Toomer, J., Caldwell, C, Weitzenkorn, S. Clark, C. 2018. The catalyst effect: 12 skills and behaviors to boost your impact and elevate team performance. Emerald Publishing, 1st ed.

Teaching methods

The course emphasizes collaborative and experiental methods.
The course includes discussions and workshops in class, individual and group assignments.

Lectures and visiting speakers
Individual research and reflection
Individual and group assignments
Team discussions and sharing
Reading circle
Professional readings, videos, podcasts and articles

International connections

Team learning
Work life oriented learning assignments
Task-based assessment

Student workload

5 ECTS = 135 working hours.
25 hours - interactive sessions in class
40 hours - group work
70 hours - individual research, reading and tasks

Content scheduling

The course requires attendance as the work sessions are interactive and important part of the learning process.
The themes of the course are:
- changing business environment and future of work
- organizational behaviour in global context
- motivation
- basics of teamwork, team performance and typical problems in teams
- developing own leadership skills
- importance and elements of organizational culture

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment is based on the completion of the given assignments & tasks and active participation in class.
The course requires attendance, as the course emphasizes collaborative and experiential methods in class to deepen learning.
If the student is absent more than three times from class, he/she will fail the course. The attendance means that the student arrives on time and is present until the end of the lesson.

The final grade will be based on personal activity (attendance to the work sessions, active contribution during the work sessions, completion of the class assignments and the assignments with grade pass/fail) and completed assignments. Personal activity may raise or lower the final grade by one.

All the given assignments (graded by points) need to be completed to be able to pass the course.
When the assignments will be graded by using points (max. 3), the number of points will be converted to scale 0-5 as follows:

5= 13-15 points
4= 11-12 points
3= 9-10 points
2= 7-8 points
1= 5-6 points
0= 0-4 points

If the graded assignment is returned late, the max number of points is 1 (max 3 points).

The instructions for the individual assignments explain the possible uses of AI.

Plagiarism and using of artificial intelligence without proper citation automatically leads to the failing of the assignment/task. The usage of AI needs to be clearly indicated in the assignment.

If the AI has been used for grammar/translations, please return both the original version and the version produced by AI.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The student has not attended classes (more than three absences).
All the given assignments are not completed or returned according to the instructions.
The student has minimal contribution to group work/not contributed to any group activities.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Limited communication and contribution to discussions and group assignments.
All assignments returned. The outputs correspond to the assignments at a sufficient level but remain on a very basic level.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Communicates and contributes to class discussions and group assignments. All assignments returned according to instructions and on time. The outputs are relevant and focus on key points on a general level.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Active communication, contribution to discussions and group assignments. All assignments returned according to the instructions and on time. The outputs show evidence of insight and capacity for argumentation.


01.06.2024 - 12.09.2024


09.09.2024 - 16.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 55

  • Taru Kankaanpää
  • PBUADK24


This study unit will provide the students with foundation on the impact individuals, groups and structures have on human behavior within organizations and their contribution to the company’s success.
The student
- is able to identify trends in the changing business environment and their impact on organizations
- is able to describe the impact of organizational culture and atmosphere at the workplace
- knows the basics of working as a team leader
- is able to work as a team member and effectively contribute to the team results
- can identify and cope with typical problems of the working community
- is able to manage oneself and to find own development areas


- Changing business environment and change management
- Organizational design and culture
- Leading teams and efficient teamwork        
- Self management


Presentation materials
Articles, videos, podcasts
Provided list of books and selected chapters

Teaching methods

The course emphasizes collaborative and experiental methods.
The course includes discussions and workshops in class, individual and group assignments.

Lectures and visiting speakers
Individual research and reflection
Individual and group assignments
Team discussions and sharing
Reading circle
Professional readings, videos, podcasts and articles

International connections

Team learning
Work life oriented learning assignments
Task-based assessment

Student workload

5 ECTS = 135 working hours.
25 hours - interactive sessions in class
40 hours - group work
70 hours - individual research, reading and tasks

Content scheduling

The course requires attendance as the work sessions are interactive and important part of the learning process.
The themes of the course are:
- changing business environment and future of work
- organizational behaviour in global context
- motivation
- basics of teamwork, team performance and typical problems in teams
- developing own leadership skills
- importance and elements of organizational culture

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment is based on the completion of the given assignments & tasks and active participation in class.
The course requires attendance, as the course emphasizes collaborative and experiential methods in class to deepen learning.
If the student is absent more than three times from class, he/she will fail the course. The attendance means that the student arrives on time and is present until the end of the lesson.

