Arts-based Methods 2Laajuus (5 cr)
Code: TH00CQ44
5 op
After completing the course, the student is be able to:
- reflect on their own experiences of participation in different creative, arts-based exercises
- justify the use of arts-based working methods to promote the well-being of clients
- apply arts-based working methods and their guidance according to the needs of different client groups
- identify strengths and development needs in their own guidance skills.
Content of study unit
- exercises, workshops, and processes of arts-based methods
- the possibilities of using selected arts-based methods with different client groups.
The detailed content of the course is described in the implementation plan.
Arts-based methods 1 and 2 complement each other.
22.08.2024 - 30.09.2024
23.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
- Uli Kontu-Korhonen
After completing the course, the student is be able to:
- reflect on their own experiences of participation in different creative, arts-based exercises
- justify the use of arts-based working methods to promote the well-being of clients
- apply arts-based working methods and their guidance according to the needs of different client groups
- identify strengths and development needs in their own guidance skills.
Content of study unit
- exercises, workshops, and processes of arts-based methods
- the possibilities of using selected arts-based methods with different client groups.
The detailed content of the course is described in the implementation plan.
Arts-based methods 1 and 2 complement each other.
Teaching methods
Creative Functional Exercises
Independent work, learning tasks
Student workload
Pre-mission, implementation Fri 23.8.2024
Be prepared to tell us about a moment, event or encounter in your life where music has had a significant effect or where the presence of music has been otherwise important. What happened? I don't know. How did the music feel? What kind of music memory did this give rise to, or was it?
Learning task 1
ART TO WORK release, return to ITS by 3 October 2024
Create a clear, inspiring and informative bulletin (A4) about a project involving art-based methods that utilise music in your workplace or other work community. Market and sell your ideas and direct the newsletter to the management staff in your community.
For example, briefly answer the following questions in your newsletter:
What kind of art activity do you propose for the work community and why?
What is the goal of the project?
What needs does the project meet?
What measures must be taken in the work community in order to implement the project?
Why is it worth investing in well-being?
What methods are used?
What impact can art have on this community?
What kind of research and the effects of art on well-being can be invoked?
What does it take for the community to successfully execute the project?
How is the activity funded, do you have any suggestions in this regard?
Use pictures and make the newsletter interesting!
Please return your information by 3:10 a.m.
Learning task 2
MUSIC MEMORY project, return by 7 November 2024, the project should be started on time.
Here are some general guidelines for your project. The implementation, structure and design of the content is part of the project. Proceed as you choose appropriately.
The core of the task is to make it practical so that the project leaves some concrete outcome:
- a music recording compiled for a particular person of music memories that are important to him or her, or memories that music is essentially related to, and
- on the basis of your conversations, the memories related to those selected pieces of music written.
For example, five songs/musical works from different stages of life and related memories, stories, experiences.
For example, if you have a memory-impaired interviewee, you can also talk to your relatives. Of course, permissions must always be cleared. Your work can be made easier by recording your conversations so you can focus better on the conversation when you don't have to take notes at the same time.
Consider whether it is necessary to have, for example, photographs as a basis for your conversations, or in what other way you could create a good atmosphere for your conversation.
If for some reason it is impossible to compose a recording, then you can also do a written report in which the music that has been brought up in the conversations + the related life stories/memories have been written. Remember to write the authors accurately for the music (composer, lyricist) and if it is relevant to the memory, so is the possible performer and/or arranger.
The final output is intended to be handed over to the interviewee / his/her relatives (and possibly the medical staff find out this) with the idea that the music recording can be listened to alone or together with the caregiver and/or relatives in the future perhaps replay the memories and continue discussions about it.
Please clarify in advance if the text you have written should be read by the interviewee before finishing the work. I thought that if the memories seem very personal, reading them may seem “revealing” or strange —is that so? It certainly depends on the situation, the memory and who they share them with.
Write down in a different document (this is not given to the interviewee, but only to our group) also the progress of your project; the different stages of the work, as well as your own reflections and justifications for the implementation of the work.
So you're restoring three different files:
- music recording or similar (also given to the interviewee)
- the key points of the discussions recorded (also given to the interviewee)
- project progress and different phases, reflections and self-evaluation
Return of the mission by 7 November to Its.
Some of these implementations will be presented to the whole group on Thursday 14 November
In addition:
Possible replacement tasks due to absence, for example, will be agreed on a case-by-case basis with the teacher.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Presence in contact teaching, participation in functional exercises and discussions, and return of learning tasks according to schedule.
Content scheduling
Lecture: On the nature and well-being effects of music The wide range of meanings and implementations of music in hospital and nursing environments,
- experiences from the field using various objects and percussion instruments as a tool for interactive improvisation, functional exercises in a group
The student gains experiential experience with interactive musical exercises. The exercises aim to strengthen the imagination, relax in a group, sensitize listening, communicate with music and create new soundscapes together with others.
- Caring songs and games, creating soundscapes and verbalizing one's own feelings
- Independent work and learning tasks
The Art-Based Methods 2 course explores the wide range of meanings, effects and implementations of music among different target groups.
The course will take place during the autumn of 2024.
Evaluation scale