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Development and Effectiveness of Occupational TherapyLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TH00DE11


5 op


The course provides the skills to design research-based occupational therapy and develop new high-quality practices in one's area of expertise in occupational therapy, work communities, and living environments.

After completing the course, the student will be able to:
Critically process and produce information.
Take responsibility for the goal-oriented learning of the community and the sharing of expertise.
Critically analyze existing practices and develop ethical and consistent plans for the research-based development of occupational therapy, considering future societal changes and population needs.
Utilize the results of effectiveness evaluations and key working methods in their work in rehabilitation/services.
Plan, implement, and evaluate client consultations and coaching processes in rehabilitation.


Various scientific approaches in occupational therapy

Research designs in qualitative, quantitative research, and research-based development activities

Evaluating effectiveness and assessing reliable outcome variables

Inclusive research and development activities in networks

Consulting, and coaching in networks