Identifying and Supporting Children’s Special NeedsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: TH00CA84
5 op
• you understand the basic concepts of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand the characteristics of children’s development and their variation
• you know how to support children in social and psychological problems
• you understand the importance of early support for the overall well-being of children and know how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians
• supporting children’s psychosocial development
• creating a learning environment that supports children’s development (psychological, physical and social)
• challenging educational situations and tutoring interaction
• emotional education and children’s peer relationships
• collaboration with parents and other experts
Students can start optional customer group-specific studies when they have completed at least 60 credits.
The modules in early childhood education must be completed in order: first the basic studies (Module 1) and then the advanced studies (Module 2). Exceptions can be made if it is justified from the perspective of the student’s personal study plan (HOPS) and the student has at least one year of work experience in early childhood education tasks in Finland or previous higher education studies in early childhood education that have been accredited in their studies at Turku University of Applied Sciences.
02.06.2025 - 02.10.2025
02.10.2025 - 06.11.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Tiina Suni
- Noora Ahvenjärvi
• you understand the basic concepts of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand the characteristics of children’s development and their variation
• you know how to support children in social and psychological problems
• you understand the importance of early support for the overall well-being of children and know how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians
• supporting children’s psychosocial development
• creating a learning environment that supports children’s development (psychological, physical and social)
• challenging educational situations and tutoring interaction
• emotional education and children’s peer relationships
• collaboration with parents and other experts
Lecture materials
Scientific articles in English
Materials in Finnish, optional:
- Heiskanen, N. 2022. Pienet tuetut askeleet.
- Siiskonen, T., Aro, T., Ahonen, T. & Ketonen, R. (toim.). 2003. Joko se puhuu? Kielenkehityksen vaikeudet varhaislapsuudessa.
- Aro, T. & Laakso, M-L. (toim.). 2011. Taaperosta taitavaksi toimijaksi - Itsesäätelytaitojen kehitys ja tukeminen.
- Lundàn, A. & Suoninen, E. 2006. Haasteellisen lapsen kohtaaminen. Kasvatus 37 (5), 453 - 462
Teaching methods
Individual work, pair work, group work
Literature-based, lecture-based and learning assignment-based work
Student workload
Contact teaching and interview assignment 3 ECTS
Learning assignment 2 ECTS
Content scheduling
Tiina Suni
Noora Ahvenjärvi
Teaching on Thursdays, week 40-45
Teaching in English at Salo campus.
Thu 2.10.2025 9:30 - 14:30 (Tiina)
Course info and study assignments
Inclusion and early support in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
Planning support measures in ECEC
Thu 9.10.2025 9:30 - 14:30 (Noora)
Cooperation with the guardians in support measures
Cross-sectoral cooperation
Week 42 independent work on study assignment
Thu 23.10.2025 (Noora)
Supporting language and linguistic abilities
Exercises on supportive measures
Thu 30.10.2025 9:30 - 14:30 (Tiina)
Supporting children’s emotional skills and social development
Thu 6.11.2025 9:30 - 14:30 (Tiina and Noora)
Presentations on interview assignment
Course wrap-up and reflection
Attendance in contact teaching of the course is mandatory, which is based on the working and learning methods used in the course. The contact teaching includes interactive activities, discussions, peer learning, and workshop activities. Participation in contact teaching supports the development of the student’s professional skills and interaction abilities.
In case of absence due to illness, a compensatory assignment must be completed. The max. amount of absence is 50 % of the contact teaching. If this is exceeded, the completion of the course will be postponed to the next implementation.
Changes are possible.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Learning assignment (F-5)
- first submission 7.11.2025
- second submission 21.11.2025
Interview assignment is evaluated on scale approved / failed.
All the assignments must be completed to pass the course.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Student does not achieve the criteria of level 1.
Student has not participated in contact teaching according to the requirements.
