Topics in Applied MathematicsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: TE00CE13
5 op
After completing the course the student can
- apply logical rules and notation
- compute and apply permutations and combinations
- apply the concepts and properties of divisibility and congruence
- process arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
- calculate the sum of a converging infinite geometric series
- form Taylor polynomials and utilize them in numerical computation
- determine coefficients for Fourier-series expansions using mathematical computation tools
- Fundamentals of logic
- Basics od number theory with applications
- Basics of combinatorics with applications
- Sequences and series
- Taylor series
- Fourier series
Previous mathematics courses of ICT engineering curriculum (or equivalent skills):
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
10.10.2024 - 26.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
90 - 110
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Juha Saarinen
- COS Opettaja
After completing the course the student can
- apply logical rules and notation
- compute and apply permutations and combinations
- apply the concepts and properties of divisibility and congruence
- process arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
- calculate the sum of a converging infinite geometric series
- form Taylor polynomials and utilize them in numerical computation
- determine coefficients for Fourier-series expansions using mathematical computation tools
- Fundamentals of logic
- Basics od number theory with applications
- Basics of combinatorics with applications
- Sequences and series
- Taylor series
- Fourier series
Itslearning-sivulta löytyvät:
Laskuharjoitusten tehtävät
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Tietotekniikan matematiikka:
- Osakoe
- Puolivälissä kurssia (Helmi-Maaliskuun vaihde)
- Osakoe
- Huhtikuun lopulla
- Toukokuussa
- Voi tehdä jomman kumman osakokeista
Student workload
Tietotekninen matematiikka:
10*2h tietotekniikan matematiikan luennot
5*2h laskuharjoitukset
2h tietotekninen matematiikka -koe
5*2h sarjat-luennot
5*2h Matlab harjoitukset. Matlab harjoituksissa on läsnäolo pakko
2h sarjat -koe
loppu opiskelijan itsenäistä opiskelua
Content scheduling
Tammikuu-Helmikuu, tietotekniikan matematiikka:
- Logiikka
- Kombinatoriikka; yhteenlasku/kertolaskusääntö, permutaatiot, kombinaatiot
- Kombinatoriikan sovelluksia odennäköisyyslaskentaan
- Lukuteoria: alkuluvut, syt/pyj, Eukleideen algoritmi, kongruenssi/modulolaskenta, hajautusfunktiot, jäännösluokkarengas, RSA-algoritmi
Maaliskuu-Huhtikuu, sarjat:
- Lukujonot, aritmeettinen ja geometrinen lukujono, lukujonon raja-arvo
- Lukujonon summat, aritmeettinen ja geometrinen summa
- Sarjat, geometrinen sarja ja suppeneminen
- Taylorin sarja
- Fourierin sarja
- Fourierin muunnos
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Osakokeista täytyy saada riittävä määrä pisteitä saadakseen kokeen hyväksytysti läpi.
Laskuharjoituksista saatavat pisteet parantavat hyväksyttyä koearvosanaa.
Sarjat osion laskuharjoituksissa on läsnäolopakko.
Arvosana perustuu osakokeista ja koetehtävistä muodostuvaan arvosanaan. Tarkempi arvosanataulukko löytyy Itslearning-sivulta.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Kokeen pistemäärä ei riitä hyvöksyttyyn arvosanaan.
Sarjat osion laskuharjoituksista poissaoloja.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Arvosana määräytyy osakokeiden pistemäärän mukaisesti. Laskuharjoituksista ja lähiopetuksen läsnäolosta saatavat lisäpisteet voivat parantavat arvosanaa.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Arvosana määräytyy osakokeiden pistemäärän mukaisesti. Laskuharjoituksista ja lähiopetuksen läsnäolosta saatavat lisäpisteet voivat parantavat arvosanaa.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Arvosana määräytyy osakokeiden pistemäärän mukaisesti. Laskuharjoituksista ja lähiopetuksen läsnäolosta saatavat lisäpisteet voivat parantavat arvosanaa.
