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Rehabilitation – Promoting and Maintaining Client-Centred FunctioningLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: TH00BT86


3 op


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development


14.03.2025 - 25.05.2025


15.05.2025 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Health and Well-being


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

5 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Juho Korpi


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development

Evaluation scale



07.12.2024 - 30.01.2025


03.02.2025 - 01.06.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Health and Well-being


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

18 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Iida Laine
  • Juho Korpi
  • MFYSIK25


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development


The material indicated in the Itslearning platform is available online.

Teaching methods

Independent online study.

Exam schedules

The course is open from February 1st 2025 to May 31st 2025.

Learning tasks can be completed at your own pace 24/7 on the principle of Itslearning.

International connections

Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy

Completion alternatives


Student workload

The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 3 credit corresponds to 81 hours of student work.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed


- does not work according to the instructions of the course
- does not justify his/her own actions using the knowledge base of his/her profession

- does not recognize physiotherapy as a discipline
- does not recognize rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it and can identify the factors involved
- does not know the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- does not recognize the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- does not know and is unable to apply the theoretical knowledge he/she has read in the course of his/her duties, in particular the biopsychosocial dimension of the ICF the biopsychosocial perspective
- is unable to reflect on his/her learning or activities and does not take into account the feedback received.
- compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment

- fails to recognize and/or comply with ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- does not act and interact in a respectful, trustworthy and/or honest manner and does not take responsibility for his/her actions


- use key physiotherapy terminology in a limited and/or limited way
- uses randomly provided sources of information
- inadequate evidence-based information retrieval and inability to critically evaluate the information retrieved
- the knowledge base is fragmented and the relationships between issues are unclear
- in learning tasks, demonstrates the ability to produce factual information in a readable and comprehensible form, but the reflection on the information is superficial; and no synthesis is achieved

- can describe rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it in general terms and can identify the factors involved
- can describe in general terms the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- can describe at a general level the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- be able to describe and apply at a general level the functional capacity of a person according to the biopsychosocial perspective of the ICF
- is able to self-reflect on his/her activities, but this is superficial and/or unrealistic
- is able to receive feedback and tries to modify his/her behavior on the basis of this feedback
- Able to function safely in a variety of control and interaction situations

- recognize the ethical principles guiding the work of a physiotherapist
- acts in accordance with laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice
- explains and identifies the conditions and consequences of his/her professional competence and activities
- can work as a member of a team but is not self-directed
- act and interact in a respectful, reliable and honest manner

Content scheduling

The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.

The course is open from February 1st 2025 to May 31st 2025.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.

This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.

To pass this course:

To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).

Remember to fill in the feedback form.

1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.

After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.

Further information

All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment: approved - failed

The teacher will award a credit for the course when all the assignments of the course have been successfully completed. The student's competence in the course will be assessed in relation to the stage of studies. The teacher issues the credit within four weeks of the end date of the course as indicated in the Peppi.

The assignments for the course must be returned in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher. Failure to return the assignment by the required deadline will result in a failing grade. Late return of an assignment or re-submission of a failed assignment will be done in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher.

The final grade for the course will be the average of the following sections:
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.

The contents and learning tasks are described in more detail on the Itslearning platform. Under each content topic there are one or more returnable learning tasks. More detailed assessment criteria are indicated for each task on Itslearning in the assignment.


07.12.2024 - 29.01.2025


01.02.2025 - 01.06.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Health and Well-being


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

50 - 75

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Iida Laine
  • Juho Korpi
  • PFYSIS24


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development


The material indicated in the Itslearning platform is available online.

Teaching methods

Independent online study.

Exam schedules

The course is open from February 1st 2025 to May 31st 2025.

Learning tasks can be completed at your own pace 24/7 on the principle of Itslearning.

International connections

Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy

Completion alternatives


Student workload

The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 3 credit corresponds to 81 hours of student work.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed


- does not work according to the instructions of the course
- does not justify his/her own actions using the knowledge base of his/her profession

- does not recognize physiotherapy as a discipline
- does not recognize rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it and can identify the factors involved
- does not know the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- does not recognize the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- does not know and is unable to apply the theoretical knowledge he/she has read in the course of his/her duties, in particular the biopsychosocial dimension of the ICF the biopsychosocial perspective
- is unable to reflect on his/her learning or activities and does not take into account the feedback received.
- compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment

- fails to recognize and/or comply with ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- does not act and interact in a respectful, trustworthy and/or honest manner and does not take responsibility for his/her actions


