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Introduction to EngineeringLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YK00CR49


5 op


You will be able to understand different disciplines of engineering and will get familiar with the career of an engineer. You will have general knowledge of engineering. You will also be able solve more advanced mathematical problems required in field of technology. You will become familiar with use of online calculator.


You will get to know the basic tools for engineering design from ideation, problem solving, through the whole design phases until the product commercialization. This will embark you on a journey that will go through different disciplines needed to create a solution. The course will give you an overview of different fields available in the career path of an engineer and hence improve your choice for the degree needed to pursue. This course also expands your knowledge on quadratic equations, system of two linear equations, and right-angled triangles (Pythagoras, trigonometry).