Methods of painting ILaajuus (10 cr)
Code: KU00CW22
10 op
The student can
- use oil-soluble techniques in their own expression
- consider and compare the effects of binders in the painting process
- recognize and consider the health and safety and environmental aspects of oil painting
- use their knowledge of color theory in practice
- understand the history of oil painting in terms of techniques and means of expression
- consider the properties of different coloring agents and their potential in painting, and to develop their own palette work
- reflect on their expressive choices in an aesthetic and ethical manner
- reflect aesthetically and ethically on their expressive choices
- develop painting expression relevant to their own artistic content or to the narrative of the painting
- deepen their knowledge of contemporary painting
The student becomes familiar with the history and theory of oil-soluble methods and practices the possibilities of the techniques as part of their own expression. The course also introduces the contents and means of expression in contemporary painting and ecological and ethical issues in painting. During the course, students will carry out practical assignments in which they will study the sub-areas of oil techniques and their expressive foundations. In addition to small exercises, students will complete one or more paintings in which expression supports the content, narrative and form of the painting. Students will actively participate in lectures, tutorials and feedback discussions on materials, oil painting expression and painting content, and pass the exercises.