Innovation ProjectLaajuus (10 cr)
Code: TE00BL66
10 op
After completing the course the student can:
- participate in systematic research and development activities as a responsible member of the project team
- describe the principles of project team operation and project control
- explain the importance of the project’s goals to the business of the stakeholders
- use modern tools of project management in project planning and implementation
- solve problems related to project implementation
- apply his/her knowledge to achieve project goals
- document the project
- identify areas of further development related to one’s professional skills and is able to deepen one’s professional skills according to the project’s goals
- evaluate his/her learning and professional development in the project.
More detailed outcomes will be defined on a project basis and according to student’s degree programme and competence area.
Innovation project is typically a development project implemented in co-operation with a company or another external customer. However, the project may also be a part of Turku University of Applied Science’s internal research and development activities or it can be based on a student’s or student team’s own project or business idea. Also development projects related to different student competitions are applicable.
The final extent, detailed contents, student workload and learning outcomes of the course will be defined on a project basis.
01.12.2024 - 17.01.2025
17.01.2025 - 25.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
300 - 450
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Emmanuel Querrec
- David Oliva
- Mauri Suhonen
- Jarno Tuominen
- Lauri Kosomaa
- Annika Kunnasvirta
- Harri Lappalainen
- Arto Huhta
- Amin Majd
- Ville Huhtinen
- Jonna Heikkilä
- Mika Lohtander
- Elina Asukas
- Noora Norokytö
- Timo Turtiainen
- Tiina Ferm
- Raimo Lehto
- Jani Pelkonen
- Timo Linnossuo
- Rami Wahlsten
- Sanna Simola
- Juha Nikkanen
- Mikko Niskanen
- Annamari Heikkilä
- Eija Kulju
- Pekka Juuti
Teacher in charge
Timo Linnossuo
PTIVIS22SEmbedded Software and IoT
PTIVIS22HHealth Technology
PTIVIS22OSoftware Engineering and Project Management
PENERS23Energy and Environmental Engineering, S23
VAIHTOK25Exchange spring 2025
PTIVIS22TData Networks and Cybersecurity
PTIVIS22PGame and Interactive Technologies
PAUTOS22ATAutomotive technology
PAUTOS22KUTransport Technology
PTIVIS22IData Engineering and AI
After completing the course the student can:
- participate in systematic research and development activities as a responsible member of the project team
- describe the principles of project team operation and project control
- explain the importance of the project’s goals to the business of the stakeholders
- use modern tools of project management in project planning and implementation
- solve problems related to project implementation
- apply his/her knowledge to achieve project goals
- document the project
- identify areas of further development related to one’s professional skills and is able to deepen one’s professional skills according to the project’s goals
- evaluate his/her learning and professional development in the project.
More detailed outcomes will be defined on a project basis and according to student’s degree programme and competence area.
Innovation project is typically a development project implemented in co-operation with a company or another external customer. However, the project may also be a part of Turku University of Applied Science’s internal research and development activities or it can be based on a student’s or student team’s own project or business idea. Also development projects related to different student competitions are applicable.
The final extent, detailed contents, student workload and learning outcomes of the course will be defined on a project basis.
Students choose their theory to suit the project and their own learning goals.
Every student chooses one useful book to read. The book must be useful for the project and for students own learning.
Students gather all necessary info, knowledge, skills and tools to be able to succesfully finnish the project.
Teaching methods
Contact lessons/info, teamwork, individual work, reports. Pedagogical methods used: Project learning, problem based learning, CDIO and innovation pedagogy.
International connections
Innovation project is typically a development project implemented in co-operation with a company or another external customer. However, the project may also be a part of Turku University of Applied Science’s internal research and development activities or it can be based on a student’s, student team’s own project, or business idea. In addition, development projects related to different student competitions are applicable.
Students select their preferred projects they want to work after exhibition.
After completing the course, the student can:
• participate in systematic research and development activities as a responsible member of the project team
• describe the principles of project team operation and project control
• explain the importance of the project’s goals to the business of the stakeholders
• use modern tools of project management in project planning and implementation
• solve problems related to project implementation
• apply his/her knowledge to achieve project goals
• document the project
• identify areas of further development related to one’s professional skills and is able to deepen one’s professional skills according to the project’s goals
• evaluate his/her learning and professional development in the project.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
4 hours on Tuesday and 4 hours on Friday
Additionally student work in (SCRUM or other project management methods) team together with rest of team member and must meet their coach weekly.
