Responsible Tourism and Wellness Business (5 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: KH00BY78-3001
Toteutuksen perustiedot
01.06.2023 - 15.09.2023
14.09.2023 - 31.12.2023
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
- Englanti
10 - 40
- Otieno Mbare
- Telle Tuominen
PMMWES21Myyntityö, matkailu ja wellness liiketoimintana, S21
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• recall the main terminology in responsible business, risk management and foreshadowing
• relate to the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in tourism, wellness, and leisure businesses
• analyze, plan, and implement responsible tourism and hospitality practices as well as related marketing communication
• Introduction to responsible business operations
• Risk management and foreshadowing
• Communication of corporate social responsibility
• Application of responsible business dimensions at company and destination level
Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys
students study in small teams using:
Experiential learning, inquiry-based, case studies, collaborative, reflective, constructivism, and integrative
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
student workload = 133hrs
Sisällön jaksotus
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• recall the main terminology in responsible business, risk management and foreshadowing
• relate to the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in tourism, wellness, and leisure businesses
• analyze, plan, and implement responsible tourism and hospitality practices as well as related marketing communication
• Introduction to responsible business operations
• Risk management and foreshadowing
• Communication of corporate social responsibility
• Application of responsible business dimensions at company and destination level
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
The assessment is based on a scale of: 1 - 5
Active participation in team 10%
Individual assignment 40%
Team assignment 50%
Hylätty (0)
The work does not reach the standard level of the course. There is no evidence of further reading or considered thought about the subject matter neither clear demonstration of familiarity with the various terminologies and concepts.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
There is knowledge of responsible tourism and wellness business material and concepts but the knowledge and the processing of knowledge is weak or limited. There is only little evidence of wider reading.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The work is reasonably competent, though there may be some weaknesses. Knowledge of various responsible tourism and wellness business and marketing concepts is adequate and while there is evidence of reading beyond the class, it's patchy or not broad (3).
The work is well developed beyond that given; demonstrates sound conceptual knowledge in responsible tourism and wellness business and reasoning; depth and breadth of reading (4)
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The work reflect very high conceptual standard and demonstrate knowledge in responsible tourism and wellness business concepts and autonomous development of reasoning processing well beyond that given in class. There is clear evidence of depth and breadth in reading