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Update to Nurse’s Work - Skills Training: OSPASHS24



Degree title:

30 ects

0.5 years (30 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2024

Teaching language:


A nurse (Bachelor of Nursing) is an expert in nursing whose task in society is to closely support individuals, families and communities in order to define, reach and maintain their health and to support them in encountering a sick, disabled and dying person. They work independently as nursing experts in cooperation with different professional groups, implementing and developing nursing and their profession on the basis of research data and other evidence. They have capabilities for entrepreneurship, international tasks, societal influence and lifelong learning as members of the information society. Working in the profession requires strong ethical, critical and professional thinking and decision-making skills. The nurse is responsible for the implementation of the health policy objectives of society and for promoting sustainable development.

The studies are carried out as blended studies and a personal learning plan is drawn up for each student at the beginning of the training. The personal learning plan takes into account the student's previously acquired vocational competence suitable for education. However, the studies are designed in such a way that it is partly possible to do the work during the training

The learning plan for the degree programme in nursing is based on:
- The objectives and prospects promoting Finland's health policy and response to the health problems of the population
- Legislation on practising the profession and legislation on universities of applied sciences
- In particular, EU Directives 2005/36 and 2013/55/EC
- The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Level 6 and the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 6
- National requirements for nurse’s core competence
- The strategy of Turku University of Applied Sciences and other instructions and rules of the University of Applied Sciences, such as innovation pedagogy and innovation competences
- Development recommendations for education in the social and health care sector of the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) (2021)
- Recommendation of the The Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (Arene) on common competences for Bachelor's degrees

Competence tracks, specialisations and qualifications
The education of nurses is determined by EU Directives 2005/36 and 2013/55/EC. Only qualified and licensed professionals can work as nurses.


The aim of the studies is for the student to review the principles of ethically high-quality, research-based operating methods and health promotion. He/she develops into the health problems of people of different ages as a respondent and familiarizes himself/herself with the professional key task areas, applications and their scientific grounds, so that he/she is able to work independently in the work of the task area. The knowledge base of the studies is knowledge based on nursing science, to which the student connects the knowledge base of other disciplines that are central to the profession.
Competence-promoting traineeship (90 ETCS), the length and content of which are based on the requirements of EU directives, is an integral part of nursing education studies. Students advance the achievement of their study objectives by completing a clinical practice in different nursing and operating environments defined in EU directives deepening and updating their nursing knowledge and skills..
The internship is supervised by a Turku University of Applied Sciences teacher and conducted under the supervision of professional nursing staff. It takes place in units with an appropriate number of professional staff and appropriate patient care aids. The institution providing nursing education is responsible for the coordination of theoretical and clinical instruction throughout the education. The training environments include a wide variety of social and health care environments.
Students can choose at least 5 ECTS credits from the available continuing professional development courses at any given time. In addition, he or she can choose other studies suitable for his or her area of work at least 3 ECTS. The purpose of these is to expand competence and provide an opportunity to direct competence to an area of competence that is of interest to the student.

Career and postgraduate study opportunities
Nurse competence training provides up-to-date information and training for working as a nurse in social welfare and health care, utilising previous nursing experience.
Studies in update education can be read as good if the student wants to later update the nursing degree of the college degree into a Bachelor's degree. A nursing degree provides an opportunity for further study into a master's degree and a master's degree at domestic and foreign universities.


The studies are carried out according to the starting points of Turku University of Applied Sciences' innovation pedagogy, whose key starting points are sustainable development, multidisciplinaryness, research and development, flexible curricula, utilisation of digital learning methods, entrepreneurship and service activities, and internationality. The student is seen as an active, independent and responsible learner. The teacher creates the conditions for learning, supports, encourages and guides, and gives feedback on the student's learning.

Studying in nursing education takes place in the college and health and social care units. The student completes studies in one semester, during the fall semester. Students may choose to expand their knowledge with their choices.
Learning methods include multifaceted activating proximity, network, project, virtual and simulation methods, and practice. Professional activities are learned in multidisciplinary teams in basic and special situations related to treatment. Learning is supported with new versatile digital e-learning environments and modern learning spaces and tools in the simulation facilities of ICT-City and Medisiina D in Turku.

The aim of supporting the guidance and learning of the studies is for the student to update his/her nursing skills according to his/her learning plan in order to be able to return to nursing work. Nursing learning is a process for which the student receives support from tutoring in various ways. Tutoring is personal and group-specific.
Under supervision, the student draws up a personal learning plan (HOPS), which guides the temporal, content and methodological progress of the studies. The training includes materials in English.

Feedback system
Students participate in the planning of teaching and its implementation in various working groups. Students evaluate their learning and provide feedback on the planning and implementation of teaching by course, more broadly by academic year and at the end of the education for the whole education. Feedback from students is taken into account in the development of education.

Further information

The subject of learning assessment is the development of nursing competence and the general skills required in working life. Assessment is instructional and developmental in learning and is focused on the learning process and outcome. The assessment criteria for each course are described in the course implementation plan. Various methods are used in the assessment. The grade for the courses is given with a grade of 0-5 or accepted/ rejected as a verbal assessment. In addition to achieving the objectives, the approved completion of the internship requires the study point-wide participation of the learning plan. In addition to this, the student receives oral or written feedback that helps him or her to learn about his or her own strengths and areas for development. The assessment of competence takes place as close as possible to the actual situation. Continuous assessment supports the student in setting and achieving goals.

In addition to the teacher and self-assessment, the evaluators may include other students as peer reviewers, as well as instructors and other partners in working life. The student is responsible for the progress of the studies and, if necessary, seeking guidance.

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Code Name Credits (cr) 2024-2025 Autumn 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2024
Update to Nurse’s Work - Skills Training

(Choose all)

TH00CX76 Nursing documentation and basics of pharmacotherapy 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
TH00CX77 Nursing for people wit common internal diseases and implementation of fluid therapy 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
TH00CK69 Digital Services, Future Operating Environments, Management and Development Work 4 4 4 2 2
7031248 Specialist Nursing Competence 1 8 8 8 4 4

(Choose ects: 5)

5 1 1 0.5 0.5
TH00CL02 Advanced Studies in Gerontological Nursing 5
TH00CL03 Acute, Intensive and Emergency Care 5
TH00CL04 Advanced Studies in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Care 5
TH00CL05 Advanced Studies in Nursing for Children and Young People 5
TH00CL06 Advanced Studies in Medical Surgical Nursing 5
TH00CL07 Advanced Studies in Perioperative Nursing 5
TH00CL08 Entrepreneurship, Development, Management and Decision Making in Clinical Nursing 5
TH00CL09 Customer-Oriented Service Competence, Digital Services and Executive Function in Outpatient Care in Basic Health Care 5
TH00CL10 Human-Oriented Palliative Care 5
TH00CL11 Palliative Patient Symptoms and Pain Care 5
TH00CL12 Comprehensive Support and Interaction Between Patients and Family and Friends in Palliative Care 5
Elective studies

(Choose ects: 3)

3 1 1 0.5 0.5
TH00BU77 Vaccination Skills 2
TH00BV40 Nursing in Exceptional Circumstances 1
Total 30 22 22 11 11

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.