Digital Marketing BasicsLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: 3041249
5 op
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
02.12.2024 - 16.01.2025
16.01.2025 - 20.03.2025
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
Kupittaan kampus
- Suomi
- Englanti
0 - 45
- Liiketalouden koulutus
- Degree Programme in International Business
- Saara Tikkanen
PLMWES23PLMWES23 Liiketalous, matkailu ja wellness liiketoimintana, S23
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
Luentomateriaalit, DEMS-projektin materiaalit (, ITSLearning-alustalla jaettu materiaali (esim. podcastit, videot, blogit jne.) sekä muu verkkomateriaali.
- Lähiopetus (luennot, ryhmätyöt, parityöt, tentti)
- Itsenäinen opiskelu ja tiedonhaku
- Yhteistoiminnalliset oppimismenetelmät (esitykset)
- Mahdollinen vieraileva luennoitsija
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
Kurssi sisältää kaksi ITS-tenttiä. Tarkat päivämäärät ilmoitetaan kurssin ensimmäisellä luennolla.
Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys
Yhteisöllinen oppiminen ja innovaatiopedagogiikka
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Kurssi koostuu ennakkotehtävästä (ohjeet alla), ITS-tenteistä (2 kpl) ja ryhmätöistä (3 kpl).
Aiheita opitaan sekä luennoilla että itsenäisesti.
Kurssin lopuksi opiskelijat antavat vertaispalautetta ryhmänsä yhteistyöstä, jota opettaja voi hyödyntää arvioinnissa.
Kurssin laajuus: 5 opintopistettä = noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työskentelyä
Kurssilla on 50 % läsnäoloedellytys.
Etsi verkkolähteistä 30 digitaalisen markkinoinnin termiä ja laadi niille omin sanoin kirjoittamasi määritelmät. Palauta lista (esim. docx- tai pdf-muodossa) ITSiin ennen kurssin ensimmäistä tapaamista (DL 15.1.2025).
Call to Action (CTA) = kehotus, joka ohjaa käyttäjää klikkaamaan mainosta tai sisältöä jatkaakseen (esim. "Lue lisää" tai "Osta nyt").
Sisällön jaksotus
Ajoitus: 16.01.2025 - 20.03.2025
Kurssi kattaa seuraavat aiheet:
- Johdatus digitaaliseen markkinointiin (mukaan lukien käsitteet, rooli markkinoinnissa ja liiketoiminnassa)
- Verkkosivuston rooli markkinoinnissa ja hakukoneoptimointi (SEO)
- Sisältömarkkinointi ja sosiaalinen media
- AI:n hyödyntäminen markkinoinnissa
- Digitaalisen markkinoinnin strategia ja asiakaspolku
- Digitaalinen mainonta (hakukonemainonta ja sosiaalisen median mainonta)
- Analytiikka digitaalisilla alustoilla
- Kestävä markkinointi, vastuullinen markkinointi
- AI:n hyödyntäminen markkinoinnissa
Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja
ITS & sähköposti
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Tehtävät ja arviointikriteerit:
- Ennakkotehtävä (Hyväksytty/Hylätty)
- Verkkosivusto ja SEO -ryhmätehtävä 20 % (arviointiasteikko 0–5)
- Tentit 20 % + 20 % (arviointiasteikko 0–5)
- Digitaalisen mainoskampanjan ryhmätehtävä 10 % (arviointiasteikko 0–5)
- Strategisen sisältösuunnitelman ryhmätehtävä (raportti ja esitys) 30 % (arviointiasteikko 0–5)
- Osallistuminen (läsnäoloprosentti sekä osallistuminen opetukseen ja esitystilaisuuksiin)
- Itse- ja vertaisarviointi (Hyväksytty/Ei suoritettu)
Hylätty (0)
Opiskelijan osallistuminen on alle 50 % lähiopetustunneista, hän ei osallistu ryhmätöihin tai tenttiin, tai hän jättää ennakkotehtävän tekemättä, jolloin kurssin suoritukseksi merkitään "Hylätty." Vapaamatkustaminen ryhmätöissä johtaa kurssin hylkäämiseen. Kurssi hylätään, jos jokin tehtävistä sisältää yli 90 % plagioitua sisältöä. Yksittäinen tehtävä hylätään, jos se sisältää yli 50 % plagioitua sisältöä.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Opiskelija osoittaa perustason ymmärrystä digitaalisen markkinoinnin käsitteistä ja kurssilla käsitellyistä aiheista. Hän noudattaa ohjeita, mutta itsenäinen ongelmanratkaisukyky puuttuu. Palautetut tehtävät ovat laadultaan samankaltaisia kuin tekoälyn tuottamat sisällöt, ja niistä puuttuu henkilökohtainen pohdinta ja oivallukset.