The final grade will be based on personal activity (attendance to the work sessions, active contribution during the work sessions, completion of the class assignments and the assignments with grade pass/fail) and completed assignments. Personal activity may raise or lower the final grade by one.

All the given assignments (graded by points or pass/fail) need to be completed to be able to pass the course.
When the assignments will be graded by using points (max. 3 or 6 points), the number of points will be converted to scale 0-5 as follows:

5= 90% of total points
4= 80% of total points
3= 70% of total points
2= 60% of total points
1= 40% of total points

If the graded assignment is returned late, the max number of points is 1 (max 3 points) and 2 (max 6 points).

The instructions for the individual assignments explain the possible uses of AI.

Plagiarism and using of artificial intelligence without proper citation automatically leads to the failing of the assignment/task. The usage of AI needs to be clearly indicated in the assignment.

If the AI has been used for grammar/translations, please return both the original version and the version produced by AI.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The student has not attended classes (more than three absences).
All the given assignments are not completed or returned according to the instructions.
The student has minimal contribution to group work/not contributed to any group activities.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Limited communication and contribution to discussions and group assignments.
All assignments returned. The outputs correspond to the assignments at a sufficient level but remain on a very basic level.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Communicates and contributes to class discussions and group assignments. All assignments returned according to instructions and on time. The outputs are relevant and focus on key points on a general level.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Active communication, contribution to discussions and group assignments. All assignments returned according to the instructions and on time. The outputs show evidence of insight and capacity for argumentation.


01.12.2023 - 04.03.2024


04.03.2024 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 40

  • Taru Kankaanpää
  • PBUADS23


This study unit will provide the students with foundation on the impact individuals, groups and structures have on human behavior within organizations and their contribution to the company’s success.
The student
- is able to identify trends in the changing business environment and their impact on organizations
- is able to describe the impact of organizational culture and atmosphere at the workplace
- knows the basics of working as a team leader
- is able to work as a team member and effectively contribute to the team results
- can identify and cope with typical problems of the working community
- is able to manage oneself and to find own development areas


- Changing business environment and change management
- Organizational design and culture
- Leading teams and efficient teamwork        
- Self management


Presentation materials
Articles, videos, podcasts
Provided list of books and selected chapters

Teaching methods

The course emphasizes collaborative and experiental methods.
The course includes discussions and workshops in class, individual and group assignments.

Lectures and visiting speakers
Individual research and reflection
Individual and group assignments
Team discussions and sharing
Reading circle
Professional readings, videos, podcasts and articles

International connections

Team learning
Work life oriented learning assignments
Task-based assessment

Completion alternatives

Accreditation of Prior Learning based on Competence (not transfer of credits):

Two weeks prior to course start, student submits a video and a written report showcasing expertise in the aforementioned course topics:
Changing business environment and future of work; organizational culture; basics of teamwork, team performance and typical problems in teams; and developing own leadership skills.

If the submission fulfils the assessment criteria, student can attain the credits. If the submission does not meet the criteria, student joins the course.

Student workload

5 ECTS = 135 working hours.
25 hours - interactive sessions in class
40 hours - group work
70 hours - individual research, reading and tasks

Content scheduling

The course starts on wk 10 and includes eight interactive sessions together.
The themes of the course are:
- changing business environment and future of work
- organizational behaviour in global context
- motivation
- basics of teamwork, team performance and typical problems in teams
- developing own leadership skills
- importance and elements of organizational culture

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment is based on the completion of the given assignments & tasks, attendance and active participation in class.
The course requires attendance.
If the student is absent more than three times from class, he/she will fail the course.
If the student arrives to class more than 15 minutes late, he/she can join the class, but attendance will not be recorded.

The final grade will be determined as follows:
Assignments (individual/pair/ group, graded with points 0-3 or 0-6) 70%
Personal activity (attendance, active participation in class, tasks with grade pass/fail) 30%
All graded assignments and tasks need to be completed to pass the course.

The number of points will be converted to scale 0-5 as follows:
5= 90% of total points
4= 80% of total points
3= 70% of total points
2= 60% of total points
1= 40% of total points
If the graded assignment is returned late, the max number of points is 1 (when graded 0-3) and 2 (when graded 0-6).

