Object-Oriented ProgrammingLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 5051125
5 op
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills
01.12.2024 - 13.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Tiina Ferm
PTIVIS23HHealth Technology
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
The content covers chapters 1-5 and 11
Python 3 Object Oriented Programming by Dusty Phillips, ISBN-13: 978-1849511261
Teaching methods
Learning by programming
Exam schedules
Assessment is completely based on exercises.
The complete course can be completed with an exam. The date will be agreed upon during the first lesson, but must be within the 1st month (September).
There is no retake for the compensating exam.
Completion alternatives
The complete course can be completed with an exam. The date will be agreed upon during the first lesson, but must be within the 1st month (September).
The exam is an e-exam done in TUAS e-exam room using Ville system.
The compensating exam can only be taken if a student is enrolled to the course.
Student workload
reading the material 10* 3 h = 30 h
doing the network exercises 7 * 5 h = 35 h
doing the programming exercises 10 * 7 h = 70 h
total 135 h student work
Content scheduling
The learning is based on doing
- network exercises
- programming exercises
- to support the learning there are weekly introductory lectures on the topic followed with programming exercises
All the classes are programming labs. A student needs to go through the theory before the labs.
Further information
the course uses itslearning as a learning platform
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment is completely based on exercises. NOTE! exercises returned late are not assessed
- 5 mandatory class programming exercises, assessment pass/fail during the class and returned by the end of the day.
- 4 quiz, each 5 points
- 4 programming labs, each 5 points
if all 5 mandatory class exercises are passed the grade is 1
each 10 points from quizzes and labs add 1 grade
If a student fails a mandatory class exercise, points from quizzes and labs are used to compensate it, 10 points compensates one class exercise.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
missing mandatory accepted class exercises and not enough points to compensate them
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
all mandatory class exercises done (grade 1) and additional 10 points (grade 2)
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
all mandatory class exercises done (grade 1) and additional 20 points (grade 3) or 30 (grade 4)
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
all mandatory class exercises done (grade 1) and additional 40 points (grade 5)
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills
01.06.2024 - 06.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Jari-Pekka Paalassalo
Scheduling groups
- Opetusryhmä A (Size: 18. Open UAS: 0.)
- Opetusryhmä B (Size: 18. Open UAS: 0.)
PTIVIS23SEmbedded Software and IoT
Small groups
- Lab Group A
- Lab Group B
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
Published at git.dc.turkuamk.fi
Teaching methods
Student workload
Online lectures 12h
supervised exercises 36h
final exam and preparation 8h
independent study 74h
Content scheduling
1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
2. Classes, Objects and Methods
3. Objects and references
4. Class hierarchies
5. Module tests with objects
6. Design Patterns
Further information
itslearning course page
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
for a total of 100pts:
50 pts homework submitted
30 pts development process evidence in gitlab
20 pts concepts exam
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
<50 pts
missing homework
No systematic gitlab commit evidence
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
50-70 pts
homework missing
Weak evidence of systematic commit cycle
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
70-90 pts
Clear evidence of systematic commit cycle
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
>90 pts
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills
01.06.2024 - 06.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
30 - 70
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Anne Jumppanen
- Annukka Kinnari
PTIVIS23WSoftware Development and Information Systems
PTIETS23swisSoftware Development and Information Systems
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
Opintojakson työtilassa itslearningissa.
Teaching methods
Materiaalin lukeminen ja ohjelmointiharjoitusten tekeminen ohjatusti sekä itsenäisesti.
Harjoitustyö opettaa soveltamaan opittuja asioita laajemman sovelluksen näkökulmasta.
Materiaali pitää sisällään olio-ohjelmoinnin teoriaa sekä teoriaa valaisevia kuvia ja esimerkkikoodeja.
Exam schedules
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä.
International connections
Opiskelijan tulee kiinnittää säännöllisesti huomiota omaan opiskeluunsa ja oppimiseensa.
Opiskelijaa pyydetään tekemään muistiinpanoja jokaisen viikkotehtäväsarjan kohdalla pohtien ainakin seuraavia asioita
* Tehtävän teema: Mitä tiesin teemasta etukäteen? Mitä ajatuksia teema herätti?