Opiskelija osallistuu heikosti ryhmätöihin eikä osoita ammattimaista työskentelyotetta. Ryhmäraporttien kielellinen laatu ja opiskelijan antama ammatillinen vaikutelma ovat tyydyttävällä tasolla. Arvioidut tehtävät ovat riittämättömiä ja ne on palautettu myöhässä.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija ymmärtää kurssin aiheet ja osaa keskustella oppimistaan asioista. Hän pystyy soveltamaan oppimiaan tietoja ja taitoja annettujen tehtävien ratkaisemiseksi. Opiskelijalla on jonkin verran kykyä analysoida tietoa ja tunnistaa syy-seuraussuhteita johtopäätöstensä ja teorian välillä. Hän osoittaa hyviä itsenäisen ja ryhmätyöskentelyn taitoja sekä aktiivisuutta opetustilanteissa.
Ryhmätehtävät ovat tavoitteellisia. Teoreettinen pohja on hyvin perusteltu ja sovellettu asianmukaisesti käsiteltävään aiheeseen. Johtopäätökset esitetään loogisesti ja selkeästi.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Opiskelija osoittaa erinomaista ymmärrystä ja soveltamista digitaalisen markkinoinnin periaatteista sekä kurssilla käsitellyistä aiheista. Palautetut tehtävät ovat ammattimaisesti laadittuja, tavoitteellisia ja sisältävät runsaasti omaperäisiä ajatuksia ja oivalluksia, joissa lähteet on viitattu läpinäkyvästi. Johtopäätökset pohjautuvat vahvaan teoreettiseen perustaan, ne esitetään loogisesti, ja pohdinta heijastaa aidosti ryhmän tai opiskelijan omia näkemyksiä.
Opiskelija on erittäin aktiivinen opetustilanteissa, esityksissä ja ryhmätyöskentelyssä.
02.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
Kupittaan kampus
- Englanti
0 - 45
- Liiketalouden koulutus
- Kai Schleutker
PBUADK24Degree Programme in Business Administration PBUADK24
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
01.06.2024 - 11.09.2024
31.10.2024 - 28.11.2024
5 op
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
Paikasta riippumaton
- Suomi
- Englanti
0 - 45
- Liiketalouden koulutus
- Degree Programme in International Business
- Saara Tikkanen
PINBOS23International Business Online Autumn 2023
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
01.06.2024 - 11.09.2024
12.09.2024 - 28.11.2024
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
Kupittaan kampus
- Suomi
- Englanti
- Liiketalouden koulutus
- Saara Tikkanen
VAIHTOS24Vaihto syksy 2024
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
01.06.2024 - 10.09.2024
10.09.2024 - 12.11.2024
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
Kupittaan kampus
- Suomi
- Englanti
0 - 30
- Liiketalouden koulutus
- Degree Programme in International Business
- Jaana Merikallio
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
- e-book(s) and articles
- lessons material and one's own notes
- tutorial videos
- contact lessons: active participation, presentations
- individual studying
- learning and sharing ideas in a group - teamwork skills
Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys
Learning in teams, in interaction with others, self and peer evaluation, digital learning.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
None, no replacing assignments either.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
- Contact lessons 8 x 3h
- Group work 30 h
- Individual studying 70 h
- Pre-course assignment 10 h
Sisällön jaksotus
- Intro, recap marketing fundamentals
- The benefits of digital marketing
- Traditional vs. digital marketing
- Inbound vs. outbound:
o different channels
o key elements of inbound marketing
o traffic sources, how to increase traffic
- targeting, buyer personas
- buyer´s journey
- Google Analytics
Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Pre-course assignment (individual): as a part of course activity
Google Analytics 4 exam (individual) 10%
Display campaign (individual): 30% (0-5)
SEO & SEA assignment (group): 30% (0-5)
Digital strategy (group): 30% (0-5)
Pre-course assignment:
Pass: the assignment has been accomplished according to instructions.
Fail: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time, and/or the list doesn’t include 10 terms and/or the number of sources is less than three. Plagiarism more than 30%.
Google Analytics 4 exam in Itslearning:
Each correct answer equals to one point. Points 0-10.
Plan a display campaign and banner (30%). If carried out in a pair, pair plans two campaigns and banners. Multiply assignment grade by 6:
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The campaign mathematics (the correct cpm price, the correct cpm x impressions calculation, nr of visitors) are wrong or inadequate. The campaign period per media is missing. Pricing method is not CPM. Banner(s) has not been designed.
1-2: Pricing method is CPM, and mathematics are correct, but campaign(s) consist/s of only one media. No argumentation why the media is chosen. Screen captures of media cards / rates are missing. Banner(s) has/have been designed, but alignment with campaign planning is poor.
3-4: The campaign(s) include/s two or more media, mathematics are correct and the campaign(s) has/have been built according to instructions. Student(s) provide/s arguments for their campaign and ad format solutions. Banner design(s) is/are quite good, CTA taken into account.
5: The campaigns include(s) two or more media, mathematics are correct and campaign(s) has/have been built according to instructions. Targeting pricing (if applicable) has been taken into account. Banner(s) stand/s out. Student(s) provide/s arguments for their solutions, which demonstrate expertise.
