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Advanced B2B SalesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: MS00CR01


5 op


After completing the course, the student is able to:
-Manage and lead sales personnel in value creation sales processes
-Manage and lead sales personnel in social selling
-Utilize appropriate sales methods and tools on value based and social selling


-Value based sales selling
-Social selling


02.12.2024 - 31.01.2025


01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Master School

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Master of Business Administration, Sales Management
  • Master of Engineering, Sales Management
  • Timo Holopainen
  • Arto Kuuluvainen
  • YSMANK25


After completing the course, the student is able to:
-Manage and lead sales personnel in value creation sales processes
-Manage and lead sales personnel in social selling
-Utilize appropriate sales methods and tools on value based and social selling


-Value based sales selling
-Social selling


Töytäri,P., Alejandro, T., B., Parvinen, P., Ollila, I., Nora Rosendahl, N., Bridging the theory to application gap in value-based selling, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 26/7 (2011) 493–502
Holopainen T., Rantala J., Virtanen M., Korhonen T. (2020) Sales Process Evolution. In: Kantola J., Nazir S., Salminen V. (eds) Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1209. Springer, Cham
Adamson, B. The end of solutions sales, , Harvard Business Review. Vol.90(7), pp. 61-68 (2012).
Töytäri, P., Rajala, R., Value-based selling: An organizational capability perspective, Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 45, Feb. (2015)
Furr, N., Shipilov. A., Digital doesn’t have to be disruptive, Harvard Business Review. July-August issue. (2019)
TED Talks
Other material in the learning platforms

Teaching methods

Course teaching methods consist of reading and writing assignments, group and individual assignment, case studies, active participation on classes, self assessment, and reflection.

Exam schedules


International connections

Active learning methods are applied to reach learning at individual, group and network level. The assignments are planned to develop the students actual work tasks around sales and business development to enhance development, growth and sustainability.

Completion alternatives


Student workload

1. Pre assignment : Preparation for value based sales exercises, Assignment execution (20 %)
2. Attendance to the contact days:1. Value based sales and 2. social selling (40 %)
3. Middle assignment: Group or individual work from case studies (20 %)
4. Post assignment: Analysis and description of key concept(s) of the course or TALK Article (20%).

All assignments have to accepted and participated at least with 50 %.

Content scheduling

Content of study unit
-Value based sales and selling
-Social sales and selling

After completing the course, the student is able to
-Execute and lead sales in value creation sales processes
-Manage and lead sales in social selling
-Utilize appropriate sales methods and tools on value based and social selling

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

On time delivery of the assignments, attendance, assignments execution

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The assignments are not executed in the given timeline, are missing or they do not fulfill the instructions. No attendance on contact days.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Poor attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is not given as instructed.
Student is partly capable to utilize value based and social sales methodologies based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is poorly utilized. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at general level and sounds unrealistic. Missing assignments.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Good attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is given as instructed.
Student is capable to utilize value based and social sales methodologies based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is utilized in good manner. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at good level and sounds realistic. On time returning of assignments.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Very good attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is given as instructed with good insight.
Student is capable to utilize well value based and social sales methodologies based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is utilized in very good manner. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at good level, has clear approaches and sounds realistic.


02.12.2023 - 19.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Master of Business Administration, Sales Management
  • Master of Engineering, Sales Management
  • Timo Holopainen
  • Arto Kuuluvainen
  • YSMANK24


After completing the course, the student is able to:
-Manage and lead sales personnel in value creation sales processes
-Manage and lead sales personnel in social selling
-Utilize appropriate sales methods and tools on value based and social selling


-Value based sales selling
-Social selling


Töytäri,P., Alejandro, T., B., Parvinen, P., Ollila, I., Nora Rosendahl, N., Bridging the theory to application gap in value-based selling, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 26/7 (2011) 493–502
Holopainen T., Rantala J., Virtanen M., Korhonen T. (2020) Sales Process Evolution. In: Kantola J., Nazir S., Salminen V. (eds) Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1209. Springer, Cham
Adamson, B. The end of solutions sales, , Harvard Business Review. Vol.90(7), pp. 61-68 (2012).
Töytäri, P., Rajala, R., Value-based selling: An organizational capability perspective, Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 45, Feb. (2015)
Furr, N., Shipilov. A., Digital doesn’t have to be disruptive, Harvard Business Review. July-August issue. (2019)
TED Talks
Other material in the learning platforms

Teaching methods

Course teaching methods consist of reading and writing assignments, group and individual assignment, case studies, active participation on classes, self assessment, and reflection.

Exam schedules


International connections

Innovation pedagogy is applied to reach learning at individual, group and network level. The assignments are planned to develop the students actual work tasks around sales and business development to enhance development, growth and sustainability.

Completion alternatives


Student workload

1. Pre assignment : Preparation for value based sales exercises, Assignment execution (20 %)
2. Attendance to the contact days:1. Value based sales and 2. social selling (40 %)
3. Middle assignment: Group or individual work from case studies (20 %)
4. Post assignment: Analysis and description of key concept(s) of the course or TALK Article (20%).

All assignments have to accepted and participated at least with 50 %.

Content scheduling

Content of study unit
-Value based sales and selling
-Social sales and selling

After completing the course, the student is able to
-Execute and lead sales in value creation sales processes
-Manage and lead sales in social selling
-Utilize appropriate sales methods and tools on value based and social selling

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

On time delivery of the assignments, attendance, assignments execution

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The assignments are not executed in the given timeline, are missing or they do not fulfill the instructions. No attendance on contact days.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Poor attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is not given as instructed.
Student is partly capable to utilize value based and social sales methodologies based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is poorly utilized. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at general level and sounds unrealistic. Missing assignments.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Good attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is given as instructed.
Student is capable to utilize value based and social sales methodologies based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is utilized in good manner. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at good level and sounds realistic. On time returning of assignments.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Very good attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is given as instructed with good insight.
Student is capable to utilize well value based and social sales methodologies based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is utilized in very good manner. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at good level, has clear approaches and sounds realistic.