* Tehtävää tehdessä: Esiin nousseet ajatukset kohdistuen tehtävien vaativuustasoon ja mielenkiintoon
* Tehtävän jälkeen: Mitä opin?
sekä antamaan itselleen arvosana työskentelystään jokaisen viikkotehtäväsarjan kohdalla asteikolla: Erinomainen - Hyvä - Tyydyttävä.
Toteutuksella noudatetaan jatkuvan tekemisen ja arvioinnin mallia siten, että opiskelijan tulee tehdä, palauttaa ja demota kurssin tehtäviä säännöllisesti noudattaen kurssin tehtäville annettuja aikatauluja. Tällä tähdätään opiskelijan mahdollisuuteen seurata itsenäisesti omaa edistymistään ja oppimistaan kurssin aikana.
Jatkuva aktiivinen työskentely ja oppiminen tukevat ohjelmoinnissa esiintyvää spiraalioppimisen mallia.
Completion alternatives
1) Antamalla näytön esim. tekemästään työelämän projektista, jolla opiskelija osoittaa hallitsevansa opintojakson sisällön.
2) Sivustolla mooc.fi kuvataan ohjelmoinnin MOOC, joka vastaa sisällöltään Helsingin yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitoksen kursseja Ohjelmoinnin perusteet ja Ohjelmoinnin jatkokurssi. Kurssit vastaavat yhteensä kymmentä opintopistettä (5+5).
Olio-ohjelmoinnin voi suorittaa tekemällä ohjelmoinnin MOOCin Java-kielisen loppuosan.
Toteutuksen valinnaisista suoritustavoista pitää aina keskustella kurssin opettajan kanssa heti toteutuksen alkaessa.
Student workload
Opintojakson suoritus edellyttää hyväksytysti suoritettujen harjoitustehtäväsarjojen tekemistä ja palauttamista määräaikaan mennessä. Lisäksi opiskelijan tulee esitellä tekemänsä tehtäväsarjat kurssin demotuntien aikana.
5 opintopistettä: 27 * 5 = 135 tuntia
Opintojakso ajoittuu aikavälille 1.9.2024 - 16.12.2024
Viikkotyömäärä: 135 tuntia / 13 viikkoa = 10,4 tuntia viikossa
Kurssilla annetaan kontaktiopetusta 5h viikkotasolla. Tämä koostuu luento-osiosta (3 h) ja koodiklinikasta (2 h). Luento-osio koostuu uusien asioiden teoriaopetuksesta ja näihin liittyvistä koodiesimerkeistä. Koodiklinikalla tehdään ohjelmoinnin harjoituksia yhdessä ja opiskelijat demoavat itsenäisesti tekemiään tehtäviä.
Toteutuksella seurataan opiskelijan läsnäoloa.
Content scheduling
This course is held in Finnish
Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa:
- kuvailla ohjelmistotuotteen kehitystyön vaiheet ja keskeiset menetelmät
- selittää käsitteet luokkahierarkia, periytyvyys ja monimuotoisuus sekä soveltaa niitä ohjelmistokehityksessä
- havainnoida säännöllisten lausekkeiden ja funktionaalisen ohjelmoinnin käyttömahdollisuuksia
- soveltaa poikkeusrakenteita
- suunnitella, toteuttaa ja dokumentoida yksinkertaisen käyttöliittymäsovelluksen.
- keskeisimmät oliorakenteet
- virheiden käsittely poikkeuksilla
- tietokantayhteyden luominen
- ohjelmistotuotannon prosessi ja menetelmät
- UML kaavioiden ymmärtäminen ja niiden piirtäminen
Further information
Kurssin viestintäkanava on itslearning.
Avoimen AMK:n opiskelijoita otetaan mukaan opintojaksolle max 3.
Lue myös opintojakson edeltävyysehdot.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Arvosanan muodostuminen
Opintojakso pitää sisällään 8 viikkotehtäväsarjaa, joihin sisältyy ohjelmoinnin teorian opiskelua sekä aiheeseen liittyviä ohjelmointitehtäviä. Opiskelija saa pisteitä opettajalle demoamistaan tehtävistä.