- use key physiotherapy terminology in a limited and/or limited way
- uses randomly provided sources of information
- inadequate evidence-based information retrieval and inability to critically evaluate the information retrieved
- the knowledge base is fragmented and the relationships between issues are unclear
- in learning tasks, demonstrates the ability to produce factual information in a readable and comprehensible form, but the reflection on the information is superficial; and no synthesis is achieved

- can describe rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it in general terms and can identify the factors involved
- can describe in general terms the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- can describe at a general level the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- be able to describe and apply at a general level the functional capacity of a person according to the biopsychosocial perspective of the ICF
- is able to self-reflect on his/her activities, but this is superficial and/or unrealistic
- is able to receive feedback and tries to modify his/her behavior on the basis of this feedback
- Able to function safely in a variety of control and interaction situations

- recognize the ethical principles guiding the work of a physiotherapist
- acts in accordance with laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice
- explains and identifies the conditions and consequences of his/her professional competence and activities
- can work as a member of a team but is not self-directed
- act and interact in a respectful, reliable and honest manner

Content scheduling

The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.

The course is open from February 1st 2025 to May 31st 2025.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.

This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.

To pass this course:

To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).

Remember to fill in the feedback form.

1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.

After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.

Further information

All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment: approved - failed

The teacher will award a credit for the course when all the assignments of the course have been successfully completed. The student's competence in the course will be assessed in relation to the stage of studies. The teacher issues the credit within four weeks of the end date of the course as indicated in the Peppi.

The assignments for the course must be returned in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher. Failure to return the assignment by the required deadline will result in a failing grade. Late return of an assignment or re-submission of a failed assignment will be done in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher.

The final grade for the course will be the average of the following sections:
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.

The contents and learning tasks are described in more detail on the Itslearning platform. Under each content topic there are one or more returnable learning tasks. More detailed assessment criteria are indicated for each task on Itslearning in the assignment.


07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025


06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Heidi Hämäläinen
Scheduling groups
  • Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
  • MTOIMK25
    Occupational Therapist
Small groups
  • Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development

Evaluation scale



09.09.2024 - 20.01.2025


20.11.2024 - 23.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Health and Well-being


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Heidi Hämäläinen
  • PTOIMS24


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development


The material indicated in the Itslearning platform is available online.

Teaching methods

Independent online study.

Exam schedules

Confirms later

International connections

Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy

Completion alternatives


Student workload

The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 3 credit corresponds to 81 hours of student work.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed


- The student does not act according to the instructions of the course
- The student is not familiar with the material and/or assignments available on the learning platform and does not act accordingly
- Failure to justify their own actions using the knowledge base of their professional field (in relation to the stage of learning)

- Students do not recognise physiotherapy as a discipline
- Cannot identify or clearly demonstrate in online assignments rehabilitation and its underlying paradigm and can name factors related to it
- Is not able to identify or clearly demonstrate in online tasks the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- Cannot identify or clearly demonstrate in online tasks the different rehabilitation practices
- Does not know or is not able to clearly demonstrate in online tasks the possibilities for the development of rehabilitation
- Cannot identify or clearly demonstrate in online tasks the importance of multi-professionalism in rehabilitation
- Is not able to identify and apply the theoretical information read in the tasks according to the person's functional capacity and especially the biopsychosocial perspective of the ICF
- The student's activities are inconsistent and confused in relation to the learning phase
- The student is unable to reflect on his/her learning or activities
- The student does not take feedback and/or changes his/her behaviour in response to feedback
- The student compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment

- Students do not recognise and/or follow ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of a physiotherapist
- The coursework is not completed, not all parts of the assignment have been answered or have been returned with very incomplete information.
- The student's behaviour and interactions are not respectful, reliable and/or honest and the student does not take responsibility for his/her actions.
- The student's behaviour is unprofessional in relation to the stage of study


- The student's knowledge base is perceived as a whole
- The student can search for evidence-based information from different sources and recognise the difference between everyday knowledge and researched knowledge
- The student is able to use key sources of information in a systematic way
- Students can use key physiotherapy terminology systematically
- The written work contains own reflection and synthesis has been attempted
- Written assignments are written in a clearly structured manner
- Written assignments are written in full sentences, in good Finnish.

- The student can work independently in learning situations according to the instructions given
- Can describe and explain rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it and can identify the factors involved
- Can describe and explain the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- Can describe and explain different rehabilitation practices
- Can describe and explain the possibilities for the development of rehabilitation
- Can describe and explain the importance of multidisciplinarity in rehabilitation
- Can describe and apply the ICF biopsychosocial perspective on a person's functional capacity
- The learner receives feedback and modifies his/her activities on the basis of this feedback

- The student works in a goal-oriented manner and follows agreed schedules
- The student is able to organise his/her own activities
- The student is able to propose and, if necessary, seek approval for his/her activities
- The student recognises and acts in accordance with the ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- The student acts and interacts in a respectful, trustworthy and honest manner
- The student recognises the conditions and consequences of his/her own actions
- The student is able to critically evaluate his/her own activities and competences, identifying his/her own strengths and areas for improvement

Content scheduling

The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.