Student has not completed all the learning assignments of the course.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• you understand the basic concept of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand some of the characteristics of children’s development
• you have some understanding on how to support children in social and psychological problems
• you understand in some level the importance of early support
• you know at some extend how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
• you understand well the basic concept of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand the characteristics of children’s development and their variation
• you have proper understanding on how to support children in social and psychological problems
• you understand the importance of early support for the overall well-being of children
• you know how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• you understand deeply the concept of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand all the characteristics of children’s development and their variation
• you have deep understanding on how to support children in social and psychological problems and you can apply this knowledge in practice
• you understand in deep level the importance of early support for the overall well-being of children
• you know how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians and are able to plan, implement and evaluate the actions from the perspective of your professional role
Students can start optional customer group-specific studies when they have completed at least 60 credits.
The modules in early childhood education must be completed in order: first the basic studies (Module 1) and then the advanced studies (Module 2). Exceptions can be made if it is justified from the perspective of the student’s personal study plan (HOPS) and the student has at least one year of work experience in early childhood education tasks in Finland or previous higher education studies in early childhood education that have been accredited in their studies at Turku University of Applied Sciences.
02.06.2025 - 23.09.2025
23.09.2025 - 28.10.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Marika Kouki
- Noora Ahvenjärvi
• you understand the basic concepts of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand the characteristics of children’s development and their variation
• you know how to support children in social and psychological problems
• you understand the importance of early support for the overall well-being of children and know how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians
• supporting children’s psychosocial development
• creating a learning environment that supports children’s development (psychological, physical and social)
• challenging educational situations and tutoring interaction
• emotional education and children’s peer relationships
• collaboration with parents and other experts
Evaluation scale
Students can start optional customer group-specific studies when they have completed at least 60 credits.
The modules in early childhood education must be completed in order: first the basic studies (Module 1) and then the advanced studies (Module 2). Exceptions can be made if it is justified from the perspective of the student’s personal study plan (HOPS) and the student has at least one year of work experience in early childhood education tasks in Finland or previous higher education studies in early childhood education that have been accredited in their studies at Turku University of Applied Sciences.
02.12.2024 - 22.01.2025
22.01.2025 - 26.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Tiina Suni
- Marika Kouki
• you understand the basic concepts of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand the characteristics of children’s development and their variation
• you know how to support children in social and psychological problems
• you understand the importance of early support for the overall well-being of children and know how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians
• supporting children’s psychosocial development
• creating a learning environment that supports children’s development (psychological, physical and social)
• challenging educational situations and tutoring interaction
• emotional education and children’s peer relationships
• collaboration with parents and other experts
Evaluation scale
Students can start optional customer group-specific studies when they have completed at least 60 credits.
The modules in early childhood education must be completed in order: first the basic studies (Module 1) and then the advanced studies (Module 2). Exceptions can be made if it is justified from the perspective of the student’s personal study plan (HOPS) and the student has at least one year of work experience in early childhood education tasks in Finland or previous higher education studies in early childhood education that have been accredited in their studies at Turku University of Applied Sciences.
02.06.2024 - 01.10.2024
01.10.2024 - 05.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Tiina Suni
- Marika Kouki
• you understand the basic concepts of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand the characteristics of children’s development and their variation
• you know how to support children in social and psychological problems
• you understand the importance of early support for the overall well-being of children and know how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians
• supporting children’s psychosocial development
• creating a learning environment that supports children’s development (psychological, physical and social)
• challenging educational situations and tutoring interaction
• emotional education and children’s peer relationships
• collaboration with parents and other experts
Evaluation scale
Students can start optional customer group-specific studies when they have completed at least 60 credits.
The modules in early childhood education must be completed in order: first the basic studies (Module 1) and then the advanced studies (Module 2). Exceptions can be made if it is justified from the perspective of the student’s personal study plan (HOPS) and the student has at least one year of work experience in early childhood education tasks in Finland or previous higher education studies in early childhood education that have been accredited in their studies at Turku University of Applied Sciences.