Jokaisen viikkotehtäväsarjan maksimipistemäärä on 10 pistettä.
Viikkotehtäväsarjojen maksimipistemäärä on 80 pistettä.
Kurssilla tehdään harjoitustyö, jossa opiskelija tekee laajemman sovelluksen. Harjoitustyössä opiskelija pääsee soveltamaan oppimiaan asioita ja osoittamaan osaamistaan. Harjoitustyön tuotos demotaan opiskelijaryhmälle.
Harjoitustyön maksimipistemäärä on 40 pistettä.
Jos kurssin edetessä näyttää siltä, että opiskelija ei saavuta kurssin läpäisyyn tarvittavaa pistemäärää, niin hänen kanssaan sovitaan puuttuvien tehtävien tekemisestä takautuvasti. Näistä tehtävistä hän voi saada maksimissaan puolet tarjolla olevasta pistemäärästä. Opiskelijan tulee kerätä läpäisyyn vaadittava pistemäärä ennen kurssin loppumispäivämäärää.
Koko kurssilla on siis jaossa 120 pistettä.
Pistemäärä 48 (40%) -> arvosana 1
Pistämäärä 66 (55%) -> arvosana 2
Pistemäärä 84 (70%) -> arvosana 3
Pistemäärä 96 (80%) -> arvosana 4
Pistemäärä 108 (90%) -> arvosana 5
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Katso yllä arvioinnin kohteet:
Opintojakson arvosana muodostuu opiskelijan tekemien, palauttamien ja demoamien tehtävien lukumäärän ja laadun perusteella.
Opiskelijan arvosana on hylätty, mikäli pistemäärä on alle 40 % maksimipistemäärästä.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Katso yllä arvioinnin kohteet:
Opintojakson arvosana muodostuu opiskelijan tekemien, palauttamien ja demoamien tehtävien lukumäärän ja laadun perusteella.
Opiskelijan arvosana on 1, mikäli pistemäärä on yli 40 % mutta alle 55% maksimipistemäärästä.
Opiskelijan arvosana on 2, mikäli pistemäärä on yli 55 % mutta alle 70% maksimipistemäärästä.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Katso yllä arvioinnin kohteet:
Opintojakson arvosana muodostuu opiskelijan tekemien, palauttamien ja demoamien tehtävien lukumäärän ja laadun perusteella.
Opiskelijan arvosana on 3, mikäli pistemäärä on yli 70 % mutta alle 80% maksimipistemäärästä.
Opiskelijan arvosana on 4, mikäli pistemäärä on yli 80 % mutta alle 90% maksimipistemäärästä.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Katso yllä arvioinnin kohteet:
Opintojakson arvosana muodostuu opiskelijan tekemien, palauttamien ja demoamien tehtävien lukumäärän ja laadun perusteella.
Opiskelijan arvosana on 5, mikäli pistemäärä on vähintään 90% maksimipistemäärästä.
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills
29.05.2024 - 23.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Timo Haavisto
- Werner Ravyse
PTIVIS23PGame and Interactive Technologies
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
Lecture and supplementary material will be made available at the appropriate timing for each topic or upon request from the students.
Teaching methods
The course will combine instructivist theory lectures with cognitivist problem solving by means of programming tasks and assignments.
Exam schedules
This course does not have a formal exam, but there is a summative online quiz that takes place at the end of the course.
Completion alternatives
All theory lessons and practical sessions will be in face-to-face contact mode at TUAS premises.
The location and timing of each of the lessons will be made available in August 2023.
Student workload
OOP is a 5 ECTS course and each student is thereby expected to work 135 hours. The workload will be broken into:
- 25 - 40% theory
- 25 - 40% practical work (under guidance and supervision)
- 20 - 50% self-exploratory work and problem solving
The workload numbers are purely indicators and will vary from student to student (depending largely on experience).
Content scheduling
This course teaches the basics of object oriented programming (OOP) and uses the C# programming language as practical application tool.
OOP runs from September to December and consists of:
- Theory sessions (all students);
- Practical sessions for students who already have experience in C#;
- Practical sessions for students with little to no experience with C#.
