Healthy Meetings and EventsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: KH00BM34
5 op
The student is able
- to analyse and apply different meeting and event planning process models
- to recognise and apply different services as well as different wellness components in a meeting or event concept
- to arrange a healthy, sustainable and customer-oriented meeting or event.
- Event and meeting planning process models
- Mental and physical well-being elements in meeting and event context
- Planning, implementation and documentation of a meeting or event project
02.08.2024 - 05.09.2024
01.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business
- Annika Karppelin
VAIHTOS24Exchange autumn 2024
The student is able
- to analyse and apply different meeting and event planning process models
- to recognise and apply different services as well as different wellness components in a meeting or event concept
- to arrange a healthy, sustainable and customer-oriented meeting or event.
- Event and meeting planning process models
- Mental and physical well-being elements in meeting and event context
- Planning, implementation and documentation of a meeting or event project
Links to material are in ITS learning Platform. Some updates will be made in the beginning of the course in September.
1. U.S. Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration 2016. Competencies Established for Meeting, Events, and Exhibition Management (available at:
2. Meeting Professionals International. 33 Skills Needed to Become a Successfull Event Planner (available at:
3. Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau: 25 Pivotal Hospitality Trends for 2018.
4. World Health organisation. Planning healthy and sustainable meetings.
5. Ulkoministeriön vastuullisen kokoustamisen opas: (In Finnish only)
6. Wellness Sector Spotlight: The Stunning Shift to Telehealth & Telewellness. Kongressijärjestön raportti 2019:
Teaching methods
The course is based on active learning. The aim is for students to master core concepts and meeting/event planning models and to be able to relate what they have learnt to a project to be implemented. The course includes independent individual learning and study (distance work), reading circles, presentations of outputs, project work and reflection on learning.
Exam schedules
There is no exam in this course. Evaluation is based on output, assignments and work during the course.
International connections
Teaching at Turku University of Applied Sciences is based on #Innopeda, a learning method developed at Turku AMK. Innopeda is based on experimentation, knowledge sharing and combining different approaches. With Innopeda we combine teaching, research and development, internationality and cooperation with working life. Find out more about Innopeda on the Intranet Messi.
Student workload
Reading&learning circles (3) and oral presentations from reading&learning circles (3)
Online test on learning circles.
A possibility to be part of a survey group (Delegation survey) in larger events in Turku.
Practical project - written project implementation plan in small groups and implementation on event days
Peer and self-evaluation
Final written reflection (this is the basis for the grade)
Sizing of student work:
5ects is 133h of student work and is divided as follows
65h contact hours (of which 20 - 25h for the event).
68h of independent work
Content scheduling
After completing the course, students will be able to
- analyse and apply different meeting and event planning processes
- identify and apply different services and different welfare components in a meeting or event concept
- organize a meeting or event that promotes well-being, is sustainable and customer-oriented
- Process models for event and meeting planning
- Elements of mental and physical well-being in a meeting and event context
- Planning, implementing and documenting a meeting or event project
Planning and organizing a meeting, planning and organizing the event and its organisation:
Please refer to the online schedule for facilities and times.
Further information
Events to be organized are
1) International Language Week ILW - 18.11. -23.11. at EDU Campus. This event is the responsible of the exchange students.
2) Matkailuakatemian verkostopäivät - Tourism Academy Networking Seminar 31.10. at EDU Campus
3) 14.11. A tourism stakeholder event coordinated by the Regional Council of Southwest Finland, at Turku UAS campus
4) The main event is in co-operation with Turku UAS: Find Your Future - Ura ja Rekrymessut (Career and recruiting fair). The fair is on EDU and ICT campuses on Thursday 28.11.2024. This event is the responsible of the PLMWES23 -student group.