Content scheduling
17.01.2025 - 25.04.2025.
• Innovation project is an onsite course. Working on Campus on Tuesdays and Fridays at 08-12. Absences for a maximum of 3 acceptable reasons.
• Project Work for pre-selected companies or organizations
• Working in groups of 6-10 students
• Each project has dedicated coach (staff member) and product owner (typically customer representative).
• SCRUM or some other method for project management
Idea/creation phase: Sep-Dec
Execution/prototyping phase: 17.01.2025 - 25.04.2025.
Further information
Linnossuo Timo
Sanna Simola
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Things to evaluate in Capstone:
• Attending group meetings
• Willingly accepts assigned tasks
• Contributes positively to group discussions.
• Completes work on time or make alternative arrangements.
• Helps others with their work when needed.
• Work accurately and completely, quality of the work is sufficient.
• Contribute a fair share to weekly tasks.
• Works to find out how to solve a problem and suggesting ideas.
• Overall is valuable member of the team.
The course is evaluated with grades 0-5.
Assessment is based on evidence of learning.
Individual learning portfolio and project teams deliverables and documentation of project work will be used as assessment material for grading together with Peer-, tutor and PO evaluations.
Feedback and acting on it is important part of assessment of students learning and skills.
Feedback from groups self- and peer assessment, tutor’s assessment, and POs assessment. Peer assessment and turtor assessment will be done constantly during the course.
Each project documents the process and Deliverables and reports them to the PO.
Each student documents her/his learning process and work individually in Learning Portfolio.
The documentations (group and individual), the group Reports and the individual the Learning Portfolios will be main part of the evaluation and grading of student work and learning. They should reflect the professionalism of the student and the project group.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
• Student has not contributed to group discussions.
• Student has not helped others when needed.
• Student has not returned assignments.
• Student has not contributed a fair share to weekly tasks.
• Student has not worked to find out how to solve a problem.
• Level of the final result is poor.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• Student has contributed to group discussions.
• Student has completed work late or after reminder.
• Student has helped others when needed on acceptably way.
• The quality of assignments made by the student is satisfactory.
• Student has contributed a fair share to weekly tasks on acceptably way.
• Student has worked to find out how to solve a problem on acceptably way.
• Student has collected and documented feedback from peers, tutor and PO.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Grades (3 and 4) is placed between commendable and acceptably
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• Student has contributed positively to group discussions.
• Student has completed work on time on commendable way.
• Student has helped others with their work.
• The quality of assignments made by the student is commendable.
• Student has contributed a fair share to weekly tasks on commendably way.
• Student has worked to find out how to solve a problem and suggesting ideas on commendable way.
• Student has collected, documented and used feedback from peers, tutor and PO to imoprove his skills and work.
01.06.2024 - 13.09.2024
13.09.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
300 - 450
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Elina Asukas
- Sari Loppela-Rauha
- Emmanuel Querrec
- Juho Koskinen
- Noora Norokytö
- Ian Bowie
- Tiina Ferm
- Raimo Lehto
- Lauri Kosomaa
- Timo Linnossuo
- Sanna Simola
- Paula Kullanmäki
- Mikko Niskanen
- Hanna Hänninen
- Ville Huhtinen
- Veli-Matti Suominen
- Eija Kulju
Teacher in charge
Timo Linnossuo
PTIETS22dncsPTIETS22 Data Networks and Cybersecurity
PTIETS22deaiPTIETS22 Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
PTIETS22swisPTIETS22 Software Development and Information Systems
PTIETS22sepmPTIETS22 Software Engineering and Project Management
PTUTAS22PRODProduct and production management
PTUTAS22LOGProcurement and logistics
PMYYFS22Finacial Services
After completing the course the student can:
- participate in systematic research and development activities as a responsible member of the project team
- describe the principles of project team operation and project control
- explain the importance of the project’s goals to the business of the stakeholders
- use modern tools of project management in project planning and implementation
- solve problems related to project implementation
- apply his/her knowledge to achieve project goals
- document the project
- identify areas of further development related to one’s professional skills and is able to deepen one’s professional skills according to the project’s goals
- evaluate his/her learning and professional development in the project.