1st Assignment: Website traffic and how to increase it organically (SEO) and by paying (SEA) (30%), multiply assignment grade by 6
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The references and tools haven’t been used, or the evaluation and suggestions are incorrect. The work shows that the group has not understood the meaning of search engine optimization. Plagiarism more than 25%.
1-2: The evaluation doesn’t cover all the required aspects. The use of references is insufficient.
3-4: All the required aspects are covered and the use of references is sufficient and correct. Group has made searches using keywords. A grade of 4 requires, among other things, that the team's development proposals are clearly based on the results provided by the tools and that the advertising campaign is meaningful and logical.
5: The evaluation shows that the group has a very good understanding of the topic: evaluation shows in-depth understanding of SEO and SEA. Use of references is versatile and correct.
2nd = Final Assignment: Build a digital marketing strategy for a small company (30%), multiply points by 6:
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The elements of the strategy are irrelevant, ie. don’t belong to a strategy. It doesn’t include the elements discussed in the course. References aren’t used. Plagiarism more than 25%.
1-2: The strategy is very limited, and the instructions are followed only partially. The elements are few and loose and don’t build up to a logical entity. The use of references is limited and only partly correct. The work does not demonstrate research and commitment to the work. The presentation is below average verbally and visually.
3-4: The strategy contains all the elements needed. The work shows that students understand the essentials of the digital marketing strategy. The elements form a logical entity without any gaps, and references are used correctly and sufficiently. The chosen actions support the objectives, and several, high quality references are used. The presentation is on satisfactory level.
5: The work demonstrates an in-depth understanding of digital marketing strategy work. All the aspects are covered in a professional way, the strategy is diverse. The references are versatile, and the presentation is of high quality.
In group assignments: when assessing the performance of an individual student, peer evaluation (within a group) is in use. In other words, the student's group work activity effects on the course grade.
0-25: fail
26-49: 1
50-64: 2
65-79: 3
80-89: 4
90-100: 5
Degree of student's participation and in-class activity level can raise or lower the grade. Note: minimum 55% attendance is required for passing the course.
Hylätty (0)
0-25 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment". Student is absent from classes 50% or more (=4 classes or more).
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
26-64 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
65-89 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
90-100 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
01.06.2024 - 12.08.2024
05.09.2024 - 07.11.2024
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
Kupittaan kampus
- Suomi
- Englanti
0 - 30
- Liiketalouden koulutus
- Jaana Merikallio
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
- e-book(s) and articles
- lessons material and one's own notes
- tutorial videos
- contact lessons: active participation, presentations
- individual studying
- learning and sharing ideas in a group - teamwork skills
Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys
Learning in teams, in interaction with others, self and peer evaluation, digital learning.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
None, no replacing assignments either.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
- Contact lessons 8 x 3h
- Group work 30 h
- Individual studying 70 h
- Pre-course assignment 10 h
Sisällön jaksotus
- Intro, recap marketing fundamentals
- The benefits of digital marketing
- Traditional vs. digital marketing
- Inbound vs. outbound:
o different channels
o key elements of inbound marketing
o traffic sources, how to increase traffic
- targeting, buyer personas
- buyer´s journey
- Google Analytics
Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Pre-course assignment (individual): as a part of course activity
Google Analytics 4 exam (individual) 10%
Display campaign(s) (pair or individual): 30% (0-5)
SEO & SEA assignment (group): 30% (0-5)
Digital strategy (group): 30% (0-5)
Pre-course assignment:
Pass: the assignment has been accomplished according to instructions.
Fail: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time, and/or the list doesn’t include 10 terms and/or the number of sources is less than three. Plagiarism more than 30%.
Google Analytics 4 exam in Itslearning:
Each correct answer equals to one point. Points 0-10.
Plan a display campaign and banner (30%). If carried out in a pair, pair plans two campaigns and banners. Multiply assignment grade by 6:
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The campaign mathematics (the correct cpm price, the correct cpm x impressions calculation, nr of visitors) are wrong or inadequate. The campaign period per media is missing. Pricing method is not CPM. Banner(s) has not been designed.
1-2: Pricing method is CPM, and mathematics are correct, but campaign(s) consist/s of only one media. No argumentation why the media is chosen. Screen captures of media cards / rates are missing. Banner(s) has/have been designed, but alignment with campaign planning is poor.
3-4: The campaign(s) include/s two or more media, mathematics are correct and the campaign(s) has/have been built according to instructions. Student(s) provide/s arguments for their campaign and ad format solutions. Banner design(s) is/are quite good, CTA taken into account.
5: The campaigns include(s) two or more media, mathematics are correct and campaign(s) has/have been built according to instructions. Targeting pricing (if applicable) has been taken into account. Banner(s) stand/s out. Student(s) provide/s arguments for their solutions, which demonstrate expertise.
