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Sales and MarketingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: KH00BS42


5 op


Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business


02.12.2024 - 23.02.2025


24.02.2025 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Professional Sales
  • Degree Programme in Business
  • Anne-Marie Jünger
  • Maria Välivirta Havia
  • Ella Jalo
  • LTOPS24B
  • LTOPS24C
  • LTOPS24D
  • LTOPS24E
  • LTOPS24A


Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business

Teaching methods

Independent study
Familiarity with literature and other material
Contact teaching
small group working

International connections

Independent studies, lectures, group work, and project based learning.

Content scheduling

Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Each group work is assessed on a scale of 0, 1-5 or H
Arviointiasteikko H-5


01.12.2024 - 24.02.2025


24.02.2025 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Professional Sales
  • Degree Programme in Business
  • Anne-Marie Jünger
  • Maria Välivirta Havia
  • LTOPS24F
  • LTOPS24G
  • LTOPS24H
  • LTOPS24I
  • LTOPS24J
  • LTOPS24K


Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business

Teaching methods

Independent study
Familiarity with literature and other material
Contact teaching
small group working

International connections

Independent studies, lectures, group works, and project based learning.

Content scheduling

Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business

Evaluation scale



01.12.2023 - 08.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 260

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Professional Sales
  • Degree Programme in Business
  • Mikko Niskanen
  • LTOPS23D
  • LTOPS23E
  • LTOPS23C
  • LTOPS23A
  • LTOPS23B


Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business


Philip T. Kotler & Gary Armstrong: Principles of Marketing. 17th Global Edition.
Bergström, Seija & Leppänen, Arja: Yrityksen asiakasmarkkinointi. Edita.
Books are used as background material.

Other is in the ItsLearning

Teaching methods

Independent study
Familiarity with literature and other material
Contact teaching and groupworks

Exam schedules

No exam, Assessment based on group performance

International connections

Independent studies, lectures, online exercies, group works, and project based learning.

Student workload

36 hours: lections and group presentations (2x2h/week)
63 hours: studying course materials and individual planning
36 hours: Study team work

Content scheduling

- knows how to use the basic concepts of sales and marketing
- can identify factors behind purchasing behavior and factors that generate value for the customer
- can describe the stages of the sales process and act customer-oriented
- outlines the role of sales and marketing in the organization's business

- 2h lecture for the entire course once a week
- 2 hours of decomposing the outputs of small groups every week in small groups

Preliminary schedule. The week number is the sequence number of the work week of the course, not the calendar week. The course may be scheduled anywhere during the spring, the schedule planners decide. The dates in the Timing section may change as the schedules are completed.

Lectures: Group work:
1) Start. None
2) PESTLE Presentation: Group product
3) Customer Presentation: PESTLE
4) Distribution Presentation: Customer
5) Pricing Presentation: Distribution
6) Communication Presentation: Pricing
7) Sales Presentation: Communication
8) Budget + plan Presentation: Sales
9) No lecture, guidance in writing the plan. Presentations of marketing campaigns
10) No lecture. Return of marketing plans to Its

Further information

The course is implemented on campus. The classes marked in the reading schedule are contact teaching on campus, unless otherwise specifically instructed. Lessons or group work cannot be attended remotely and are not recorded. Student groups can also organize their own meetings online.

The course prepares a marketing campaign plan for the selected product. Each small group has a different product.

Each week there is a common lecture on one topic for everyone (See "Content and timing")
The following week, the small groups will present a part of this topic related to their own product (PowerPoint presentation, return to Its and presentation in group work class).
During the following week, the small groups write the corresponding chapter in their marketing plan (MS Word) based on the presentation and the comments received from it, and return it to Its.
At the end of the course, a final marketing plan is compiled from these plans and presented.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Presentations of group works:
The whole group must be involved in presenting the work, i.e. group work hours are mandatory. 1 absence/student is allowed without penalty or explanation. After that, each absence without an acceptable reason lowers the grade by one digit. 4 or more absences will cause the course to be failed.