More detailed outcomes will be defined on a project basis and according to student’s degree programme and competence area.
Innovation project is typically a development project implemented in co-operation with a company or another external customer. However, the project may also be a part of Turku University of Applied Science’s internal research and development activities or it can be based on a student’s or student team’s own project or business idea. Also development projects related to different student competitions are applicable.
The final extent, detailed contents, student workload and learning outcomes of the course will be defined on a project basis.
Students choose their theory to suit the project and their own learning goals.
Every student chooses one useful book to read. The book must be useful for the project and for students own learning.
Students gather all necessary info, knowledge, skills and tools to be able to succesfully finnish the project.
Teaching methods
Contact lessons/info, teamwork, individual work, reports. Pedagogical methods used: Project learning, problem based learning, CDIO and innovation pedagogy.
International connections
Innovation project is typically a development project implemented in co-operation with a company or another external customer. However, the project may also be a part of Turku University of Applied Science’s internal research and development activities or it can be based on a student’s, student team’s own project, or business idea. In addition, development projects related to different student competitions are applicable.
Students select their preferred projects they want to work after exhibition.
After completing the course, the student can:
• participate in systematic research and development activities as a responsible member of the project team
• describe the principles of project team operation and project control
• explain the importance of the project’s goals to the business of the stakeholders
• use modern tools of project management in project planning and implementation
• solve problems related to project implementation
• apply his/her knowledge to achieve project goals
• document the project
• identify areas of further development related to one’s professional skills and is able to deepen one’s professional skills according to the project’s goals
• evaluate his/her learning and professional development in the project.
Student workload
4 hours on Tuesday and 4 hours on Friday
Additionally student work in (SCRUM or other project management methods) team together with rest of team member.
Content scheduling
13.09.2024 - 20.12.2024.
• Innovation project is an onsite course. Working on Campus on Tuesdays and Fridays at 08-12. Absences for a maximum of 3 acceptable reasons.
• Project Work for pre-selected companies or organizations
• Working in groups of 6-10 students
• Each project has dedicated coach (staff member) and product owner (typically customer representative).
• SCRUM or some other method for project management
Idea/creation phase: Sep-Dec
Execution/prototyping phase:
Further information
In the Capstone Innovation Project, it is compulsory to attend the scheduled teamwork on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:00 to 12:00 O'clock.
Reason for compulsory participation on Tuesdays and Fridays:
The capstone course is based on a multidisciplinary working life project in multi-professional student teams.
The learning objectives are related to multidisciplinary teamwork and project management skills. In contrast to, for example, an internship, the focus is not on the competence of certain work tasks, but on the competence of multidisciplinary cooperation and project management in demanding research, development, or entrepreneurship projects of working life. In Capstone, the student must act as an expert in his field in tasks placed in the intermediate spaces of the participants' core competences. Learners learn to adapt their expertise to their peers' skills and the assignment requirements.
The assessment relies on a 360-assessment process and focuses, among other things, on the students' ability to function successfully as a member of a multi-specialist team. The Capstone Innovation Project course requires the opportunity to work in a trained team where peer evaluation is carried out. Studying a demanding job and working on it alone will not produce the competence sought by the Capstone innovation project without team coaching and peer learning. Just doing individual expert tasks does not fulfill the goals of the Capstone innovation project course.
These learning objectives are not possible to achieve without participation in onsite learning on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:00 to 12:00.
More information from coordinators:
Linnossuo Timo
Sanna Simola
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Things to evaluate in Capstone:
• Attending group meetings
• Willingly accepts assigned tasks
• Contributes positively to group discussions.
• Completes work on time or make alternative arrangements.
• Helps others with their work when needed.
• Work accurately and completely, quality of the work is sufficient.
• Contribute a fair share to weekly tasks.
• Works to find out how to solve a problem and suggesting ideas.
• Overall is valuable member of the team.
The course is evaluated with grades 0-5. Assessment based on feedback from groups peer assessment, tutor’s assessment, and POs assessment. Peer assessment and turtor asesment will be done constantly during the course.
Individual learning portfolio and project teams deliverables and documentation of project work will be used as assessment material for grading together with Peer-, tutor and PO evaluations.