1st Assignment: Website traffic and how to increase it organically (SEO) and by paying (SEA) (30%), multiply assignment grade by 6
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The references and tools haven’t been used, or the evaluation and suggestions are incorrect. The work shows that the group has not understood the meaning of search engine optimization. Plagiarism more than 25%.
1-2: The evaluation doesn’t cover all the required aspects. The use of references is insufficient.
3-4: All the required aspects are covered and the use of references is sufficient and correct. Group has made searches using keywords. A grade of 4 requires, among other things, that the team's development proposals are clearly based on the results provided by the tools and that the advertising campaign is meaningful and logical.
5: The evaluation shows that the group has a very good understanding of the topic: evaluation shows in-depth understanding of SEO and SEA. Use of references is versatile and correct.
2nd = Final Assignment: Build a digital marketing strategy for a small company (30%), multiply points by 6:
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The elements of the strategy are irrelevant, ie. don’t belong to a strategy. It doesn’t include the elements discussed in the course. References aren’t used. Plagiarism more than 25%.
1-2: The strategy is very limited, and the instructions are followed only partially. The elements are few and loose and don’t build up to a logical entity. The use of references is limited and only partly correct. The work does not demonstrate research and commitment to the work. The presentation is below average verbally and visually.
3-4: The strategy contains all the elements needed. The work shows that students understand the essentials of the digital marketing strategy. The elements form a logical entity without any gaps, and references are used correctly and sufficiently. The chosen actions support the objectives, and several, high quality references are used. The presentation is on satisfactory level.
5: The work demonstrates an in-depth understanding of digital marketing strategy work. All the aspects are covered in a professional way, the strategy is diverse. The references are versatile, and the presentation is of high quality.
In group assignments: when assessing the performance of an individual student, peer evaluation (within a group) is in use. In other words, the student's group work activity effects on the course grade.
0-25: fail
26-49: 1
50-64: 2
65-79: 3
80-89: 4
90-100: 5
Degree of student's participation and in-class activity level can raise or lower the grade. Note: minimum 50% attendance is required for passing the course.
Hylätty (0)
0-25 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment". Student is absent from classes (=4 classes or more).
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
26-64 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
65-89 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
90-100 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
01.06.2024 - 13.09.2024
01.09.2024 - 20.11.2024
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
Kupittaan kampus
- Englanti
0 - 35
- Liiketalouden koulutus
- Degree Programme in International Business
- Kai Schleutker
PBUADS23Degree Programme in Business Administration PBUADS23
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
01.06.2023 - 25.09.2023
25.09.2023 - 27.11.2023
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
- Englanti
0 - 30
- Liiketalouden koulutus
- Degree Programme in International Business
- Saara Tikkanen
- Jaana Merikallio
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
- e-book(s) and articles
- lessons material and one's own notes
- tutorial videos
- contact lessons: active participation, presentations
- individual studying
- learning and sharing ideas in a group - team work skills
Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys
Learning in teams, in interaction with others, self and peer evaluation, digital learning.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
- Contact lessons 8 x 3h
- Group work 50 h
- Individual studying 50 h
- Pre-course assignment 10 h
Sisällön jaksotus
- Intro, recap marketing fundamentals
- The benefits of digital marketing
- Traditional vs. digital marketing
- Inbound vs. outbound:
o different channels
o key elements of inbound marketing
o traffic sources, how to increase traffic
- targeting, buyer personas
- buyer´s journey
- website, SEO, SEA
- Google Analytics 4
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
GA4 exam in Itslearning (individual): 10% (0-2)
Display campaign (individual): 30% (0-5)
SEO & SEA assignment (group): 30% (0-5)
Digital strategy (group): 30% (0-5)
Pre-course assignment as a part of course activity.
Pre-course assignment:
Pass: the assignment has been accomplished according to instructions.
Fail: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time, and/or the list doesn’t include 10 terms and/or the number of sources is less than three.
Google Analytics 4 exam in Itslearning:
0-4 answers correct: 0 points
5-7 answers correct: 5 points
8-10 answers correct: 10 points
Plan a display campaign and banner (30%), multiply assignment grade by 6:
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The campaign mathematics (the correct cpm price, the correct cpm x impressions calculation, nr of visitors) are wrong or inadequate. The campaign period per media is missing. Pricing method is not CPM. Banner has not been designed.
1-2: Pricing method is CPM, and mathematics are correct, but campaign consists of only one media. No argumentation why the media is chosen. Screen captures of media cards / rates are missing. Banner has been designed, but it alignment with campaign planning is poor.
3-4: The campaign includes two or more media, mathematics are correct and the campaign has been built according to instructions. Student provides arguments for his/her campaign and ad format solutions. Banner design is quite good, CTA taken into account.
5: The campaign includes two or more media, mathematics are correct and campaign has been built according to instructions. Targeting pricing (if applicable) has been taken into account. Banner stands out. Student provides arguments for his/her solutions, which demonstrate expertise.
