Introduction to ProgrammingLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 5051111
5 op
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
14.12.2024 - 16.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Matti Teittinen
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
The text made for this course in English.
The manual of the program language.
Teaching methods
Contact lessons, self studying and homeworks.
Exam schedules
The final exam at the end of the course.
Two occasions to do the re-examination.
International connections
Course activities lead to a self independent data mining to complement the course material.
"Programming is learned by programming".
The principles of the course concern about load in society and preservation of the nature
Student workload
Content scheduling
Beginning: About Program language (Python 3). Course basics.
Middle: About programming and programming languages, program construction and environment and commands.
Ending: Rehearsals and extra information suggested by students. Final examination.
Further information
Group communication to students mainly on Its'learning platform of the course.
Communication to the instructor mainly by email (
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The final exam is evaluated and gives corresponding amount of points (max 35).
Finished and returned homeworks give extra points (max 9).
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Less than 18 points homework and finale exam points added together.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The sum of the points of the final exam and homeworks at least 18 and less than 26.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The sum of the points of the final exam and homeworks at least 26 and less than 34.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The sum of the points of the final exam and homeworks at least 34.
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
27.09.2024 - 13.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 30.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Päivi Oliva
- Paula Steinby
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Evaluation scale
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
27.04.2024 - 13.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Päivi Oliva
- Paula Steinby
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Evaluation scale
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
02.12.2023 - 11.01.2024
11.01.2024 - 30.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Matti Teittinen
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Evaluation scale
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
29.11.2023 - 18.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
50 - 100
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Anne Jumppanen
- Annukka Kinnari
Teacher in charge
Anne Jumppanen
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Kaikki oppimateriaali ilmoitetaan ItsLearningissä.
Teaching methods
Opintojaksolla opetellaan uudet asiat ensin opettaja-vetoisesti. Opettaja esittelee teoreettisen taustan. Sen jälkeen opettaja näyttää omalta koneelta ohjelmoiden, miten uusi opiskeltava asia tuodaan ohjelmointitehtäviin. Opiskelijat tekevät saman ohjelmointiharjoituksen omalla koneellaan.
Tämän jälkeen opettaja antaa opiskelijoille harjoitustehtäviä, joissa pääpaino on opiskeltavassa asiassa. Sen jälkeen jatketaan harjoitustehtävillä, joissa uusi asia integroidaan jo opittuihin asioihin. Kun opiskelijat tekevät harjoitustehtäviä, molemmat opettajat ovat opiskelijoiden tukena.
Exam schedules
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä.
International connections
Opintojaksolla opetellaan uudet asiat ensin opettaja-vetoisesti. Opettaja esittelee teoreettisen taustan. Sen jälkeen opettaja näyttää omalta koneelta ohjelmoiden, miten uusi opiskeltava asia tuodaan ohjelmointitehtäviin. Opiskelijat tekevät saman ohjelmointiharjoituksen omalla koneellaan.
Tämän jälkeen opettaja antaa opiskelijoille harjoitustehtäviä, joissa pääpaino on opiskeltavassa asiassa. Sen jälkeen jatketaan harjoitustehtävillä, joissa uusi asia integroidaan jo opittuihin asioihin. Kun opiskelijat tekevät harjoitustehtäviä, molemmat opettajat ovat opiskelijoiden tukena.
Completion alternatives
1) Antamalla näytön esim. tekemästään työelämän projektista, jolla opiskelija osoittaa hallitsevansa opintojakson sisällön.
2) Sivustolla kuvataan ohjelmoinnin MOOC, joka vastaa sisällöltään Helsingin yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitoksen kursseja Ohjelmoinnin perusteet ja Ohjelmoinnin jatkokurssi. Kurssit vastaavat yhteensä kymmentä opintopistettä (5+5).
Ohjelmoinnin perusteet voi suorittaa tekemällä ohjelmoinnin MOOCin alkuosan.
Student workload
Opiskelijan työn mitoitus
5 opintopistettä: 27 * 5 = 135 tuntia
Opintojakson kesto: 8.1. - 19.4.2024 (14 viikkoa + opetukseton viikko 8)
Viikkotyömäärä: 135 tuntia / 14 viikkoa = 9,5 tuntia viikossa
Content scheduling
Opintojaksolla opiskellaan ohjelmoinnin ajattelutapaa sekä tutustutaan ohjelmistokehityksen pääpiirteisiin.
Opintojakson harjoitukset tehdään Javalla.
Tulostaminen näytölle ja tiedostoon.
Tiedon lukeminen näppäimistöltä ja tiedostosta.
Ohjelmoinnin valintarakenteet.
Ohjelmoinnin toistorakenteet.
Aliohjelmat ja niiden käyttö.
Taulukot ja merkkijonot.
Ohjelman dokumentointi.
Ohjelman testaus.