Feedback and acting on it is important part of assessment of students learning and skills.
Each project documents the process and Deliverables and reports them to the PO.
Each student documents her/his learning process and work individually in Learning Portfolio.
The documentations (group and individual), the group Reports and the individual the Learning Portfolios will be part of the evaluation and grading of student work and learning.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
• Student has not contributed to group discussions.
• Student has not helped others when needed.
• Student has not returned assignments.
• Student has not contributed a fair share to weekly tasks.
• Student has not worked to find out how to solve a problem.
• Level of the final result is poor.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• Student has contributed to group discussions.
• Student has completed work late or after reminder.
• Student has helped others when needed on acceptably way.
• The quality of assignments made by the student is satisfactory.
• Student has contributed a fair share to weekly tasks on acceptably way.
• Student has worked to find out how to solve a problem on acceptably way.
• Student has collected and documented feedback from peers, tutor and PO.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Grades (3 and 4) is placed between commendable and acceptably
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• Student has contributed positively to group discussions.
• Student has completed work on time on commendable way.
• Student has helped others with their work.
• The quality of assignments made by the student is commendable.
• Student has contributed a fair share to weekly tasks on commendably way.
• Student has worked to find out how to solve a problem and suggesting ideas on commendable way.
• Student has collected, documented and used feedback from peers, tutor and PO to imoprove his skills and work.
12.12.2023 - 19.01.2024
12.01.2024 - 26.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
300 - 450
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Elina Asukas
- Emmanuel Querrec
- Antti Meriö
- Jaakko Haltia
- Jarno Tuominen
- Alisa Pettersson
- Timo Turtiainen
- Jari-Pekka Paalassalo
- Raimo Lehto
- Lauri Kosomaa
- Annika Kunnasvirta
- Tiina Ferm
- Timo Linnossuo
- Rami Wahlsten
- Sanna Simola
- Taneli Ahtiainen
- Juha Nikkanen
- Mikko Niskanen
- Hanna Hänninen
- Ville Huhtinen
- Jonna Heikkilä
- Eija Kulju
- Ali Khan
Teacher in charge
Timo Linnossuo
VAIHTOK24Exchange spring 2024
PTIVIS21SEmbedded Software and IoT
PTIVIS21PGame and Interactive Technologies
PTIVIS21TData Networks and Cybersecurity
After completing the course the student can:
- participate in systematic research and development activities as a responsible member of the project team
- describe the principles of project team operation and project control
- explain the importance of the project’s goals to the business of the stakeholders
- use modern tools of project management in project planning and implementation
- solve problems related to project implementation
- apply his/her knowledge to achieve project goals
- document the project
- identify areas of further development related to one’s professional skills and is able to deepen one’s professional skills according to the project’s goals
- evaluate his/her learning and professional development in the project.
More detailed outcomes will be defined on a project basis and according to student’s degree programme and competence area.
Innovation project is typically a development project implemented in co-operation with a company or another external customer. However, the project may also be a part of Turku University of Applied Science’s internal research and development activities or it can be based on a student’s or student team’s own project or business idea. Also development projects related to different student competitions are applicable.
The final extent, detailed contents, student workload and learning outcomes of the course will be defined on a project basis.
Students choose their theory to suit the project and their own learning goals.
Every student chooses one useful book to read. The book must be useful for the project and for students own learning.
Students gather all necessary info, knowledge, skills and tools to be able to succesfully finnish the project.
Teaching methods
Contact lessons/info, teamwork, individual work, reports. Pedagogical methods used: Project learning, problem based learning, CDIO and innovation pedagogy.
International connections
Innovation project is typically a development project implemented in co-operation with a company or another external customer. However, the project may also be a part of Turku University of Applied Science’s internal research and development activities or it can be based on a student’s, student team’s own project, or business idea. In addition, development projects related to different student competitions are applicable.
Students select their preferred projects they want to work after exhibition.
After completing the course, the student can:
• participate in systematic research and development activities as a responsible member of the project team
• describe the principles of project team operation and project control
• explain the importance of the project’s goals to the business of the stakeholders
• use modern tools of project management in project planning and implementation
• solve problems related to project implementation
• apply his/her knowledge to achieve project goals
• document the project
• identify areas of further development related to one’s professional skills and is able to deepen one’s professional skills according to the project’s goals
• evaluate his/her learning and professional development in the project.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
4 hours on Tuesday and 4 hours on Friday
Additionally student work in (SCRUM or other project management methods) team together with rest of team member and must meet their coach weekly.