1st Assignment: Website traffic and how to increase it organically (SEO) and by paying (SEA) (30%), multiply assignment grade by 6
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The references and tools haven’t been used, or the evaluation and suggestions are incorrect. The work shows that the group has not understood the meaning of search engine optimization. Plagiarism more than 25%.
1-2: The evaluation doesn’t cover all the required aspects. The use of references is insufficient.
3-4: All the required aspects are covered and the use of references is sufficient and correct. Group has made searches using keywords. A grade of 4 requires, among other things, that the team's development proposals are clearly based on the results provided by the tools and that the advertising campaign is meaningful and logical.
5: The evaluation shows that the group has a very good understanding of the topic: evaluation shows in-depth understanding of SEO and SEA. Use of references is versatile and correct.
2nd = Final Assignment: Build a digital marketing strategy for a small company (30%), multiply points by 6:
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The elements of the strategy are irrelevant, ie. don’t belong to a strategy. It doesn’t include the elements discussed in the course. References aren’t used. Plagiarism more than 25%.
1-2: The strategy is very limited, and the instructions are followed only partially. The elements are few and loose and don’t build up to a logical entity. The use of references is limited and only partly correct. The work does not demonstrate research and commitment to the work. The presentation is below average verbally and visually.
3-4: The strategy contains all the elements needed. The work shows that students understand the essentials of the digital marketing strategy. The elements form a logical entity without any gaps, and references are used correctly and sufficiently. The chosen actions support the objectives, and several, high quality references are used. The presentation is on satisfactory level.
5: The work demonstrates an in-depth understanding of digital marketing strategy work. All the aspects are covered in a professional way, the strategy is diverse. The references are versatile, and the presentation is of high quality.
In group assignments: when assessing the performance of an individual student, peer evaluation (within a group) is in use. In other words, the student's group work activity effects on the course grade.
0-25: fail
26-49: 1
50-64: 2
65-79: 3
80-89: 4
90-100: 5
Degree of student's participation and in-class activity level can raise or lower the grade. Note: minimum 50% attendance is required for passing the course.
Hylätty (0)
0-25 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment". Student is absent from classes more than 50% (= 4 classes or more).
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
26-64 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
65-89 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
90-100 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
01.06.2023 - 31.08.2023
12.09.2023 - 07.11.2023
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
- Englanti
0 - 30
- Liiketalouden koulutus
- Saara Tikkanen
- Jaana Merikallio
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
- e-book(s) and articles
- lessons material and one's own notes
- tutorial videos
- contact lessons: active participation, presentations
- individual studying
- learning and sharing ideas in a group - team work skills
Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys
Learning in teams, in interaction with others, self and peer evaluation, digital learning.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
- Contact lessons 8 x 3h
- Group work 50 h
- Individual studying 50 h
- Pre-course assignment 10 h
Sisällön jaksotus
- Intro, recap marketing fundamentals
- The benefits of digital marketing
- Traditional vs. digital marketing
- Inbound vs. outbound:
o different channels
o key elements of inbound marketing
o traffic sources, how to increase traffic
- targeting, buyer personas
- buyer´s journey
- website, SEO, SEA
- Google Analytics 4
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
GA4 exam in Itslearning (individual): 10% (0-2)
Display campaign (individual): 30% (0-5)
SEO & SEA assignment (group): 30% (0-5)
Digital strategy (group): 30% (0-5)
Pre-course assignment as a part of course activity.
Pre-course assignment:
Pass: the assignment has been accomplished according to instructions.
Fail: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time, and/or the list doesn’t include 10 terms and/or the number of sources is less than three.
Google Analytics 4 exam in Itslearning:
0-4 answers correct: 0 points
5-7 answers correct: 5 points
8-10 answers correct: 10 points
Plan a display campaign and banner (30%), multiply assignment grade by 6:
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The campaign mathematics (the correct cpm price, the correct cpm x impressions calculation, nr of visitors) are wrong or inadequate. The campaign period per media is missing. Pricing method is not CPM. Banner has not been designed.
1-2: Pricing method is CPM, and mathematics are correct, but campaign consists of only one media. No argumentation why the media is chosen. Screen captures of media cards / rates are missing. Banner has been designed, but it alignment with campaign planning is poor.
3-4: The campaign includes two or more media, mathematics are correct and the campaign has been built according to instructions. Student provides arguments for his/her campaign and ad format solutions. Banner design is quite good, CTA taken into account.
5: The campaign includes two or more media, mathematics are correct and campaign has been built according to instructions. Targeting pricing (if applicable) has been taken into account. Banner stands out. Student provides arguments for his/her solutions, which demonstrate expertise.
1st Assignment: Website traffic and how to increase it organically (SEO) and by paying (SEA) (30%), multiply assignment grade by 6
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The references and tools haven’t been used, or the evaluation and suggestions are incorrect. The work shows that the group has not understood the meaning of search engine optimization. Plagiarism more than 25%.