02.06.2024 - 02.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 30.09.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- English
26 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Tiina Suni
- Noora Ahvenjärvi
• you understand the basic concepts of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand the characteristics of children’s development and their variation
• you know how to support children in social and psychological problems
• you understand the importance of early support for the overall well-being of children and know how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians
• supporting children’s psychosocial development
• creating a learning environment that supports children’s development (psychological, physical and social)
• challenging educational situations and tutoring interaction
• emotional education and children’s peer relationships
• collaboration with parents and other experts
Lecture materials
Scientific articles in English
Materials in Finnish, optional:
- Heiskanen, N. 2022. Pienet tuetut askeleet.
- Siiskonen, T., Aro, T., Ahonen, T. & Ketonen, R. (toim.). 2003. Joko se puhuu? Kielenkehityksen vaikeudet varhaislapsuudessa.
- Aro, T. & Laakso, M-L. (toim.). 2011. Taaperosta taitavaksi toimijaksi - Itsesäätelytaitojen kehitys ja tukeminen.
- Lundàn, A. & Suoninen, E. 2006. Haasteellisen lapsen kohtaaminen. Kasvatus 37 (5), 453 - 462
Teaching methods
Individual work, pair work, group work
Literature-based, lecture-based and learning assignment-based work
Student workload
Contact teaching and interview assignment 3 ECTS
Learning assignment 2 ECTS
Content scheduling
Tiina Suni
Noora Ahvenjärvi
Teaching on Mondays, weeks 36-40.
Teaching in English at Salo campus.
Mon 2.9.2024 9:30 - 13:30 (Tiina & Noora)
Course info and study assignments
Inclusion and early support in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
Planning support measures in ECEC
Mon 9.9.2024 9:30 - 13:30 (Tiina)
Cooperation with the guardians in support measures
Cross-sectoral cooperation
Mon 16.9.2024 9:30 - 13:30 (Tiina)
Supporting children’s emotional skills and social development
Mon 23.9.2024 9:30-14:30 (Noora)
Supporting language and linguistic abilities
Exercises on supportive measures
Mon 30.9.2024 9:30 - 13:30 (Tiina & Noora)
Presentations on interview assignment
Course wrap-up and reflection
Attendance in contact teaching of the course is mandatory, which is based on the working and learning methods used in the course. The contact teaching includes interactive activities, discussions, peer learning, and workshop activities. Participation in contact teaching supports the development of the student’s professional skills and interaction abilities.
In case of absence due to illness, a compensatory assignment must be completed. The max. amount of absence is 50 % of the contact teaching. If this is exceeded, the completion of the course will be postponed to the next implementation.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Learning assignment (F-5)
- first submission 7.10.2024
- second submission 21.10.2024
Interview assignment is evaluated on scale approved / failed.
All the assignments must be completed to pass the course.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Student does not achieve the criteria of level 1.
Student has not participated in contact teaching according to the requirements.
Student has not completed all the learning assignments of the course.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
• you understand the basic concept of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand some of the characteristics of children’s development
• you have some understanding on how to support children in social and psychological problems
• you understand in some level the importance of early support
• you know at some extend how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
• you understand well the basic concept of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand the characteristics of children’s development and their variation
• you have proper understanding on how to support children in social and psychological problems
• you understand the importance of early support for the overall well-being of children
• you know how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• you understand deeply the concept of inclusive early childhood education
• you understand all the characteristics of children’s development and their variation
• you have deep understanding on how to support children in social and psychological problems and you can apply this knowledge in practice
• you understand in deep level the importance of early support for the overall well-being of children
• you know how to plan support measure with the day care team and guardians and are able to plan, implement and evaluate the actions from the perspective of your professional role
Students can start optional customer group-specific studies when they have completed at least 60 credits.
The modules in early childhood education must be completed in order: first the basic studies (Module 1) and then the advanced studies (Module 2). Exceptions can be made if it is justified from the perspective of the student’s personal study plan (HOPS) and the student has at least one year of work experience in early childhood education tasks in Finland or previous higher education studies in early childhood education that have been accredited in their studies at Turku University of Applied Sciences.