The theory lecture sessions will include theoretical unpacking of OOP concepts and demonstrations (in tutorial fashion) of the topic for that specific phase of the course, while the practical sessions will be an opportunity for students to practice the aspects shown during the lecture sessions. The practical sessions are also intended for students to work on their class assignments, under the assistance of the lecturer, Turku Game Lab engineer, or senior student class assistant.
The course content is delivered on a weekly basis and will cover the following topics:
- The C# development environment (Visual Studio) and the basic program structure;
- Data types and how to use them with logical and arithmetical operators;
- Control structures and iteration;
- Overview of OOP principles;
- Abstraction;
- Encapsulation;
- Inheritance;
- Polymorphism
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
This course consists of:
- Practical assignments per topic; and
- An online theory quiz
All work is individual.
Practical assignments are to be returned via ItsLearning and will be graded on a 0-5 basis (failure to return an assignment by the end of the course, will lead to the assignment receiving a grade of 0). The grading criteria (rubric) for each assignment will be made available at the time of receiving the assignment. All practical assignments will be combined to give a practical average.
The theory quiz will be completed via an online delivery platform and transposed to a grade of 0-5. The quiz will only be open at the end of the course for a specified time - failure to complete a quiz during the allocated time slot (unless pertinent reasons are given) will result in the quiz receiving a grade of 0.
All assignments and the quiz will contribute to the respective averages - in other words, an assignment that was not attempted will score 0 and still count toward the final grade.
The course is graded as follows:
(Practical average x 0,5) + (Theory quiz x 0,5)
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Each student must complete:
- At least 4 practical assignments; and
- The theory quiz
If students do not meet this minimum requirement, they will fail the course.
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills
02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023
01.01.2024 - 30.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Jari-Pekka Paalassalo
Teacher in charge
Jari-Pekka Paalassalo
PTIVIS22SEmbedded Software and IoT
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
Published at git.dc.turkuamk.fi
Teaching methods
Final project
Student workload
lectures 12h
hands-on exercises 24h
home exercises 100h
Content scheduling
1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
2. Classes, Objects and Methods
3. Objects and references
4. Class hierarchies
5. Design Patterns
6. Applications
Further information
itslearning course page
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
for a total of 100pts:
40 pts homework submitted
40 pts development process evidence in gitlab
20 pts concepts exam
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
<50 pts
missing homework
No systematic gitlab commit evidence
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
50-70 pts
homework missing
Weak evidence of systematic commit cycle
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
70-90 pts
Clear evidence of systematic commit cycle
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
>90 pts
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills
01.08.2023 - 23.09.2023
11.09.2023 - 08.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Werner Ravyse
Teacher in charge
Werner Ravyse
PTIVIS22PGame and Interactive Technologies
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
Lecture and supplementary material will be made available at the appropriate timing for each topic or upon request from the students.
Teaching methods
The course will combine instructivist theory lectures with cognitivist problem solving by means of programming tasks and assignements.
Exam schedules
This course does not have a formal exam.
Completion alternatives
All theory lessons and practical sessions will be in face-to-face contact mode at TUAS premises.
The location and timing of each of the lessons will be made available in August 2023.
Student workload
OOP is a 5 ECTS course and each student is thereby expected to work 135 hours. The workload will be broken into:
- 25 - 40% theory
- 25 - 40% practical work (under guidance and supervision)
- 20 - 50% self-exploratory work and problem solving
The workload numbers are purely indicators and will vary from student to student (depending largely on experience).
Content scheduling
This course teaches the basics of object oriented programming (OOP) and uses the C# programming language as practical application tool.
OOP runs from September to December and consists of:
- Theory sessions (all students);
- Practical sessions for students who already have experience in C#;
- Practical sessions for students with little to no experience with C#.
The theory lecture sessions will include theoretical unpacking of OOP concepts and demonstrations (in tutorial fashion) of the topic for that specific phase of the course, while the practical sessions will be an opportunity for students to practice the aspects shown during the lecture sessions. The practical sessions are also intended for students to work on their class assignments, under the assistance of the lecturer, Turku Game Lab engineer, or senior student class assistant.