1-2: The evaluation doesn’t cover all the required aspects. The use of references is insufficient.
3-4: All the required aspects are covered and the use of references is sufficient and correct. Group has made searches using keywords. A grade of 4 requires, among other things, that the team's development proposals are clearly based on the results provided by the tools and that the advertising campaign is meaningful and logical.
5: The evaluation shows that the group has a very good understanding of the topic: evaluation shows in-depth understanding of SEO and SEA. Use of references is versatile and correct.
2nd = Final Assignment: Build a digital marketing strategy for a small company (30%), multiply points by 6:
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The elements of the strategy are irrelevant, ie. don’t belong to a strategy. It doesn’t include the elements discussed in the course. References aren’t used. Plagiarism more than 25%.
1-2: The strategy is very limited, and the instructions are followed only partially. The elements are few and loose and don’t build up to a logical entity. The use of references is limited and only partly correct. The work does not demonstrate research and commitment to the work. The presentation is below average verbally and visually.
3-4: The strategy contains all the elements needed. The work shows that students understand the essentials of the digital marketing strategy. The elements form a logical entity without any gaps, and references are used correctly and sufficiently. The chosen actions support the objectives, and several, high quality references are used. The presentation is on satisfactory level.
5: The work demonstrates an in-depth understanding of digital marketing strategy work. All the aspects are covered in a professional way, the strategy is diverse. The references are versatile, and the presentation is of high quality.
In group assignments: when assessing the performance of an individual student, peer evaluation (within a group) is in use. In other words, the student's group work activity effects on the course grade.
0-25: fail
26-49: 1
50-64: 2
65-79: 3
80-89: 4
90-100: 5
Degree of student's participation and in-class activity level can raise or lower the grade. Note: minimum 50% attendance is required for passing the course.
Hylätty (0)
0-25 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment". Student is absent from classes more than 50%.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
26-64 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
65-89 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
90-100 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
01.06.2023 - 04.09.2023
07.09.2023 - 02.11.2023
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
- Suomi
- Englanti
0 - 40
- Liiketalouden koulutus
- Degree Programme in International Business
- Jaana Merikallio
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
- e-book(s) and articles
- lessons material and one's own notes
- tutorial videos
- contact lessons: active participation, presentations
- individual studying
- learning and sharing ideas in a group - team work skills
Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys
Learning in teams, in interaction with others, self and peer evaluation, digital learning.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
- Contact lessons 8 x 3h
- Group work 30 h
- Individual studying 70 h
- Pre-course assignment 10 h
Sisällön jaksotus
- Intro, recap marketing fundamentals
- The benefits of digital marketing
- Traditional vs. digital marketing
- Inbound vs. outbound:
o different channels
o key elements of inbound marketing
o traffic sources, how to increase traffic
- targeting, buyer personas
- buyer´s journey
- Google Analytics
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Pre-course assignment (individual): as a part of course activity
Google Analytics 4 exam (individual) 10%
Display campaign (individual): 30% (0-5)
SEO & SEA assignment (group): 30% (0-5)
Digital strategy (group): 30% (0-5)
Pre-course assignment:
Pass: the assignment has been accomplished according to instructions.
Fail: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time, and/or the list doesn’t include 10 terms and/or the number of sources is less than three.
Google Analytics 4 exam in Itslearning:
0-4 answers correct: 0 points
5-7 answers correct: 5 points
8-10 answers correct: 10 points
Plan a display campaign and banner (30%), multiply assignment grade by 6:
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The campaign mathematics (the correct cpm price, the correct cpm x impressions calculation, nr of visitors) are wrong or inadequate. The campaign period per media is missing. Pricing method is not CPM. Banner has not been designed.
1-2: Pricing method is CPM, and mathematics are correct, but campaign consists of only one media. No argumentation why the media is chosen. Screen captures of media cards / rates are missing. Banner has been designed, but it alignment with campaign planning is poor.
3-4: The campaign includes two or more media, mathematics are correct and the campaign has been built according to instructions. Student provides arguments for his/her campaign and ad format solutions. Banner design is quite good, CTA taken into account.
5: The campaign includes two or more media, mathematics are correct and campaign has been built according to instructions. Targeting pricing (if applicable) has been taken into account. Banner stands out. Student provides arguments for his/her solutions, which demonstrate expertise.
1st Assignment: Website traffic and how to increase it organically (SEO) and by paying (SEA) (30%), multiply assignment grade by 6
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The references and tools haven’t been used, or the evaluation and suggestions are incorrect. The work shows that the group has not understood the meaning of search engine optimization. Plagiarism more than 25%.
1-2: The evaluation doesn’t cover all the required aspects. The use of references is insufficient.
3-4: All the required aspects are covered and the use of references is sufficient and correct. Group has made searches using keywords. A grade of 4 requires, among other things, that the team's development proposals are clearly based on the results provided by the tools and that the advertising campaign is meaningful and logical.