Further information
Kurssin viestintä tapahtuu pääsääntöisesti ItsLearningissä.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Opintojakson läpäisy edellyttää hyväksytysti suoritettujen harjoitusten tekemistä sekä aktiivista osallistumista harjoitustyön tekoon.
Viikkokohtaisia kotitehtäviä on 10 sarjaa, kussakin 10 pisteen edestä tehtäviä. Kotitehtäväsarjan kokonaisarviointi noudattaa seuraavaa kaavaa:
40 pistettä -> 1
55 pistettä -> 2
70 pistettä -> 3
80 pistettä -> 4
90 pistettä -> 5
Harjoitustyö arvioidaan erikseen skaalalla 1-5.
Opiskelijan opintojakson arvosana muodostuu kotitehtäväsarjan ja harjoitustyön keskiarvosta. Molempien osioiden pitää olla hyväksyttyjä.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Hyväksytysti suoritettuja harjoituksia puuttuu ja/tai harjoitustyö puuttuu.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Hyväksytysti suoritettuja harjoituksia on tehty minimimäärä tai niiden laatu on tyydyttävä ja/tai harjoitustyön laatu on tyydyttävää tasoa.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Hyväksytysti suoritettuja harjoituksia on tehty riittävästi ja niiden laatu on hyvää ja harjoitustyön laatu on hyvää tasoa.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Hyväksytysti suoritettuja harjoituksia on tehty maksimimäärä ja niiden laatu on kiitettävää ja harjoitustyön laatu on kiitettävää tasoa.
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
28.09.2023 - 14.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Päivi Oliva
- Jaakko Lamminpää
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Evaluation scale
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
31.05.2023 - 16.09.2023
04.09.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
75 - 120
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Tiina Ferm
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python3 4th edition by David Amos,Dan Bader,Joanna Jablonski, Fletcher Heisler, ISBN:9781775093329 (paperback), ISBN:9781775093336 (electronic)
Programming tools
- Python 3.11.x
Teaching methods
Learning by programming
Completion alternatives
The course can be compensated with an e-exam. More instructions on how to enrol is given in itslearning.
The exam can be done using a programming language e.g. C/C++/#, java, javascript a student states when enrolling.
Student workload
Contact hours 77 h
Independent study continuously throughout the course, preparation for the exam 58 h
Content scheduling
The course consists of eight topics with rehearsal questions, quizzes and labs for each.
week 36: Introduction
week 37: Basic syntax
week 38: Input and output in the console
week 39: Variables and types, quiz and lab 1 (total 10 points)
week 40: Operators and branching, quiz and lab 2 (total 10 points)
week 41: Exam 1 (10 points)
week 43: Loops (for and while), quiz and lab 4 (total 10 points)
week 44: Collections (list, tuple, set, dictionary), quiz and lab 3 (total 10 points)
week 45: Exam 2 (10 points)
week 46: Functions, quiz and lab 5 (total 10 points)
week 47: File IO, quiz and lab 6 (total 10 points)
week 48: Review, quiz and lab 7 (total 10 points)
week 49: Exam 3 (10 points)
total of 100 points
Further information
Lectures and labs are implemented at the campus. This is not an online course. The classes will be on the timetable by the beginning of the semester.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
7 Quizzes – online, evaluated, minimum 14, maximum 35
7 Labs – classroom activity, evaluated, plagiarism check result must be < 50%, minimum 14, maximum 35
3 Exams – classroom activity, evaluated, 10 points each, minimum 12, maximum 30
To pass the course a student has to reach a minimum in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams). If the minimum is reached all the points are added and a scale of 1 – 5 is calculated.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
• does not know the basic concepts of programming
• cannot read or write simple programs
< 40 points or failed the exam
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions
• understands how the program flow is going
• can read or write simple programs
40 - 59 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures, functions, classes, objects and arrays
• understands how the program flow is going and is able to find easy errors
• can make simple programs
40 - 79 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions, classes and objects
• utilizes some data Structures such as arrays, lists and hash tables.
• understands how the program flow is going and is able to use debugger and error handling
• can make programs that include aforesaid concepts.