The course content is delivered on a weekly basis and will cover the following topics:
- The history and low-level theory of computer program execution;
- The C# development environment (Visual Studio) and the basic program structure;
- Data types and how to use them with logical and arithmetical operators;
- Control structures and iteration;
- Overview of OOP principles;
- Abstraction;
- Encapsulation;
- Inheritence;
- Polymorphism
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
This course consists of:
- Practical assignments per topic; and
- An online theory quiz
All work is individual.
Practical assignments are to be returned via ItsLearning and will be graded on a 0-5 basis (failure to return an assignment by the end of the course, will lead to the assignment receiving a grade of 0). The grading criteria (rubric) for each assignment will be made available at the time of receiving the assignment. All practical assignments will be combined to give a practical average.
The theory quiz will be completed via the ItsLearning platform and transposed to a grade of 0-5. The quiz will only be open at the end of the course for a specified time - failure to complete a quiz during the allocated time slot (unless pertinent reasons are given) will result in the quiz receiving a grade of 0.
All assignments and the quiz will contribute to the respective averages - in other words, an assignment that was not attempted will score 0 and still count toward the final grade.
The course is graded as follows:
(Practical average x 0,5) + (Theory quiz x 0,5)
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Each student must complete:
- At least 4 practical assignments; and
- The theory quiz
If students do not meet this minimum requirement, they will fail the course.
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills
01.05.2023 - 15.09.2023
04.09.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Anne Jumppanen
- Annukka Kinnari
PTIETS22swisPTIETS22 Software Development and Information Systems
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
Evaluation scale
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills
30.11.2022 - 18.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 30.04.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Tiina Ferm
Teacher in charge
Tiina Ferm
PTIVIS21SEmbedded Software and IoT
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
The content covers chapters 1-5 and 11
Python 3 Object Oriented Programming by Dusty Phillips, ISBN-13: 978-1849511261
Teaching methods
learning by programming
this is not an online course
Completion alternatives
The course can be compensated with an exam. Enrol by email by 15.1.2023 and tell which programming language you will use e.g. java, python, C# ...
Student workload
reading the material 10* 3 h= 30 h
doing the network exercises 10* 3 h= 30 h
doing the programming exercises 10* 4 h= 40 h
project 35 h
total 135 h student work
Content scheduling
The learning is based on doing
- network exercises
- programming exercises
- to support the learning there are weekly introductory lectures on the topic and exercises
- weekly labs for presenting the exercises and getting support prior to returning the exercises
- programming project work
All the classes are programming labs. A student needs to go through the theory before the labs. Part of the lab exercises is evaluated only if they have been presented in front of the class.
Further information
Course platform is itslearning
NOTE! the course is implemented together with group PTIVISH
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment is completely based on exercises returned in time. NOTE! exercises returned late are not assessed
- 40% network exercises
- 40% programming exercises
- 20% programming project
If the number of points is 90% of the total the number of credits is 6cr and the grade is 5.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
< 40% of accessed exercises
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills
30.07.2022 - 31.10.2022
05.09.2022 - 09.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Werner Ravyse
Teacher in charge
Werner Ravyse
PTIVIS21PGame and Interactive Technologies
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
Lecture and supplementary material will be made available at the appropriate timing for each topic or upon request from the students.
Teaching methods
The course will combine instructivist theory lectures with cognitivist problem solving by means of programming tasks and assignements.
Exam schedules
This course does not have a formal exam.
Completion alternatives
The theoretical content will be handled largely online while the practical parts of the course have face-to-face facilities and support.
Student workload
OOP is a 5 ECTS course and each student is thereby expected to work 135 hours. The workload will be broken into:
- 25 - 40% theory
- 25 - 40% practical work (under guidance and supervision)
- 20 - 50% self-exploratory work and problem solving
The workload numbers are purely indicators and will vary from student to student (depending largely on experience).
Content scheduling
This course teaches the basics of object oriented programming (OOP) and uses the C# programming language as practical application tool.
OOP runs from September to December and consists of:
- Theory sessions (all students);
- Practical sessions for students who already have experience in C#;
- Practical sessions for students with little to no experience with C#.