Absences are acceptable due to illness, a child's illness or another compelling reason. The reason for the absence must be verified to the teacher. Working or participating in other education is not an acceptable reason.

Everyone must make an equal contribution to doing the work. If a member of the group does not participate in the work, the group must report the matter to the teacher, who will clarify the matter by discussing it with the group. If the student has not participated in the individual group work at all without an acceptable reason, the group must omit his name from the return of the group work. This also means that the course will be failed for the student.

Group work presentations are evaluated on a scale of 0 (Rejected), 1-5. As a rule, the whole group gets the same grade.
Group work plans are evaluated as Pass/Fail. All must be returned with approval.

The whole plan (return in the last week) is rated 0 (Rejected), 1-5. A rejected plan means the entire course is failed. As a rule, the whole group gets the same grade,

The average of the grades of group work presentations constitutes 60% of the grade of the entire course.
The grade of the entire plan constitutes 40% of the grade of the entire course.
As a general rule, the whole group gets the same grade, but if necessary, the matter can be discussed with the teacher, if this is deemed necessary.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The work is completely incomplete or incorrect

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Things were dealt with in a concise, list-based way and did not fully care about the task
Contradiction and inconsistency
Totally incomplete reasoning

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The main content was raised somewhat well
Little or no irrelevant material
There is no noticeable personal reflection on things
There is little justification
Written work clear

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Important main content presented very comprehensively
The matter has been described and evaluated from several different points of view, making very extensive use of existing source material
Presented reflections, arguments, own views and conclusions in a very rich, comprehensive and consistent way
Written work very clear and logical


02.12.2023 - 31.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 30.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 130

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Professional Sales
  • Degree Programme in Business
  • Jaakko Haltia
  • LTOPS23H
  • LTOPS23I
  • LTOPS23J
  • LTOPS23K
  • LTOPS23F
  • LTOPS23G


Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business

Teaching methods

Independent study
Familiarity with literature and other material
Online teaching
Contact teaching
small group working

International connections

Independent studies, lectures, online exercies, group works, and project based learning.

Content scheduling

Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business

The timing will be confirmed when the schedules are completed, but tentatively
- 2h for the whole group once a week, for 9 weeks
- 2h of group presentations in small groups 3-4 times during study

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Each group work is assessed on a scale of 0, 1-5 or H
Arviointiasteikko H-5

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The work is completely incomplete or incorrect

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Things were dealt with in a concise, list-based way and did not fully care about the task
Contradiction and inconsistency
Totally incomplete reasoning

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The main content was raised somewhat well
Little or no irrelevant material
There is no noticeable personal reflection on things
There is little justification
Written work clear

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Important main content presented very comprehensively
The matter has been described and evaluated from several different points of view, making very extensive use of existing source material
Presented reflections, arguments, own views and conclusions in a very rich, comprehensive and consistent way
Written work very clear and logical


02.12.2022 - 16.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 17.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Professional Sales
  • Degree Programme in Business
  • Mikko Niskanen
  • PMMWES22


Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business


Philip T. Kotler & Gary Armstrong: Principles of Marketing. 17th Global Edition.
Bergström, Seija & Leppänen, Arja: Yrityksen asiakasmarkkinointi. Edita.
Books are used as background material.

Other is in the ItsLearning

Teaching methods

Independent study
Familiarity with literature and other material
Contact teaching and groupwork

Exam schedules

No exam, Assessment based on group performance

International connections

Independent studies, lectures, online exercies, group works, and project based learning.