5) Participation on National Congress Delegation Survey in Turku. The event surveyed is taking place at Logomo during week 38.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Reading circles (3) and oral presentations of reading circles (3) - assessment 1-5 (teacher assessment)
Test on reading cirlce content - online - assessment 25% of final grade
Project implementation:
Implementation of the event - written implementation plan for the project in small groups and implementation on the event days - assessment 1-5 (written part omitted)
Peer and self-assessment on a scale of 1-5, will have an indicative effect on the final grade
Final written reflection assessment 1-5 (teacher assessment, forms the basis of the evaluation)
Participation on Congress Delegation Survey.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Completions (reading&learning circles, final reflection) are incomplete and do not meet the minimum requirements, and supplements are not returned on time, OR the student does not participate in the planning and implementation of the events assigned to them.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Project work and preparatory reading&learning circles
The student/group works independently, but not fully in line with the objectives of the curriculum. No guidance is used. The knowledge base is unilaterally covered in the reading&learning circle and applied in the project. The presentation of selected perspectives and own conclusions is weak and some of the objectives of the course are not achieved. The outputs of the reading circles do not include critical reflection or synthesis. The small group project implementation plan based on the reading circle proposals does not clearly support the implementation of the small group project or is incomplete and overly detailed.
Final reflection
Reflection does not demonstrate mastery of the reading and reflection remains superficial. The learning from the event implementation (project) is either self-evident or superficial. Reflection is one-sided and/or brief. Lack of teamwork. Absences.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Project work and preparatory reading&learning circles:
The student/group is proactive, innovative and critical to some extent and makes good use of the learning material. The selection and use of the theoretical knowledge base and the latest research findings are quite varied and appropriate to the topic. The readings are discussed and the overall issues are presented in a largely logical and clear manner.
The output contains critical thinking and is active. The outputs of the reading circles are partly useful for the implementation of the project.
Final reflection
The reflection will return to the theoretical knowledge base and will be complemented by the lessons learned and the project experience. Reflection is quite complex or partly analytical, reflecting on what has been learned. The reflection paper is a coherent whole, in line with the assignment.
Fairly active participation in the planning and implementation of the event or teamwork to be developed.
Grade 4 fulfills the requirements for grade 3, yet does not cover enough criteria to be a 5.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Project work and preparatory reading&learning circles:
The student/group draws on the resources and skills of the whole group. There is good preparation and clear interest in the topic of the learning circle. The student/group is able to critically analyse different possible solutions for the project and to build a customer-oriented package taking into account the different perspectives and constraints of the event implementation. The student/group has received feedback constructively and has also used it during the project work. The work of the group is dialogical and develops the knowledge and skills of all participants.
Final reflection:
The reflection is a logical and coherent whole. The reflection clearly demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the theoretical background and the business context, the application of the knowledge base to the project and the structuring of the learning. The text is analytical and partly critical.
Active participation in the planning and implementation of the event as part of a team.
01.06.2023 - 03.09.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
RDI portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- English
16 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business
- Annika Karppelin
The student is able
- to analyse and apply different meeting and event planning process models
- to recognise and apply different services as well as different wellness components in a meeting or event concept
- to arrange a healthy, sustainable and customer-oriented meeting or event.
- Event and meeting planning process models
- Mental and physical well-being elements in meeting and event context
- Planning, implementation and documentation of a meeting or event project
Links to material are in ITS learning Platform. Some updates will be made in the beginning of the course in September.
1. U.S. Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration 2016. Competencies Established for Meeting, Events, and Exhibition Management (available at:
2. Meeting Professionals International. 33 Skills Needed to Become a Successfull Event Planner (available at:
3. Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau: 25 Pivotal Hospitality Trends for 2018.
4. World Health organisation. Planning healthy and sustainable meetings.
5. Ulkoministeriön vastuullisen kokoustamisen opas: (In Finnish only)
6. Wellness Sector Spotlight: The Stunning Shift to Telehealth & Telewellness. Kongressijärjestön raportti 2019:
Teaching methods
The course is based on active learning. The aim is for students to master core concepts and meeting/event planning models and to be able to relate what they have learnt to a project to be implemented. The course includes independent individual learning and study (distance work), reading circles, presentations of outputs, project work and reflection on learning.
Exam schedules
There is no exam in this course. Evaluation is based on output, assignments and work during the course.
International connections
Teaching at Turku University of Applied Sciences is based on #Innopeda, a learning method developed at TURKU AMK. Innopeda is based on experimentation, knowledge sharing and combining different approaches. With Innopeda we combine teaching, research and development, internationality and cooperation with working life. Find out more about Innopeda on the Intranet Messi.
