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Occupational Science as the Basis for Promoting Well-being and HealthLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TH00DE07


5 op


This course deepens the fundamentals of the field and helps in building theoretical frameworks for research, development, and leadership activities using occupational therapy and occupational science.

After completing the course, the student will be able to:
Search for, find, and critically evaluate relevant publications and other information, engage in discussions with colleagues and other stakeholders, identify knowledge gaps, and write coherent reviews.
Discuss complex phenomena through various theories of occupational therapy, occupational science, empirical perspectives, and other relevant fields of science.
Critically reflect on and justify which aspects of the occupation and occupational justice are relevant to their own research and practice.
Develop and demonstrate critical understanding of how society, culture, and diversity affect occupation and participation to promote the health and well-being of individuals and communities, broadening their view of occupational therapy’s growing role.
Critically examine and theorize national, European, and global political, contextual structures, and challenges based on occupational therapy and the science of occupation for different population groups.


Critical thinking as the basis of science and research.

Core concepts of occupational therapy:
- Utilizing occupation and occupational performance assessment in research and development.
- Occupational therapy as an enabler of a good life in health promotion, disease prevention, rehabilitation, and treatment, including enabling occupation.

Core concepts of the science of occupation:
- Activity analysis
- Occupational justice
- Occupational identity
- Individual and collective occupation
- Purposeful and meaningful occupation