Previous mathematics courses of ICT engineering curriculum (or equivalent skills):
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
18.11.2024 - 13.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
50 - 70
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Tiina Tolmunen
- COS Opettaja
After completing the course the student can
- apply logical rules and notation
- compute and apply permutations and combinations
- apply the concepts and properties of divisibility and congruence
- process arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
- calculate the sum of a converging infinite geometric series
- form Taylor polynomials and utilize them in numerical computation
- determine coefficients for Fourier-series expansions using mathematical computation tools
- Fundamentals of logic
- Basics od number theory with applications
- Basics of combinatorics with applications
- Sequences and series
- Taylor series
- Fourier series
All course materials will be published in Itslearning.
We use MATLAB, for which TUAS has a campus licence. You can download it to your own device for free or use MATLAB Online version.
Taking the self-study course MATLAB Basics for ICT is highly recommended prior to the start of Sequences and Series part (Part 2).
Teaching methods
Part 1, Logic, combinatorics and number theory:
lectures, homework, self-study, exam
Part 2, Sequences and series:
lectures, MATLAB exercises, homework sessions, self-study, exam
Exam schedules
The midterm exam for Part 1 is on 24.2.2025, first retake on 6.3.2025.
The midterm exam for Part 2 is on 8.4.2025, first retake on 22.4.2025.
The final retake exam for both parts is on 29.4.2025.
Exact times in the schedule.
Note. Homework and exercises must be submitted in time, there is no way to complement or "retake" them later.
Student workload
Part 1:
Intro 1h
Lectures 9*2h
Exam 2h
Self-study (homework, preparing for exams etc.) ~46h.
Part 2:
Lectures 5*2h
Homework sessions 5*2h (Mandatory attendance)
Exam 2h
Self-study (homework, installing and learning Matlab, preparing for exams etc.) ~46h.
Content scheduling
Spring semester 2025, according to the schedule.
Part 1, weeks 3-9
Part 2, weeks 10-18
Further information
Itslearning and email
Homework sessions in Part 2 of the course are mandatory to help students learn MATLAB independently and confidently.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Achieve at least 40% of the points in both Midterm exams or retakes.
Submit at least 25% of the MATLAB exercises in Part 2 is mandatory to pass the course.
A minimum of 80% attendance is mandatory for Part 2 homework sessions during weeks 10-14.
Additional points from homework will improve your grade.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Less than 40% of the points in one or both of the Midterm exams or retakes.
Less than 25% of the MATLAB exercises submitted.
More than 20% (unauthorized) non-attendance from Part 2 homework sessions.
Student has not demonstrated achieving the learning objectives of the course. They recognize and can use only few of the concepts of the course topics, and show no skills to apply them.
The course will also be failed if any academic misconduct is detected in the student's performance. The first detected instance of misconduct or an attempt at misconduct will result in the rejection of the individual exam or assignment. The second detected instance will lead to the failure of the entire course.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course on satisfactory level. They recognize and can to some extent use most of the concepts of the course topics.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course well.
They recognize and can use most of the concepts of the course topics, and are able to apply them on various study and work contexts.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course on excellent level. They master the concepts of the course topics, and are able to fluently apply them on study and work contexts.
Previous mathematics courses of ICT engineering curriculum (or equivalent skills):
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
30.05.2024 - 05.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 09.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
70 - 120
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- COS Opettaja
- Jetro Vesti
After completing the course the student can
- apply logical rules and notation
- compute and apply permutations and combinations
- apply the concepts and properties of divisibility and congruence
- process arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
- calculate the sum of a converging infinite geometric series
- form Taylor polynomials and utilize them in numerical computation
- determine coefficients for Fourier-series expansions using mathematical computation tools
- Fundamentals of logic
- Basics od number theory with applications
- Basics of combinatorics with applications
- Sequences and series
- Taylor series
- Fourier series
- Harjoitustyöt 5 kpl ja niihin kuuluvat harjoitustehtävät
- MATLAB-ohjeet
- Harjoituskoe
- Vapaaehtoinen Fourier-muunnos harjoitustyö
Tietotekniikan matematiikka:
- Luentomuistiinpanot sekä laskuharjoitusten tehtävät ja vastaukset OneNote-tiedostona
- Kaavakokoelma sekä opiskelijan oma MAOL/Tekniikan kaavasto
- Opiskelijan oma tavallinen funktiolaskin (ei graafinen/CAS/symbolinen/puhelin)
Teaching methods
Vapaaehtoinen harjoitustyö
Exam schedules
Osakoe ennen syyslomaa ja uusinta sen jälkeen.
