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Fundamentals of Nursing Science, Ethics and Evidence Based NursingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TH00CX79


5 op


The student will
• be familiar with the key concepts, values, ethical principles, and national and international guidelines in nursing
• know how to apply the values and ethical principles of nursing in nursing care, health care services and digital services
• be familiar with evidence-based practice in nursing
• know how to search for information using the most common health sciences databases


• Key concepts of epistemology and ethics
• Ethical approach in nursing
• Identification and handling of ethical problems
• Nursing science as a discipline
• Evidence-based practice – concepts and bases for nursing care
• Information seeking studies 1 cr


02.12.2024 - 17.02.2025


28.02.2025 - 30.03.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Johanna Kero
  • Hannele Mikkola
  • PSHTS24M
    Degree Programme in Nursing with Support for Finnish Language, Turku, Autumn 24


The student will
• be familiar with the key concepts, values, ethical principles, and national and international guidelines in nursing
• know how to apply the values and ethical principles of nursing in nursing care, health care services and digital services
• be familiar with evidence-based practice in nursing
• know how to search for information using the most common health sciences databases


• Key concepts of epistemology and ethics
• Ethical approach in nursing
• Identification and handling of ethical problems
• Nursing science as a discipline
• Evidence-based practice – concepts and bases for nursing care
• Information seeking studies 1 cr


Leino-Kilpi, H. & Välimäki, M. 2014. Or e-book 2015. Etiikka hoitotyössä. WSOY: Helsinki. Luvut 1-8.
Some Finnish laws and decrees
Articles and documents in the Its learning platform.

Tiedonhankinnan verkkokurssin oppimateriaalit: sivut
Huovinen ym. Kliininen hoitotyö 2023, (11. uudistettu painos). Luku 1.1.1 Näytön osa-alueet.
Understanding Nursing Research : Building an Evidence-Based Practice by Susan K. Grove, , Jennifer R. Gray, , and Nancy Burns. PUBLISHER Elsevier. 2014.
Chapter 1

Exam material:
Slides in ItsLearning
Etiikka hoitotyössä chapters: 2-8
Huovinen ym. Kliininen hoitotyö 2023, (11. uudistettu painos). Luku 1.1.1 Näytön osa-alueet.

Teaching methods

Learning discussions
Group work
Learning diary (Tool box)
Independent task-based work
Scientific writing
Seminar presentation
Individual exam
Online course on information seeking (Info Seeking Online Course): Independent learning online, individual assignments to learn to seek information efficiently

Exam schedules

Exam at Turku UAS ICT-campus on 27.3. 2025
Resit exam date will be set together

International connections

We use collaborative and individual learning methods in this course.
Learning discussions
Group work and supervised discussions
Independent reflective assignments such as learning diary (toolbox), digital learning environments and activating group work methods, with a focus on expanding Finnish vocabulary (adding more Finnish words), simulaatio

Information retriewal: individual learning as a pedagogical method

Completion alternatives

No other ways to complete the course

Student workload

5 cr (5 x 27h) = 135 h
1 credit is 27 hours of student work
Interaction during lessons and learning cafe (0,5 cr)
Nursing science and evidence-based practice (1 cr)
Learning Diary (0,5 cr)
Seminar report and presentation (1 cr)
Individual exam and simulation (1 cr)
Info Seeking Online Course (1 cr)s

Content scheduling

Weeks 9-13
1. Values and ethical principles in nursing
2. Moral theories and ethical dilemmas in nursing
3. Nursing science and evidence-based practice
4. Seminar work and scientific reporting
5. Information retrieval
6. Simulation

Tiedonhankinnan verkkokurssi 1 op (opetus suomeksi):
Info 28th of February while kick off meeting
Ohjaustapaaminen (1 h): 18.11. klo 9-10 (verkossa)
Tehtävien viimeinen palautuspäivä: 10.12.2024
Opettaja informaatikko Hannele Mikkola

Further information

Only by e-mail in FINNISH

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Learning café and Learning diary (1 cr) approved/ failed
Seminar report and presentation (1 cr) numeral evaluation 0-5
Group and individual exam (1 cr) numeral evaluation 0-5
Info Seeking Online Course (1 cr) numeral evaluation 0-5

The students input and participation in the group work may have an effect on the individual grade.
The course grade is the average of the numeral evaluations.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)


Does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge of basic concepts and course objectives.
Cannot justify or evaluate their own views and solutions.
Does not utilize scientific knowledge.

Fails to complete assigned tasks.
Does not understand key practices or justify their choices.
Provides incorrect solutions to problems.

Does not receive or give feedback.
Does not reflect or identify areas for improvement.
Does not recognize the values or ethical principles of the field.
Does not take responsibility for their part in group work.
Behaves unprofessionally.
Does not recognize the impact of their actions on sustainable development, economy, or well-being

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Situational, imitative, and limited professional competence


Can identify, name, and define individual phenomena and basic concepts related to the course.
Utilizes professional knowledge.

Completes assigned tasks under guidance.
Knows various practices but cannot justify choices or apply learned knowledge according to the situation.

Can selectively receive and give feedback.
Examines and evaluates things from their own perspective.
Recognizes important values and ethical principles in their field.
Takes responsibility only for their part in group work.
Recognizes their interaction skills.
Recognizes what constitutes professional behavior.
Has a limited understanding of the impact of their actions on sustainable development, economy, and well-being

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Structured, evaluative, and applied professional competence


Structures the relationships between phenomena and concepts related to the course.
Can explain, compare, and organize things in relation to each other.
Utilizes some scientific knowledge in addition to professional knowledge.

Can independently choose the most suitable course of action from different options and strives to justify their choice.
Can apply, plan, and delimit tasks.
Solves problems.

Actively and constructively receives and gives feedback.
Examines and evaluates things from both their own and their community’s perspective.
Has adopted the values and ethical principles of the field and acts according to guidelines.
Acts responsibly and participates in developing their interaction and teamwork skills.
Behaves professionally.
Can describe and evaluate the impact of their actions on sustainable development, economy, and well-being

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Comprehensive, creative, and developmental professional competence


Understands the broad concepts of the course and their causal relationships.
Can analyze, apply, and integrate into a professional context.
Can justify actions using scientific knowledge.

Can search for and evaluate different practices and solution options.
Can justify choices and experiment with new practices.
Can creatively combine solutions or create justified action models.

Uses feedback systematically as a tool for personal and community professional growth. Changes actions based on feedback.
Actively reflects on personal competence and community practices.
Can flexibly apply ethical principles of the field in various value conflict situations.
Works responsibly, committedly, and constructively in collaboration.
Develops personal and group interaction, considering community and field requirements and needs.
Behaves professionally and can guide others in professional behavior.
Understands the impact of actions on sustainable development, economy, and well-being. Can also act proactively in these areas.