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Basics of Prosthodontic (3 cr)

Code: 7051069-3007

General information


02.12.2024 - 09.03.2025


01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Health and Well-being

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 25

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Dental Hygiene


  • Päivi Pietikäinen
  • Sari Silmäri
  • Riikka Karhuvaara


  • PSUUNS24
  • 30.01.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Protetiikan perusteet 7051069-3007/Teams
  • 05.02.2025 08:15 - 10:45, Protetiikan perusteet 7051069-3007/Teams
  • 12.02.2025 08:15 - 10:45, Protetiikan perusteet 7051069-3007/Teams
  • 26.02.2025 12:30 - 14:30, Protetiikan perusteet 7051069-3007
  • 06.03.2025 12:30 - 14:00, Protetiikan perusteet 7051069-3007/Teams
  • 12.03.2025 12:30 - 15:00, Hammasteknikon näkökulma / Protetiikan perusteet 7051069-3007
  • 13.03.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Protetiikan perusteet 7051069-3007/Tentti
  • 13.03.2025 10:00 - 11:30, Protetiikan perusteet 7051069-3007/simulaatio
  • 19.03.2025 12:30 - 14:00, ITSENÄINEN Hammasteknikon näkökulma / Protetiikan perusteet 7051069-3007
  • 27.03.2025 12:30 - 14:00, ITSENÄINEN / Hammasteknikon näkökulma / Protetiikan perusteet 7051069-3007


The student can
- describe the needs, treatment principles and treatment practices of prosthodontic oral health care as well as the team providing care
- identify the various types of dental prostheses and their particular properties
- create plans and offer guidance for the home care of a prosthodontic customer


- the needs, treatment principles and treatment practices of prosthodontic oral health care as well as the team providing care
- the various types of dental prostheses and their particular properties
- guidance for the home care of a prosthodontic customer

Evaluation scale