Tietotekniikan matematiikka:
Osakoe ja sen uusinta ennen joululomaa
Lopullinen uusinta ennen joululomaa:
voi tehdä jomman kumman tai kummatkin osakokeista, jos ei ole päässyt kurssista läpi.
Student workload
6*3h sarjat-osuuden luennot (läsnäolopakko)
5*2h sarjat-osuuden laskuharjoitukset
10*3h tietotekniikan matematiikan luennot
5*2h kokeet
loppu opiskelijan itsenäistä opiskelua
vapaaehtoinen harjoitustyö, + 2op
Content scheduling
Syyskuu-lokakuu, sarjat (läsnäolopakko luennoilla):
- Lukujonot, aritmeettinen ja geometrinen lukujono, lukujonon raja-arvo
- Lukujonon summat, aritmeettinen ja geometrinen summa
- Sarjat, geometrinen sarja ja suppeneminen
- Taylorin sarja
- Fourierin sarja
- Fourierin muunnos (vapaaehtoinen)
Lokakuu-joulukuu, tietotekniikan matematiikka:
- Logiikka
- Kombinatoriikka; yhteenlasku/kertolaskusääntö, permutaatiot, kombinaatiot
- Lukuteoria: alkuluvut, syt/pym, Eukleideen algoritmi, kongruenssi/modulolaskenta, hajautusfunktiot, jäännösluokkarengas, RSA-algoritmi
Further information
Sähköposti ja ITSL viestintäkanavina.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Osakokeista täytyy saada 24/60 pistettä yhteensä päästäkseen läpi.
Laskuharjoituksista saatavat lisäpisteet, max. 20 pistettä, parantavat arvosanaa.
Sarjat-osuuden tehtävistä 25 kpl on pakollisia, jotta voi päästä kurssista läpi.
Sarja-osuuden luennoissa on myös läsnäolopakko.
Arvosanataulukko pisteiden mukaan:
0-23: 0
24-34: 1
35-44: 2
45-54: 3
55-64: 4
65-80: 5
Sarjat-osuuden luennoissa on läsnäolopakko MATLAB-ohjelmiston harjoittelua varten. MATLABia ei ole käytetty aiemmin millään pakollisella kurssilla, joten läsnäolo luennoilla on välttämätöntä ohjelmiston hallitsemista varten.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Ei tarpeeksi pisteitä kokeista
Sarjat-osuuden pakollisia tehtäviä ei ole tehtynä
Sarjat-osuuden luennoilla ei läsnäoloa.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Arvosanataulukon mukaan.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Arvosanataulukon mukaan.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Arvosanataulukon mukaan.
Previous mathematics courses of ICT engineering curriculum (or equivalent skills):
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Tiina Tolmunen
- COS Opettaja
- COS1 Virtuaalihenkilö1
After completing the course the student can
- apply logical rules and notation
- compute and apply permutations and combinations
- apply the concepts and properties of divisibility and congruence
- process arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
- calculate the sum of a converging infinite geometric series
- form Taylor polynomials and utilize them in numerical computation
- determine coefficients for Fourier-series expansions using mathematical computation tools
- Fundamentals of logic
- Basics od number theory with applications
- Basics of combinatorics with applications
- Sequences and series
- Taylor series
- Fourier series
Lecture notes, homework and MATLAB exercises will be published in Itslearning.
We use MATLAB, for which TUAS has a campus licence. You can download it to your own device for free.
Taking the self-study course MATLAB Basics for ICT is highly recommended prior to the start of Sequences and Series part (Part 1).