5: The evaluation shows that the group has a very good understanding of the topic: evaluation shows in-depth understanding of SEO and SEA. Use of references is versatile and correct.
2nd = Final Assignment: Build a digital marketing strategy for a small company (30%), multiply points by 6:
0: The assignment hasn’t been returned in time. The elements of the strategy are irrelevant, ie. don’t belong to a strategy. It doesn’t include the elements discussed in the course. References aren’t used. Plagiarism more than 25%.
1-2: The strategy is very limited, and the instructions are followed only partially. The elements are few and loose and don’t build up to a logical entity. The use of references is limited and only partly correct. The work does not demonstrate research and commitment to the work. The presentation is below average verbally and visually.
3-4: The strategy contains all the elements needed. The work shows that students understand the essentials of the digital marketing strategy. The elements form a logical entity without any gaps, and references are used correctly and sufficiently. The chosen actions support the objectives, and several, high quality references are used. The presentation is on satisfactory level.
5: The work demonstrates an in-depth understanding of digital marketing strategy work. All the aspects are covered in a professional way, the strategy is diverse. The references are versatile, and the presentation is of high quality.
In group assignments: when assessing the performance of an individual student, peer evaluation (within a group) is in use. In other words, the student's group work activity effects on the course grade.
0-25: fail
26-49: 1
50-64: 2
65-79: 3
80-89: 4
90-100: 5
Degree of student's participation and in-class activity level can raise or lower the grade. Note: minimum 50% attendance is required for passing the course.
Hylätty (0)
0-25 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment". Student is absent from classes more than 50% (=4 classes or more).
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
26-64 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
65-89 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
90-100 points. See the criteria above "Arvioinnin kohteet, ajoitus ja menetelmät" / "Objects, timing and methods of assessment"
01.06.2023 - 07.09.2023
04.09.2023 - 13.11.2023
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
- Suomi
- Englanti
10 - 30
- Liiketalouden koulutus
- Saara Tikkanen
PMMWES22Myyntityö, matkailu ja wellness liiketoimintana, S22
The student is able to
- Recognize the potential of the web for company’s sales and marketing operations
- Explain how web traffic interacts with the web pages and how to use it for the company’s benefit
- Name the core terminology and indicators of web marketing
- Plan actions to increase visitor traffic and engagement
- Apply the basics of web analytics
- Features and capabilities of a well-working website
- Visibility of a webpage, SEO (search engine optimization)
- Tools and metrics for website optimization
Luentomateriaali ja muu ITSissä jaettava materiaali (esim. podcastit, videot, blogit jne.)
- lähiopetus (luennointi, ryhmätyöskentely, parityöskentely, tentti)
- itsenäinen teorian opiskelu ja tiedonhaku
- yhteistoiminnalliset oppimismenetelmät (ryhmätyö ja sen esittely)
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
Kurssilla pidetään ITSissä suoritettava tentti. Ajankohta kerrotaan myöhemmin.
Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys
Yhteisöllinen oppiminen & innovaatiopedagogiikka.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Kurssi koostuu ennakkotehtävästä (katso ohjeet alla), luennoista, ITS-tentistä ja ryhmätöistä.
Teoriaa opiskellaan luento-osuuksilla sekä itsenäisesti. Kurssilla harjoitellaan myös esiintymistä ja vertaispalautteen antamista.
Kurssin lopuksi opiskelijat täyttävät oman ryhmänsä työskentelyä koskevan vertaispalautteen, jota opettaja voi hyödyntää arvioinneissa (=opettaja voi antaa opiskelijalle matalamman/korkeamman arvosanan, mikäli vertaispalautteesta käy systemaattisesti ilmi opiskelijan arvosanaa nostavia/madaltavia seikkoja).
Opintojakson laajuus: 5 op = n. 135 h opiskelijan työtä
Kurssilla on 50 % läsnäoloedellytys. Kurssia ei voi läpäistä, mikäli opiskelija osallistuu lähiopetukseen vähemmän kuin 50 %.
ENNAKKOTEHTÄVÄ: Koosta 20 digimarkkinointitermin lista, jossa esität termien englanninkieliset nimet ja lyhenteet sekä suomenkieliset kuvaukset. Palauta lista (esim. docx tai pdf) ITSLearningiin ennen kurssin ensimmäistä kertaa (4.9.2023).
Esim. Call to Action (CTA) = toimintakehote, joka ohjaa käyttäjää klikkaamaan mainosta tai sisältöä siirtyäkseen eteenpäin (esim. “Lue lisää” tai “Osta nyt”)
Sisällön jaksotus
The teaching will be provided in either Finnish or English, depending on the study language of participating students.