The theory lecture sessions will include theoretical unpacking of OOP concepts and demonstrations (in tutorial fashion) of the topic for that specific phase of the course, while the practical sessions will be an opportunity for students to practice the aspects shown during the lecture sessions. The practical sessions are also intended for students to work on their class assignments, under the assistance of the lecturer, Turku Game Lab engineer, or senior student class assistant.
The course content is delivered on a weekly basis and will cover the following topics:
- The history and low-level theory of computer program execution;
- The C# development environment (Visual Studio) and the basic program structure;
- Data types and how to use them with logical and arithmetical operators;
- Control structures and iteration;
- Overview of OOP principles;
- Abstraction;
- Encapsulation;
- Inheritence;
- Polymorphism
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
This course consists of:
- Practical assignments per topic; and
- Online theory quizzes per topic
All work is individual.
Practical assignments are to be returned via ItsLearning and will be graded on a 0-5 basis (failure to return an assignment by the end of the course, will lead to the assignment receiving a grade of 0). The grading criteria (rubric) for each assignment will be made available at the time of receiving the assignment. All practical assignments will be combined to give a practical average.
Theory quizzes will be completed via the ItsLearning platform and each quiz result will be transposed to a grade of 0-5. The quizzes will only be open at very specific time periods - failure to complete a quiz during the allocated time slot (unless pertinent reasons are given) will result in the quiz receiving a grade of 0. All quizzes will be combined to give a theory average.
All assignments and quizzes will contribute to the respective averages - in other words, an assignment that was not attempted will score 0 and still count toward the final grade.
The course is graded as follows:
(Practical average x 0,7) + (Theory average x 0,3)
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Each student must complete:
- At least 4 practical assignments; and
- At least 5 theory quizzes
If students do not meet this minimum requirement, they will fail the course.
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills
20.07.2022 - 08.09.2022
29.08.2022 - 16.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Anne Jumppanen
PTIETS21swisPTIETS21 Software Development and Information Systems
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
Evaluation scale
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills
02.12.2021 - 16.01.2022
01.01.2022 - 30.04.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Tiina Ferm
Teacher in charge
Tiina Ferm
PTIVIS20SEmbedded Software and IoT
After completing the course the student can:
- explain the different phases and main methods of the development of a software product
- explain the concepts class hierarchy, inheritance, and polymorphism, and utilize these in software development
- discuss the possibilities of parallel programming
- apply exception handling mechanisms
- design, implement and document a simple user interface application.
- object-oriented structures
- error handling with exceptions
- threads
- database connection
- software development process and methods
- UML diagrams
Programming tools used:
Examples and model answers are presented using Spyder for editing, managing modules and files, executing code in the console, and checking the code style.
Links to recommended reading and exercises:
This course covers SoloLearn (Android , IOS) Learn Python 3 module Object-Oriented Programming sub modules 1-9
Python tutorial chapter 9
Python 3.7.3 documentation
w3schools topics Python Classes/Objects, Python Inheritance, Python Modules
Recommended literature:
Python 3 Object Oriented Programming by Dusty Phillips, ISBN-13: 978-1849511261
Learning Python: Powerfull Object-Oriented Programing, 5th Edition, by Mark Lutz
Mastering object-oriented Python : grasp the intricacies of object-oriented programming in Python in order to efficiency build powerful real-world applications by Steven F. Lott
Teaching methods
learning by programming
Completion alternatives
The course can be compensated with an exam 18.1.2022 10.15-12.00. Enrol with email by 15.1.2022 and tell which programming language you will use e.g. java, python, C# ...
Student workload
reading the material 10* 3 h= 30 h
doing the network exercises 10* 3 h= 30 h
doing the programming exercises 10* 4 h= 40 h
project 35 h
total 135 h student work
Content scheduling
The learning is based on doing
- network exercises
- programming exercises
- to support the learning there are weekly introductory videoed lectures on the topic and exercises
- weekly labs for presenting the exercises and getting support prior to returning the exercises
- programming project work
Further information
Course platform is itslearning
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment is completely based on exercises returned in time.
- 40% network exercises
- 40% programming exercises NOTE! exercises returned late are not assessed
- 20% programming project
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
< 40% of accessed exercises
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Introduction to Programming or equivalent programming skills