The course is open 20.11.2024-23.5.2025.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.

This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.

To pass this course:

To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).

Remember to fill in the feedback form.

1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.

After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.

Further information

All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment: approved - failed

A grade of "pass" is awarded when all the course assignments have been successfully completed by the deadline given in Itslearning.
All course assignments must be returned to the Itslearning platform. The assignments must be returned preferably on the first return date assigned to them and failure to return them is equivalent to a failed/completed assignment. Rejected/completed assignments will be returned according to the timetable set by the teacher.

Course content topics:
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.
4. Teacher's assessment: completion of assigned tasks on time and other student activities during the course +/-

Under each content topic there are one or more returnable learning tasks. More detailed assessment criteria are indicated for each task on Itslearning in the assignment.


01.04.2024 - 31.08.2024


28.08.2024 - 20.11.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Health and Well-being


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

14 - 26

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • TOIMINTA TERHY14 Virtuaalihenkilö14
  • Irina Katajisto-Korhonen
  • Heidi Hämäläinen
  • MTOIMK24
    Occupational Therapist


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development

Evaluation scale



15.03.2024 - 17.05.2024


27.05.2024 - 11.08.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

5 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Iida Laine
Scheduling groups
  • Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää (Size: 15. Open UAS: 15.)
Small groups
  • Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development


The material indicated in the Itslearning platform is available online.

Teaching methods

Independent online study.

Exam schedules

The course is open from June 1st 2024 to August 9th 2024.

Learning tasks can be completed at your own pace 24/7 on the principle of Itslearning.

International connections

Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy

Completion alternatives


Student workload

The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 3 credit corresponds to 81 hours of student work.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed


- does not work according to the instructions of the course
- does not justify his/her own actions using the knowledge base of his/her profession

- does not recognize physiotherapy as a discipline
- does not recognize rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it and can identify the factors involved
- does not know the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- does not recognize the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- does not know and is unable to apply the theoretical knowledge he/she has read in the course of his/her duties, in particular the biopsychosocial dimension of the ICF the biopsychosocial perspective
- is unable to reflect on his/her learning or activities and does not take into account the feedback received.
- compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment

- fails to recognize and/or comply with ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- does not act and interact in a respectful, trustworthy and/or honest manner and does not take responsibility for his/her actions


- use key physiotherapy terminology in a limited and/or limited way
- uses randomly provided sources of information
- inadequate evidence-based information retrieval and inability to critically evaluate the information retrieved
- the knowledge base is fragmented and the relationships between issues are unclear
- in learning tasks, demonstrates the ability to produce factual information in a readable and comprehensible form, but the reflection on the information is superficial; and no synthesis is achieved

- can describe rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it in general terms and can identify the factors involved
- can describe in general terms the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- can describe at a general level the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- be able to describe and apply at a general level the functional capacity of a person according to the biopsychosocial perspective of the ICF
- is able to self-reflect on his/her activities, but this is superficial and/or unrealistic
- is able to receive feedback and tries to modify his/her behavior on the basis of this feedback
- Able to function safely in a variety of control and interaction situations

- recognize the ethical principles guiding the work of a physiotherapist
- acts in accordance with laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice
- explains and identifies the conditions and consequences of his/her professional competence and activities
- can work as a member of a team but is not self-directed
- act and interact in a respectful, reliable and honest manner

Content scheduling

The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.

The course is open from June 1st 2024 to August 9th 2024.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.

This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.

To pass this course:

To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).

Remember to fill in the feedback form.

1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.

After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.

Further information

All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.

1. Quota of Turku University of Applied Sciences' own students: 10 students
2. Quota of students from other universities of applied sciences: 5 students.
3. Open University of Applied Sciences quota: 15 students

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment: approved - failed

The teacher will award a credit for the course when all the assignments of the course have been successfully completed. The student's competence in the course will be assessed in relation to the stage of studies. The teacher issues the credit within four weeks of the end date of the course as indicated in the Peppi.

The assignments for the course must be returned in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher. Failure to return the assignment by the required deadline will result in a failing grade. Late return of an assignment or re-submission of a failed assignment will be done in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher.

The final grade for the course will be the average of the following sections:
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.

The contents and learning tasks are described in more detail on the Itslearning platform. Under each content topic there are one or more returnable learning tasks. More detailed assessment criteria are indicated for each task on Itslearning in the assignment.