Content scheduling
09.01.2024 - 26.04.2024.
• Innovation project is an onsite course. Working on Campus on Tuesdays and Fridays at 08-12. Absences for a maximum of 3 acceptable reasons.
• Project Work for pre-selected companies or organizations
• Working in groups of 6-10 students
• Each project has dedicated coach (staff member) and product owner (typically customer representative).
• SCRUM or some other method for project management
Idea/creation phase: Sep-Dec
Execution/prototyping phase: 12.01.2024 - 26.04.2024
Further information
Linnossuo Timo
Sanna Simola
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Things to evaluate in Capstone:
• Attending group meetings
• Willingly accepts assigned tasks
• Contributes positively to group discussions.
• Completes work on time or make alternative arrangements.
• Helps others with their work when needed.
• Work accurately and completely, quality of the work is sufficient.
• Contribute a fair share to weekly tasks.
• Works to find out how to solve a problem and suggesting ideas.
• Overall is valuable member of the team.
The course is evaluated with grades 0-5. Assessment based on feedback from groups peer assessment, tutor’s assessment, and POs assessment. Peer assessment and turtor asesment will be done constantly during the course.
Individual learning portfolio and project teams deliverables and documentation of project work will be used as assessment material for grading together with Peer-, tutor and PO evaluations.
Feedback and acting on it is important part of assessment of students learning and skills.
Each project documents the process and Deliverables and reports them to the PO.
Each student documents her/his learning process and work individually in Learning Portfolio.
The documentations (group and individual), the group Reports and the individual the Learning Portfolios will be part of the evaluation and grading of student work and learning.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
• Student has not contributed to group discussions.
• Student has not helped others when needed.
• Student has not returned assignments.
• Student has not contributed a fair share to weekly tasks.
• Student has not worked to find out how to solve a problem.
• Level of the final result is poor.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• Student has contributed to group discussions.
• Student has completed work late or after reminder.
• Student has helped others when needed on acceptably way.
• The quality of assignments made by the student is satisfactory.
• Student has contributed a fair share to weekly tasks on acceptably way.
• Student has worked to find out how to solve a problem on acceptably way.
• Student has collected and documented feedback from peers, tutor and PO.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Grades (3 and 4) is placed between commendable and acceptably
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• Student has contributed positively to group discussions.
• Student has completed work on time on commendable way.
• Student has helped others with their work.
• The quality of assignments made by the student is commendable.
• Student has contributed a fair share to weekly tasks on commendably way.
• Student has worked to find out how to solve a problem and suggesting ideas on commendable way.
• Student has collected, documented and used feedback from peers, tutor and PO to imoprove his skills and work.
01.07.2023 - 11.09.2023
05.09.2023 - 19.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 200
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Elina Asukas
- Hannu Parkkamäki
- Hazem Al-Bermanei
- Jarno Tuominen
- Mika Koivunen
- Lauri Kosomaa
- Raimo Lehto
- Jenni Aitonurmi
- Timo Linnossuo
- Hanna Hänninen
- Ville Huhtinen
- Lasse Mikkola
- Harri Kankaanpää
- Eija Kulju
- Mikko Kiuru
Teacher in charge
Hazem Al-Bermanei
PTIVIS21OSoftware Engineering and Project Management
PTIETS21swisPTIETS21 Software Development and Information Systems
PTIETS21sepmPTIETS21 Software engineering and Project Management
After completing the course the student can:
- participate in systematic research and development activities as a responsible member of the project team
- describe the principles of project team operation and project control
- explain the importance of the project’s goals to the business of the stakeholders
- use modern tools of project management in project planning and implementation
- solve problems related to project implementation
- apply his/her knowledge to achieve project goals
- document the project
- identify areas of further development related to one’s professional skills and is able to deepen one’s professional skills according to the project’s goals
- evaluate his/her learning and professional development in the project.
More detailed outcomes will be defined on a project basis and according to student’s degree programme and competence area.
