Service Design and Future Challenges (5 cr)
Code: MS00BR65-3003
General information
01.06.2023 - 25.08.2023
01.06.2023 - 30.09.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Service Design
- Ulla Seppälä-Kaven
- Riikka Kulmala
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- Retrieve, analyse and interpret information based on future research methods and anticipatory design methods for service development
- Utilise gained new knowledge and design services for future societal and business needs
- Manage a future-oriented service design process
- Enhance sustainable development, by taking into consideration multi-stakeholder partnerships that share knowledge, expertise, technology, and other resources for future needs of society
-Gathering, analysing and processing information based on futures research methods for future service development
-Anticipatory service design methods
-Scenarios thinking
-Service scenario planning and visualisation
-Service design project - adapting theory to a future working life project with a commissioner
Aalto University. 2020. Weak signals bring messages from the future
Ahvenharju, S., Minkkinen, M. & Lalot, F. 2019. The five Dimensions of Futures Consciousness. Futures 104 (2018) 1–13.
Dufva, M. Articles of future research on Sitra.
Durst, C., Durst, M. & Saffer, M. 2017. Weak Signals, Hypes or Trends – Identify Innovation Opportunities and stay ahead of your Game.
Jörgensen, S. & Pedersen, L.J.T. 2018. Restart Sustainable Business Model Innovation. (e-book)
Kelly, M. 2012. Owning our Future. The Emerging Ownership Revolution. (e-book)
Kuisma, K. 2018. Service Design meets Futures Design.
Lindgren, M. & Bandhold, H. 2009. Scenario Planning: The link between future and strategy. Palgrave Macmillan.
Mager, B. 2020. The Future of Service Design.
Van Patter, G.K., Pastor, E. & Jones, P. 2020. Rethinking Design Thinking: Making Sense of the Future That Has Already Arrived. Humantific & NextDesign Leadership Network.
Teaching methods
Lectures, group work
Service design project work
Peer evaluation
Learning diary
International connections
The course is based on innovation pedagogy and social constructivism. The student group is international.
Completion alternatives
According to the principles for credit transfer.
Student workload
Workload approximately 135 h:
- Contact sessions ca 20 h
- Distance studies 115 h
Pre-assignment 20 h
PESTLE-analysis and project plan 15 h
Research and service design project 60 h
Process portfolio 15 h
Self and peer feedback 4 h
Presentations 21 h
Content scheduling
Content of study unit
- Gathering, analysing and processing information based on future research methods for future service development
- Anticipatory service design methods
- Scenarios thinking
- Service scenario planning and visualization
- Service design project - adapting theory to a practise
Pre-assignment will be published in ITSlearning platform 15 th of June by 4 pm.
Contact lessons:
Further information
Contact lessons lessons are in Novia´s premises, Henrikinkatu 7, Turku.
Prerequisities: Competense objectives for Service Design Thinking course (5ects) and Service Design Methods and Tools course (5ects) or corresponding competences obtained.
The course is realized as a service design project work for a commissioner, which is published in Itslearning.
The purpose of the study project is to innovate future services and to research what kind of sustainable services and service possibilities would be needed in the future, year 2050.
The course starts with an individual pre-assignment researching the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors of topic chosen by the student during the summer.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Objects and methods of assessment:
The process portfolio, which describes the progress of the whole process from the brief to the end with different research and service design development stages. It consists of text and visualized perception material and other documents necessary for the reader to be able to understand the process.
Assessment criteria of the process portfolio:
- Analytical approach
- Applying of future research and service design methods for innovative problem solving
- Development process of the ideas to future service scenarios
- Informativeness and visualisation of the process portfolio
Project management competences.
Active participation and interaction in the group work.
All the required tasks returned in time.
Lecturers´, self and peer evaluation. Scale 0-5.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
- Quantity: the work is not completed and or;
- Quality: the minimum content requirements are not met
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
1 Sufficient
- Ability to reflect and communicate are hardly acceptable
2 Satisfactory
-Ability to reflect and communicate are on an acceptable level
-Appears to grasp the theory
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
3 Good
- Capacity of thinking and ability to communicate are good
- Shows good understanding and reflection of theory
4 Very good
Capacity of thinking and ability to communicate are very good
- Shows very good understanding of the topics and reflection of theory
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
5 Excellent
-Mastery of theory and ability to open up one’s insights
-Outstanding thoughts and ability to communicate
-Service Design Methods and Tools course or corresponding competences.