Nursing for people wit common internal diseases and implementation of fluid therapyLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: TH00CX77
5 op
• knows the most common internal diseases as well as the clinical pathway and evidence-based nursing process of a medical surgical patient
• masters the key examinations, treatment procedures and nursing methods used in the treatment of a medical surgical patient while observing patient safety
• knows the physiological basics of intravenous medication, infusion and nutrition treatment
• is familiar with the nurse's responsibility and role as a provider of intravenous medication, infusions, nutrition and blood transfusion treatment for medical and perioperative surgery at different stages of the pharmacotherapy process
• recognises the need for infusion treatment and parenteral nutrition of a medical surgery patient
• knows how to plan, implement and assess pharmacotherapy, infusion treatment, nutritional treatment and blood transfusion as part of the patient's overall treatment
• masters the calculations needed in pharmaceutical, infusion and nutritional treatment
• is able to monitor the patient and assess the effects and effectiveness of intravenous medication
• understands the basic functions of digital medical devices used in infusion treatment
• Key research and treatment measures used in the treatment of medical surgical patients
• Clinical pathways, treatment methods and rehabilitation of medical surgical patients in acute and long-term care
• Physiology of fluid therapy
• Pharmacology and intravenous products
• Patient and occupational safety practices and prevention of infections in infusion treatment
• Drug Dosage Calculation
• Medical treatment plan and pharmacotherapy process in intravenous pharmacotherapy
• Fluid therapy plan, fluid balance and recording
• Indications, operating principles and maintenance of various intravenous catheters
• Aseptic and safe preparation, dosage and administration of intravenous medication
• Pharmacotherapy technology
• Equipment and devices used in medical, infusion, nutritional and transfusion treatment