Student workload

36 hours: lections and group presentations (2x2h/week)
63 hours: studying course materials and individual planning
36 hours: Study team work

Content scheduling

Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business

- 2h for the whole course once a week
- 2h of group presentations in small groups on a weekly basis

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Each group work presentation is assessed on a scale of 0, 1-5
The weekly plans are evaluated as failed or accepted. All must be accepted.
The whole marketing plan (returned in the end of the course) is evaluated on a scale of 0, 1-5
The average of the evaluations of the presentations make 60% of the final grade
The whole marketing plan makes 40& of the final grade.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The work is completely incomplete or incorrect

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Things were dealt with in a concise, list-based way and did not fully care about the task
Contradiction and inconsistency
Totally incomplete reasoning

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The main content was raised somewhat well
Little or no irrelevant material
There is no noticeable personal reflection on things
There is little justification
Written work clear

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Important main content presented very comprehensively
The matter has been described and evaluated from several different points of view, making very extensive use of existing source material
Presented reflections, arguments, own views and conclusions in a very rich, comprehensive and consistent way
Written work very clear and logical


01.12.2022 - 16.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 17.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Professional Sales
  • Degree Programme in Business
  • Mikko Niskanen
  • LTOPS22G
  • LTOPS22H


Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business


Philip T. Kotler & Gary Armstrong: Principles of Marketing. 17th Global Edition.
Bergström, Seija & Leppänen, Arja: Yrityksen asiakasmarkkinointi. Edita.
Books are used as background material.

Other is in the ItsLearning

Teaching methods

Independent study
Familiarity with literature and other material
Contact teaching and groupworks

Exam schedules

No exam, Assessment based on group performance

International connections

Independent studies, lectures, online exercies, group works, and project based learning.

Student workload

36 hours: lections and group presentations (2x2h/week)
63 hours: studying course materials and individual planning
36 hours: Study team work

Content scheduling

Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business

- 2h for the whole course once a week,
- 2h of group presentations in small groups on a weekly basis

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Each group work presentation is assessed on a scale of 0, 1-5
The weekly plans are evaluated as failed or accepted. All must be accepted.
The whole marketing plan (returned in the end of the course) is evaluated on a scale of 0, 1-5
The average of the evaluations of the presentations make 60% of the final grade
The whole marketing plan makes 40& of the final grade.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The work is completely incomplete or incorrect

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Things were dealt with in a concise, list-based way and did not fully care about the task
Contradiction and inconsistency
Totally incomplete reasoning

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The main content was raised somewhat well
Little or no irrelevant material
There is no noticeable personal reflection on things
There is little justification
Written work clear

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Important main content presented very comprehensively
The matter has been described and evaluated from several different points of view, making very extensive use of existing source material
Presented reflections, arguments, own views and conclusions in a very rich, comprehensive and consistent way
Written work very clear and logical


01.12.2022 - 15.01.2023


01.01.2023 - 10.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

50 - 140

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Professional Sales
  • Degree Programme in Business
  • Jaakko Haltia
  • LTOPS22A
  • LTOPS22D
  • LTOPS22E
  • LTOPS22B
  • LTOPS22C
  • LTOPS22F


Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business

Teaching methods

Independent study
Familiarity with literature and other material
Online teaching
Contact teaching
small group working

International connections

Independent studies, lectures, online exercies, group works, and project based learning.

Content scheduling

Student is able to
- use basic terminology related to sales and marketing
- define the factors behind the customer´s buying behavior and offer additional value to the customer
- describe the phases of the sales process and use customer-oriented practices
- understand role of sales and marketing for the business

The timing will be confirmed when the schedules are completed, but tentatively
- 2h for the whole group once a week, for 9 weeks
- 2h of group presentations in small groups 3-4 times during study

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Each group work is assessed on a scale of 0, 1-5 or H
Arviointiasteikko H-5

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The work is completely incomplete or incorrect

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Things were dealt with in a concise, list-based way and did not fully care about the task
Contradiction and inconsistency
Totally incomplete reasoning

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The main content was raised somewhat well
Little or no irrelevant material
There is no noticeable personal reflection on things
There is little justification
Written work clear

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Important main content presented very comprehensively
The matter has been described and evaluated from several different points of view, making very extensive use of existing source material
Presented reflections, arguments, own views and conclusions in a very rich, comprehensive and consistent way
Written work very clear and logical