09.12.2023 - 21.01.2024


22.01.2024 - 19.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Health and Well-being

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Kirsi Kero
  • Mary-Ann Kaukinen
  • Heidi Hämäläinen
  • PTOIMS23


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development

Evaluation scale



02.12.2023 - 01.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Health and Well-being


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

30 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Iida Laine
  • Mary-Ann Kaukinen
  • PFYSIS23


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development


Material announced in Itslearning.

Teaching methods

Independent online study.

Exam schedules

The course is open from January 1st 2024 to May 12th 2024.

International connections

Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy

Completion alternatives


Student workload

The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 3 credit corresponds to 81 hours of student work.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed


All learning assignments in Itslearning must be answered. To complete the course it requires that all learning assignments has been answered within the given deadline. The course is approved when all the earning assignments of the course have been successfully completed and returned on time.

To complete the course it requires that the student has answered all points of the assignment and that the content of the assignment corresponds to the assignment. Describing the paradigm of rehabilitation in a clear and relevant manner. The student describes the laws and regulations of the rehabilitation system in a clear and relevant manner. The contents related to rehabilitation have been understood and written openly using sources. The student recognizes the importance of multi-professionalism in rehabilitation. The student knows how to describe and apply a person's functional capacity according to the biopsychosocial perspective of the ICF. The contents of the assignments may still include parts that are separate from each other.


The learning assignments has not been completed, and/or not all points in the assignment has been answered or they has been returned with very incomplete information. The student does not recognize or is not able to clearly demonstrate the effects of rehabilitation-related factors on a person's ability to function. The student has not understood the key contents related to rehabilitation.
A high percentage of plagiarism leads to a request to complete the assignment again. Systematic plagiarism (e.g. using another student's answers) will result in course failure.

Content scheduling

The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.

The course is open from January 1st 2024 to May 12th 2024.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.

This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.

To pass this course:

To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).

Remember to fill in the feedback form.

1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.

After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.

Further information

All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

To complete the course, all sections of the online course must be passed.

All course learning assignments must be returned to the Itslearning platform. The student has the right to repeat the failed learning assignments of the study course twice. Learning assignments must be returned primarily on the first return day assigned to them, and not returning your learning assignment correspond failed. Failed learning assignments will be returned according to the schedule determined by the teacher.


02.12.2023 - 15.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Health and Well-being


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

10 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Iida Laine
  • MFYSIK24


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development


Material announced in Itslearning.

Teaching methods

Independent online study.

Exam schedules

The course is open from January 1st 2024 to May 12th 2024.

International connections

Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy

Completion alternatives


Student workload

The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 3 credit corresponds to 81 hours of student work.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed


All learning assignments in Itslearning must be answered. To complete the course it requires that all learning assignments has been answered within the given deadline. The course is approved when all the earning assignments of the course have been successfully completed and returned on time.

To complete the course it requires that the student has answered all points of the assignment and that the content of the assignment corresponds to the assignment. Describing the paradigm of rehabilitation in a clear and relevant manner. The student describes the laws and regulations of the rehabilitation system in a clear and relevant manner. The contents related to rehabilitation have been understood and written openly using sources. The student recognizes the importance of multi-professionalism in rehabilitation. The student knows how to describe and apply a person's functional capacity according to the biopsychosocial perspective of the ICF. The contents of the assignments may still include parts that are separate from each other.


The learning assignments has not been completed, and/or not all points in the assignment has been answered or they has been returned with very incomplete information. The student does not recognize or is not able to clearly demonstrate the effects of rehabilitation-related factors on a person's ability to function. The student has not understood the key contents related to rehabilitation.
A high percentage of plagiarism leads to a request to complete the assignment again. Systematic plagiarism (e.g. using another student's answers) will result in course failure.

Content scheduling

The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.

The course is open from January 1st 2024 to May 12th 2024.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.

This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.

To pass this course:

To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).

Remember to fill in the feedback form.

1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.

After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.

Further information

All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

To complete the course, all sections of the online course must be passed.

All course learning assignments must be returned to the Itslearning platform. The student has the right to repeat the failed learning assignments of the study course twice. Learning assignments must be returned primarily on the first return day assigned to them, and not returning your learning assignment correspond failed. Failed learning assignments will be returned according to the schedule determined by the teacher.


21.11.2022 - 13.01.2023


30.01.2023 - 14.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Health and Well-being

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Mary-Ann Kaukinen
  • PTOIMS22
  • PFYSIS22
  • MFYSIK23
  • MTOIMK23
    Occupational Therapist


- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect


The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development

Evaluation scale