> 80 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
> 90 points, 1 additional credit (total of 6 credits)
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
01.06.2023 - 17.09.2023
04.09.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
75 - 120
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Noora Maritta Nieminen
Scheduling groups
- Ryhmä A (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Ryhmä B (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Ryhmä C (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- 1
- 2
- 3
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Evaluation scale
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
01.06.2023 - 17.09.2023
04.09.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
75 - 120
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Tommi Tuomola
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Evaluation scale
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
01.06.2023 - 17.09.2023
01.09.2023 - 28.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management Engineering
- Tiina Ferm
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python3 4th edition by David Amos,Dan Bader,Joanna Jablonski, Fletcher Heisler, ISBN:9781775093329 (paperback), ISBN:9781775093336 (electronic)
Teaching methods
Learning by programming
Completion alternatives
The course can be compensated with an exam, the date is agreed upon with the first lecture
Student workload
Contact hours 77 h
Independent study continuously throughout the course, preparation for the exam 58 h
Content scheduling
The course consists of fundamental topics in programming:
- introduction, basic syntax, and input and output in the console
- 1: variables and types
- 3: loops (for and while)
- 4: functions
- 5: collections (list, tuple, set, dictionary)
- 6: file IO
- 7: Using Python in different environments (pygame, django, tkinter)
Every week there are two exercises:
- quiz total 50 points
- programming lab, total 50 points
total of 100 points
Further information
Lectures and labs are implemented at the campus. This is not an online course. The classes will be on the timetable by the beginning of the semester.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
10 HOMEWORKS – online, rehearsing, not evaluated
7 Quizzes – online, evaluated, 5 points each, minimum 14, maximum 35
7 Labs – classroom activity, evaluated, plagiarism check result must be < 50%, 5 points each, minimum 14, maximum 35
3 Exams – classroom activity, evaluated, 10 points each, minimum 12, maximum 30
To pass the course a student has to reach a minimum in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams). If the minimum is reached all the points are added and the scale of 1 – 5 is calculated.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
• does not know the basic concepts of programming
• cannot read or write simple programs
< 40 points or failed the exam
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions
• understands how the program flow is going
• can read or write simple programs
40 - 59 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures, functions, classes, objects and arrays
• understands how the program flow is going and is able to find easy errors
• can make simple programs
40 - 79 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions, classes and objects
• utilizes some data Structures such as arrays, lists and hash tables.
• understands how the program flow is going and is able to use debugger and error handling
• can make programs that include aforesaid concepts.
> 80 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
> 90 points, 1 additional credit (total of 6 credits)
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
01.06.2023 - 17.09.2023
01.09.2023 - 28.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management Engineering
- Tiina Ferm
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python3 4th edition by David Amos,Dan Bader,Joanna Jablonski, Fletcher Heisler, ISBN:9781775093329 (paperback), ISBN:9781775093336 (electronic)
Teaching methods
Learning by programming
Completion alternatives
The course can be compensated with an exam, the date is agreed upon with the first lecture
Student workload
Contact hours 77 h
Independent study continuously throughout the course, preparation for the exam 58 h
Content scheduling
The course consists of eight topics and rehearsal questions, quizzes and labs for each.
- introduction, basic syntax, and input and output in the console
- 1: variables and types, quiz and lab 1 (total 10 points)
- 2: operators and branching, quiz and lab 2 (total 10 points)
Exam 1 (10 points)
- 3: loops (for and while), quiz and lab 4 (total 10 points)
- 4: functions, quiz and lab 5 (total 10 points)
Exam 2 (10 points)
- 5: collections (list, tuple, set, dictionary), quiz and lab 3 (total 10 points)
- 6: file IO, quiz and lab 6 (total 10 points)
- 7: review, quiz and lab 7 (total 10 points)
Exam 3 (10 points)
- 8: putting it all together in different environments (pygame, django, tkinter)
total of 100 points
Further information
Lectures and labs are implemented at the campus. This is not an online course. The classes will be on the timetable by the beginning of the semester.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
10 HOMEWORKS – online, rehearsing, not evaluated
7 Quizzes – online, evaluated, 5 points each, minimum 14, maximum 35
7 Labs – classroom activity, evaluated, plagiarism check result must be < 50%, 5 points each, minimum 14, maximum 35
3 Exams – classroom activity, evaluated, 10 points each, minimum 12, maximum 30
To pass the course a student has to reach a minimum in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams). If the minimum is reached all the points are added and the scale of 1 – 5 is calculated.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
• does not know the basic concepts of programming
• cannot read or write simple programs
< 40 points or failed the exam
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions
• understands how the program flow is going
• can read or write simple programs
40 - 59 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures, functions, classes, objects and arrays
• understands how the program flow is going and is able to find easy errors
• can make simple programs
40 - 79 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions, classes and objects
• utilizes some data Structures such as arrays, lists and hash tables.
• understands how the program flow is going and is able to use debugger and error handling
• can make programs that include aforesaid concepts.
> 80 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
> 90 points, 1 additional credit (total of 6 credits)
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
28.04.2023 - 14.08.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Jaakko Lamminpää
- Päivi Oliva
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Evaluation scale
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
30.11.2022 - 19.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 50
- Jaakko Lamminpää
- Päivi Oliva
- Matti Kuikka
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Evaluation scale
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
30.11.2022 - 18.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 15.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Tommi Tuomola
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Group 1
- Group 2
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Lecture material is shared in the courses learning environment (itslearning).
The program examples discussed on classes.