Student workload
Reading&learning circles (3) and oral presentations from reading&learning circles (3)
A possibility to be part of a survey group in larger events in Turku.
Practical project - written project implementation plan in small groups and implementation on event days
Peer and self-evaluation
Final written reflection (this is the basis for the grade)
Sizing of student work:
5ects is 133h of student work and is divided as follows
65h contact hours (of which 20 - 25h for the event).
68h of independent work
Content scheduling
After completing the course, students will be able to
- analyse and apply different meeting and event planning processes
- identify and apply different services and different welfare components in a meeting or event concept
- organize a meeting or event that promotes well-being, is sustainable and customer-oriented
- Process models for event and meeting planning
- Elements of mental and physical well-being in a meeting and event context
- Planning, implementing and documenting a meeting or event project
Planning and organizing a meeting, planning and organizing the event and its organisation:
Please refer to the online schedule for facilities and times.
Further information
Events to be organized are
1) International Language Week ILW - 18.11. -23.11. at EDU Campus.
2) The main event is in co-operation with Turku UAS: Find Your Future - Ura ja Rekrymessut (Career and recruiting fair). The fair is on EDU and ICT campuses on Thursday 28.11.2024
3) Possible participation on National Congeress Delegation Survey in Turku. Details announced within September
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Reading circles (3) and oral presentations of reading circles (3) - assessment 1-5 (teacher assessment)
Project implementation:
Implementation of the event - written implementation plan for the project in small groups and implementation on the event days - assessment 1-5 (written part omitted)
Peer and self-assessment on a scale of 1-5, will have an indicative effect on the final grade
Final written reflection assessment 1-5 (teacher assessment, forms the basis of the evaluation)
Participation on Congress Delegation Survey.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Completions (reading&learning circles, final reflection) are incomplete and do not meet the minimum requirements, and supplements are not returned on time, OR the student does not participate in the planning and implementation of either one of the events 1 or 2.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Project work and preparatory reading&learning circles
The student/group works independently, but not fully in line with the objectives of the curriculum. No guidance is used. The knowledge base is unilaterally covered in the reading&learning circle and applied in the project. The presentation of selected perspectives and own conclusions is weak and some of the objectives of the course are not achieved. The outputs of the reading circles do not include critical reflection or synthesis. The small group project implementation plan based on the reading circle proposals does not clearly support the implementation of the small group project or is incomplete and overly detailed.
Final reflection
Reflection does not demonstrate mastery of the reading and reflection remains superficial. The learning from the event implementation (project) is either self-evident or superficial. Reflection is one-sided and/or brief. Lack of teamwork. Absences.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Project work and preparatory reading&learning circles:
The student/group is proactive, innovative and critical to some extent and makes good use of the learning material. The selection and use of the theoretical knowledge base and the latest research findings are quite varied and appropriate to the topic. The readings are discussed and the overall issues are presented in a largely logical and clear manner.
The output contains critical thinking and is active. The outputs of the reading circles are partly useful for the implementation of the project.
Final reflection
The reflection will return to the theoretical knowledge base and will be complemented by the lessons learned and the project experience. Reflection is quite complex or partly analytical, reflecting on what has been learned. The reflection paper is a coherent whole, in line with the assignment.
Fairly active participation in the planning and implementation of the event or teamwork to be developed.
Grade 4 fulfills the requirements for grade 3, yet does not cover enough criteria to be a 5.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Project work and preparatory reading&learning circles:
The student/group draws on the resources and skills of the whole group. There is good preparation and clear interest in the topic of the learning circle. The student/group is able to critically analyse different possible solutions for the project and to build a customer-oriented package taking into account the different perspectives and constraints of the event implementation. The student/group has received feedback constructively and has also used it during the project work. The work of the group is dialogical and develops the knowledge and skills of all participants.
Final reflection:
The reflection is a logical and coherent whole. The reflection clearly demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the theoretical background and the business context, the application of the knowledge base to the project and the structuring of the learning. The text is analytical and partly critical.
Active participation in the planning and implementation of the event as part of a team.