Plagiarism and using of artificial intelligence without proper citation automatically leads to the failing of the assigment/task.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The student has not attended classes (more than three absences).
All the given assignments are not completed or returned according to the instructions.
The student has minimal contribution to group work/not contributed to any group activities.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Limited communication and contribution to discussions and group assignments.
All assignments returned. The outputs correspond to the assignments at a sufficient level but remain on a very basic level.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Communicates and contributes to discussions and group assignments. All assignments returned according to instructions and on time. The outputs are relevant and focus on key points on a general level.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Active communication and contribution to discussions and group assignments. All assignments returned according to the instructions and on time. The outputs show evidence of insight and capacity for argumentation.


01.12.2023 - 01.02.2024


22.01.2024 - 12.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business



Teaching languages
  • English
  • Taru Kankaanpää
  • PINBOS23


This study unit will provide the students with foundation on the impact individuals, groups and structures have on human behavior within organizations and their contribution to the company’s success.
The student
- is able to identify trends in the changing business environment and their impact on organizations
- is able to describe the impact of organizational culture and atmosphere at the workplace
- knows the basics of working as a team leader
- is able to work as a team member and effectively contribute to the team results
- can identify and cope with typical problems of the working community
- is able to manage oneself and to find own development areas


- Changing business environment and change management
- Organizational design and culture
- Leading teams and efficient teamwork        
- Self management


Presentation materials and learning videos
Articles and selected chapters
Provided list of books

Teaching methods

The course emphasizes collaborative and experiental methods.
The course includes online discussions, individual and group assignments.

Individual research and reflection
Interactive online meetings
Team discussions and sharing
Video lectures and reading materials

International connections

Team learning
Work life oriented learning assignments
Task-based assessment

Completion alternatives

Accreditation of Prior Learning based on Competence (not transfer of credits):

Two weeks prior to course start, student submits a video and a written report showcasing expertise in the aforementioned course topics:
Changing business environment and future of work; organizational culture; basics of teamwork, team performance and typical problems in teams; and developing own leadership skills.

If the submission fulfils the assessment criteria, student can attain the credits. If the submission does not meet the criteria, student joins the course.

Student workload

5 ECTS = 135 working hours.
5 hours - online discussions
20 hours - preparations for the online discussions, online test
40 hours - team tasks
70 hours - individual tasks & readings, online test

Content scheduling

The course is designed for PINBOS students with own study teams.

Course opens on week 3 with pre-tasks.
All group meeting on 1 Feburary 2024 (week 5)
Small group meeting 1 on 6-7 February 2024 (week 6)
Small group meeting 2 on 12-13 March 2024 (week 11)
Small group meeting 3 on 2-3 April 2024 (week 14)

The themes of the course are:
- Changing business environment and future of work
- basics of teamwork, team performance and typical problems in teams
- developing own leadership skills
- importance and elements of organizational culture

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment is based on the completion of the given tasks, attendance and active participation in online meetings.
All the given assignments need to be completed to be able to pass the course.
The course includes numerically graded assignments and assignments which will be graded with scale pass/fail. All assignments will be taken into account in the final grade.
If the graded task is returned late, the grade will be reduced by 1.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

All the given assignments are not completed.
The student has not contributed to group work and any online team activities with the small group including study team meetings.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student is able to
•describe how organisational thinking has evolved from traditional organisations to future organizational designs
•understand the basics of teamwork and can identify typical problems in teamwork
•describe a company's organizational culture using an organizational culture framework
•identify the main duties of a team leader and evaluate own leadership skills

Limited communication and contribution to discussions and group assignments.
All assignments returned. The outputs correspond to the assignments at a sufficient level but remain on a very basic level.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student is able to
•understand how the organizational designs are reflections of the organizational thinking of that time and the need for change.
•understand the concept of team; identify and find solutions typical problems in teamwork and personally contribute to team results
•analyse a company's organizational culture using an organizational culture framework
•describe the main duties of a team leader; evaluate own performance and leadership skills; and find own development areas.

Communicates and contributes to discussions and group assignments. All assignments returned according to instructions and on time. The outputs are relevant and focus on key point on a general level.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to
•show a very good understanding of changing organizational thinking and theory and their application in real-life contexts
•understand the concept of teamwork; take responsibility and actively contribute to team results; solve conflicts and find solutions
•can analyse a company's organizational culture with justified development suggestions using an organisational culture framework
•analyse own leadership strategies; identify own development areas and actively start implementing small changes in real life.

Active communication and contribution to discussions and group assignments. All assignments returned according to the instructions and on time. The outputs show evidence of insight and capacity for argumentation.