Extra study material in web:
Teaching methods
Lectures, programming exercises, independent study
Exam schedules
Course exam is in may.
There will be two re-exams. Both will be arranged in june. Exact date to be determined later.
International connections
Using practical exercises to study designing and implementing Python programs. Exercises directly support learning the theory. We will use digital learning environments, web sources and available lecture material (in itslearning).
Student workload
Examples discussed on lectures
Exercises in ViLLE and homework exercises that are discussed in demonstrations
Contact study (lectures + demonstrations): 56h
Idependent study, homework exercises and exam: 79h
Content scheduling
january - may 2023
• january: First program, Python-language, variables
• february: Data types, imperative programming, printing, strings
• march: Selection and repetition, basic data structures
• april: Functions, file handling
• may: Introduction to classes, exam
Further information
Participating on this course requires a laptop computer that the student can take to classes and demonstrations.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment is based on both the activity of the student in participating to the demonstration sessions as well as the following:
Exercises successfully completed in ViLLE
Successfully completed and demonstrated homework exercises
All of these need to be successfully passed. The exact needed points are published during the first class.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
• does not know the basic concepts of programming
• is not able to understand or implement even the simplest programs
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• is familiar and understands the basic concepts of programming like variables, control structures and functions
• understands how simple programs work
• is able to read and produce simple code
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
• is familiar and understands the basic concepts of programming like variables, control structures and functions
• understands how simple programs work and is able to find simple errors in them
• is able to produce simple programs
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• is familiar and understands the basic concepts of programming like variables, control structures and functions
• knows how to use some data structures, such as arrays, lists and hashtables
• understands how simple programs work and is able to use debugger to find errors
• is able to implement programs that apply the knowledge gained from previous parts
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
30.11.2022 - 18.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 30.04.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Tiina Ferm
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
PythonBasics: APracticalIntroductiontoPython3 4th edition by DavidAmos,DanBader,JoannaJablonski,FletcherHeisler, ISBN:9781775093329(paperback), ISBN:9781775093336(electronic)
Teaching methods
Learning by programming
Completion alternatives
The course can be compensated with an exam, the date is agreed upon with the first lecture
Student workload
Contact hours 77 h
Independent study continuously throughout the course, preparation for the exam 58 h
Content scheduling
The course consists of eight topics and rehearsal questions, quizzes and labs for each.
- introduction, basic syntax, and input and output in the console
- 1: variables and types, quiz and lab 1 (total 10 points)
- 2: operators and branching, quiz and lab 2 (total 10 points)
Exam 1 (10 points)
- 3: loops (for and while), quiz and lab 4 (total 10 points)
- 4: functions, quiz and lab 5 (total 10 points)
Exam 2 (10 points)
- 5: collections (list, tuple, set, dictionary), quiz and lab 3 (total 10 points)
- 6: file IO, quiz and lab 6 (total 10 points)
- 7: review, quiz and lab 7 (total 10 points)
Exam 3 (10 points)
- 8: putting it all together in different environments (pygame, django, tkinter)
total of 100 points
Further information
Lectures and labs are implemented at the campus. This is not an online course. The classes will be on the timetable by the beginning of the semester.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
10 HOMEWORKS – online, rehearsing, not evaluated
7 Quizzes – online, evaluated, 5 points each, minimum 14, maximum 35
7 Labs – classroom activity, evaluated, plagiarism check result must be < 50%, 5 points each, minimum 14, maximum 35
3 Exams – classroom activity, evaluated, 10 points each, minimum 12, maximum 30
To pass the course a student has to reach a minimum in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams). If the minimum is reached all the points are added and the scale of 1 – 5 is calculated.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
• does not know the basic concepts of programming
• cannot read or write simple programs
< 40 points or failed the exam
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions
• understands how the program flow is going
• can read or write simple programs
40 - 59 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures, functions, classes, objects and arrays
• understands how the program flow is going and is able to find easy errors
• can make simple programs
40 - 79 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions, classes and objects
• utilizes some data Structures such as arrays, lists and hash tables.
• understands how the program flow is going and is able to use debugger and error handling
• can make programs that include aforesaid concepts.
> 80 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)
> 90 points, 1 additional credit (total of 6 credits)
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
30.11.2022 - 19.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 28.04.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 70
- Anne Jumppanen
- Sami Pyöttiälä
Teacher in charge
Anne Jumppanen
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Evaluation scale
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.
01.12.2022 - 22.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 28.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Patric Granholm
- Matti Teittinen
Scheduling groups
- Vain avoimen AMK:n opiskelijoille (Tutkinto-opiskelija ilmoittaudu joka tapauksessa, toteutus ei ole vain avoimen opiskelijoille) (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
Small groups
- For Open UAS students only
After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.
- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists
Evaluation scale
Basic computer skills and high school or vocational school mathematics curriculum or equivalent skills.