Innovation project is typically a development project implemented in co-operation with a company or another external customer. However, the project may also be a part of Turku University of Applied Science’s internal research and development activities or it can be based on a student’s or student team’s own project or business idea. Also development projects related to different student competitions are applicable.
The final extent, detailed contents, student workload and learning outcomes of the course will be defined on a project basis.
Everything you need to learn, read and know to be able to do the tasks
Information and learning goals and materials from PO
Learning goals from tutors
Individual reading and inquieries needed by the task
Teaching methods
Contact lessons/info, teamwork, individual work, reports. Pedagogical methods used: Project learning, problem based learning, CDIO and innovation pedagogy.
International connections
Innovation project is typically a development project implemented in co-operation with a company or another external customer. However, the project may also be a part of Turku University of Applied Science’s internal research and development activities or it can be based on a student’s, student team’s own project, or business idea. In addition, development projects related to different student competitions are applicable.
Students select their preferred projects they want to work after exhibition held on 05.09.2023 at 08,00-12,00.
After completing the course, the student can:
• participate in systematic research and development activities as a responsible member of the project team
• describe the principles of project team operation and project control
• explain the importance of the project’s goals to the business of the stakeholders
• use modern tools of project management in project planning and implementation
• solve problems related to project implementation
• apply his/her knowledge to achieve project goals
• document the project
• identify areas of further development related to one’s professional skills and is able to deepen one’s professional skills according to the project’s goals
• evaluate his/her learning and professional development in the project.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
4 hours on Tuesday and 4 hours on Friday mandatory team time
Additionally individual/group student work other times
Content scheduling
05.09.2023 - 19.12.2023
• Project Work for pre-selected companies or organizations
• Working in groups of 5-10 students
• Each project has dedicated coach (staff member) and product owner (typically customer representative).
• Use chosen method and tools for project management
Further information
Hazem Al-Bermanei (
Linnossuo Timo (
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Things to evaluate in Capstone:
• Attending group meetings
• Willingly accepts assigned tasks
• Studies and learn new skills needed for the project tasks.
• Contributes positively to group discussions.
• Completes work on time or make alternative arrangements.
• Helps others with their work when needed.
• Work accurately and completely, quality of the work is sufficient.
• Contribute a fair share to weekly tasks.
• Works to find out how to solve a problem and suggesting ideas.
• Overall is valuable member of the team.
The course is evaluated with grades 0-5. Assessment based on POs assesment, groups peer assessment and tutor’s assessment. Peer assessment will be made at the middle and the end of the course, but tutor asses constantly during the autumn.
Each project documents the process and Deliverables and reports them to the PO.
Each student documents her/his learning process and work individually in Learning Portfolio.
The documentations (group and individual), the group Reports and the individual the Learning Portfolios will be part of the evaluation and grading of student work and learning.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Any of these lacking in students work
• Student has not contributed to group discussions.
• Student has not helped others when needed.
• Student has not returned assignments.
• Student has not contributed a fair share to weekly tasks.
• Student has not worked to find out how to solve a problem.
• Level of the final result is poor.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• Student has contributed to group discussions.
• Student has completed work late or after reminder.
• Student has helped others when needed on acceptably way.
• The quality of assignments made by the student is satisfactory.
• Student has contributed a fair share to weekly tasks on acceptably way.
• Student has worked to find out how to solve a problem on acceptably way.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Grades (3 and 4) is placed between commendable and acceptably
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• Student has contributed positively to group discussions.
• Student has completed work on time on commendable way.
• Student has helped others with their work.
• The quality of assignments made by the student is commendable.
• Student has contributed a fair share to weekly tasks on commendably way.
• Student has worked to find out how to solve a problem and suggesting ideas on commendable way.