Ajoitus. 4.9.-6.11.2023
Kurssilla käsitellään seuraavia teemoja:
- Johdatus digitaaliseen markkinointiin (mm. käsitteet, rooli markkinoinnissa ja liiketoiminnassa)
- Sisältömarkkinointi ja asiakaspolku
- Verkkosivuston/verkkokaupan merkitys markkinoinnissa
- Verkkosivuston suunnitteluperiaatteet (mm. SEO, mobile-first, UX/UI, saavutettavuus)
- Sosiaalisen median mahdollisuudet ja vaikuttajamarkkinointi
- Digitaalinen mainonta (mm. SEA & some-mainonta)
- Google Analytics 4 -perusteet
Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja
ITSLearning ja sähköposti
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Arvioinnin kohteet:
- Ennakkotehtävä (hyv/hyl)
- Digitaalisen markkinoinnin strategia -ryhmätyö (raportti ja presentaatio) 60 % (0-5)
- SEO-ryhmätyö 30 % (0-5)
- Tentti 10 % (0-5)
- Aktiivisuus (läsnäolo% ja aktiivisuus opetus- ja presentaatiotilanteissa)
- Itse- ja vertaisarviointi (hyväksytty/puuttuu)
Kurssin aikana voi ansaita aktiivisuuspisteitä seuraavilla tavoilla:
- läsnäolo (väh. 50 %)
- yleinen aktiivisuus luennoilla ja presentaatiokerroilla
Kurssilla on 50 % läsnäoloedellytys. Kurssia ei voi läpäistä, mikäli opiskelija osallistuu lähiopetukseen vähemmän kuin 50 %.
Hylätty (0)
Mikäli opiskelija osallistuu lähiopetukseen alle 50 %, eikä osallistu ryhmätyöihin tai tenttiin, palauta vertaisarviointia tai ennakkotehtävää, opintojakson suoritus on hylätty. Vapaamatkustaminen ryhmätöissä johtaa kurssin hylkäämiseen.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Opiskelija noudattaa ohjeita, mutta ei tuota itsenäisiä ratkaisuja. Ryhmäraportit vastaavat AI:n tuottamaa tasoa, eikä omaa pohdintaa ja oivalluksia esitetä.
Opiskelija ei osallistu ryhmätöihin tai niiden esittämiseen aktiivisesti, ja hänen ammattimainen työskentelyotteensa on heikko. Ryhmäraporttien kielellinen laatu ja opiskelijan osoittama ammatillinen vaikutelma ovat tyydyttävällä tasolla. Arvioinnin kohteena oleva tehtävä/olevat tehtävät on palautettu myöhässä.
Opiskelija osallistuu lähiopetukseen noin 50-60 %.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija toimii hyvin itsenäisesti ja ryhmässä ja hän osaa hyödyntää opiskelussa alan tietotaitoa. Ryhmätöissä on huomattavan paljon omaa pohdintaa ja oivalluksia, ja tuotoksissa käytetyt lähteet on osattu tuoda läpinäkyvästi esiin.
Ryhmätyöt ovat selkeästi tavoitteellisia ja innovatiivisia. Tietoperusta on perusteltua ja sitä on osattu soveltaa aiheeseen soveltuvasti. Johtopäätökset on osattu esittää loogisesti ja selkeästi, ja palautettavien tuotosten jälki on viimeisteltyä. Ryhmäraporttien kieli on hyvää. Opiskelijan esiintymistaidot ovat hyvät tai hän osoittaa aitoa kiinnostusta kehittää esiintymistaitojaan.
Opiskelija on aktiivinen opetustilanteissa sekä ryhmätyöskentelyssä ja on läsnä lähiopetuksessa vähintään 75 %.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Opiskelija toimii erinomaisesti itsenäisesti ja ryhmässä ja hän osaa hyödyntää ja soveltaa opiskelussa alan tietotaitoa. Ryhmäraporteissa on erittäin paljon omaa pohdintaa ja oivalluksia, ja tuotoksissa käytetyt lähteet on osattu tuoda läpinäkyvästi esiin.
Ryhmätyöt ovat selkeästi tavoitteellisia, innovativisia ja jo sellaisenaan suoraan hyödynnettävissä tosielämän tarpeisiin. Tietoperustaa on osattu käyttää monipuolisesti ja lähteet on valittu kriittisesti. Tuotosten johtopäätökset on osattu pohjata tietoperustaan, asiat on esitetty loogisesti ja pohdinta sisältää aidosti ryhmän/opiskelijan omia näkemyksiä, ja työn jälki on viimeisteltyä. Ryhmätöiden esittäminen on inspiroivaa ja innovatiivista, ja esittämisestä huokuu uskallus heittäytyä. Ryhmätyöskentely on hoidettu ammattimaisella työskentelyotteella ja ryhmän omia pelisääntöjä on noudatettu.
Opiskelija on huomattavan aktiivinen opetus- ja presentaatiotilanteissa sekä ryhmätyöskentelyssä ja on läsnä lähiopetuksessa n. 100 %.
Ryhmäraporttien kielellinen laatu ja opiskelijan osoittama ammatillinen vaikutelma ovat erinomaisella tasolla.