05.12.2022 - 20.01.2023
05.01.2023 - 28.04.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
300 - 450
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Elina Asukas
- Emmanuel Querrec
- David Oliva
- Markku Rajala
- Hazem Al-Bermanei
- Jaakko Haltia
- Timo Turtiainen
- Raimo Lehto
- Lauri Kosomaa
- Annika Kunnasvirta
- Tiina Ferm
- Jari-Pekka Paalassalo
- Timo Linnossuo
- Rami Wahlsten
- Taneli Ahtiainen
- Juha Nikkanen
- Arto Huhta
- Timo Vaskikari
- Hanna Hänninen
- Ville Huhtinen
- Eija Kulju
Teacher in charge
Hazem Al-Bermanei
PTIVIS20TData Networks and Cybersecurity
PTIVIS20SEmbedded Software and IoT
PTIVIS20PGame and Interactive Technologies
After completing the course the student can:
- participate in systematic research and development activities as a responsible member of the project team
- describe the principles of project team operation and project control
- explain the importance of the project’s goals to the business of the stakeholders
- use modern tools of project management in project planning and implementation
- solve problems related to project implementation
- apply his/her knowledge to achieve project goals
- document the project
- identify areas of further development related to one’s professional skills and is able to deepen one’s professional skills according to the project’s goals
- evaluate his/her learning and professional development in the project.
More detailed outcomes will be defined on a project basis and according to student’s degree programme and competence area.
Innovation project is typically a development project implemented in co-operation with a company or another external customer. However, the project may also be a part of Turku University of Applied Science’s internal research and development activities or it can be based on a student’s or student team’s own project or business idea. Also development projects related to different student competitions are applicable.
The final extent, detailed contents, student workload and learning outcomes of the course will be defined on a project basis.
All materials in ITS.
Teaching methods
Contact lessons/info, teamwork, individual work, reports. Pedagogical methods used: Project learning, problem based learning, CDIO and innovation pedagogy.
International connections
Innovation project is typically a development project implemented in co-operation with a company or another external customer. However, the project may also be a part of Turku University of Applied Science’s internal research and development activities or it can be based on a student’s, student team’s own project, or business idea. In addition, development projects related to different student competitions are applicable.
Students select their preferred projects they want to work after exhibition held on 13.01.2023 at 08,00-12,00.
After completing the course, the student can:
• participate in systematic research and development activities as a responsible member of the project team
• describe the principles of project team operation and project control
• explain the importance of the project’s goals to the business of the stakeholders
• use modern tools of project management in project planning and implementation
• solve problems related to project implementation
• apply his/her knowledge to achieve project goals
• document the project
• identify areas of further development related to one’s professional skills and is able to deepen one’s professional skills according to the project’s goals
• evaluate his/her learning and professional development in the project.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
4 hours on Tuesday and 4 hours on Friday
Additionally student work in (SCRUM or other project management methods) team together with rest of team member and must meet their coach weekly.
Content scheduling
13.01.2023 - 30.04.2023.
• Project Work for pre-selected companies or organizations
• Working in groups of 5-10 students
• Each project has dedicated coach (staff member) and product owner (typically customer representative).
• SCRUM or some other method for project management
Idea/creation phase: Sep-Dec
Execution/prototyping phase: 13.01.2023 - 30.04.2023
Further information
Hazem Al-Bermanei (
Linnossuo Timo
Partala Reetta
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Things to evaluate in Capstone:
• Attending group meetings
• Willingly accepts assigned tasks
• Contributes positively to group discussions.
• Completes work on time or make alternative arrangements.
• Helps others with their work when needed.
• Work accurately and completely, quality of the work is sufficient.
• Contribute a fair share to weekly tasks.
• Works to find out how to solve a problem and suggesting ideas.
• Overall is valuable member of the team.
The course is evaluated with grades 0-5. Assessment based on groups peer assessment and tutor’s assessment. Peer assessment will be made at the end of the course, but tutor asses constantly during the autumn.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
• Student has not contributed to group discussions.
• Student has not helped others when needed.
• Student has not returned assignments.
• Student has not contributed a fair share to weekly tasks.
• Student has not worked to find out how to solve a problem.
• Level of the final result is poor.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• Student has contributed to group discussions.
• Student has completed work late or after reminder.
• Student has helped others when needed on acceptably way.
• The quality of assignments made by the student is satisfactory.
• Student has contributed a fair share to weekly tasks on acceptably way.
• Student has worked to find out how to solve a problem on acceptably way.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Grades (3 and 4) is placed between commendable and acceptably
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• Student has contributed positively to group discussions.
• Student has completed work on time on commendable way.
• Student has helped others with their work.
• The quality of assignments made by the student is commendable.
• Student has contributed a fair share to weekly tasks on commendably way.
• Student has worked to find out how to solve a problem and suggesting ideas on commendable way.