Teaching methods
Part 1, Sequences and series:
lectures, MATLAB exercises/homework, self-study, exam
Part 2, Logic, combinatorics and number theory:
lectures and demonstrations, self-study, homework, exam
Exam schedules
The midterm exam for Part 1 is in week 41, retake in week 43.
The midterm exam for Part 2 is in week 48, retake in week 49.
The final retake exam for both parts is in week 50.
Exact dates and times in the schedule.
Note. Homework and exercises must be submitted in time, there is no way to complement or "retake" them later.
Student workload
Lessons 30 h
Exams + preparing for them 30 h
Self-study (homework, installing and learning Matlab etc.) 75 h so approx. 6 h per week.
Content scheduling
Fall semester 2024, according to the schedule.
Part 1, weeks 36-41
Part 2, weeks 43-50
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Achieve at least 40% of the points in both Midterm exams or retakes.
Completing at least 25% of the MATLAB exercises in Part 1 is mandatory to pass the course.
A minimum of 80% attendance is mandatory for Part 1 lectures during weeks 36-40.
Additional points from homework will improve your grade.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Less than 40% of the points in one or both of the Midterm exams or retakes.
More than 20% (unauthorized) non-attendance from Part 1 lectures.
Less than 25% of the MATLAB exercises submitted.
Student has not demonstrated achieving the learning objectives of the course. They recognize and can use only few of the concepts of the course topics, and show no skills to apply them.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course on satisfactory level. They recognize and can to some extent use most of the concepts of the course topics.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course well.
They recognize and can use most of the concepts of the course topics, and are able to apply them on various study and work contexts.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course on excellent level. They master the concepts of the course topics, and are able to fluently apply them on study and work contexts.
Previous mathematics courses of ICT engineering curriculum (or equivalent skills):
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
04.10.2023 - 20.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
40 - 70
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Paula Steinby
After completing the course the student can
- apply logical rules and notation
- compute and apply permutations and combinations
- apply the concepts and properties of divisibility and congruence
- process arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
- calculate the sum of a converging infinite geometric series
- form Taylor polynomials and utilize them in numerical computation
- determine coefficients for Fourier-series expansions using mathematical computation tools
- Fundamentals of logic
- Basics od number theory with applications
- Basics of combinatorics with applications
- Sequences and series
- Taylor series
- Fourier series
Lecture notes, homework and MATLAB exercises will be published in Itslearning.
Teaching methods
Part 1, Logic, combinatorics and number theory:
lectures and demonstrations, self-study, homework
Part 2, Sequences and series:
lectures, MATLAB exercises, self-study, exercises/homework
Exam schedules
Midterm exam, on Part 1 on week 7, retake on week 9.
Midterm exam, part 2 on week 15, retakes on week 16. Exact dates and times in the schedule.
Note. Homework and exercises must be submitted in time, there is no way to complement or "retake" them later.
Student workload
Lessons 46 h
Exams + preparing for them 20 h
Self-study (homework, installing and learning Matlab etc.) 70 h so approx. 6 h per week.
Content scheduling
Spring semester 2024, according to the schedule.
Part 1, weeks 2-9
Part 2, weeks 10-16
Further information
We use MATLAB, for which TUAS has a campus licence. You can to download it to your own device or use MATLAB online.
Taking the self-study course MATLAB Basics for ICT is highly recommended prior to the start of Sequences and Series part (Part 2).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Submit in time at least 25 % of the homework/exercises for both modules.
Active participation in classroom and exercise sessions (at least 75 % attendance for both modules).
Achieve at least 6/15 points in both Midterm exams or retakes.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Less than 25 % of homework exercises submitted in time.
More than 25 % (unauthorized) non-attendance from lectures and exercise sessions.
Less than 6/15 points in one or both of the Midterm exams or retakes.
Student has not demonstrated achieving the learning objectives of the course. They recognize and can use only few of the concepts of the course topics, and show no skills to apply them.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course on satisfactory level. They recognize and can to some extent use most of the concepts of the course topics.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course well.
They recognize and can use most of the concepts of the course topics, and are able to apply them on various study and work contexts.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course on excellent level. They master the concepts of the course topics, and are able to fluently apply them on study and work contexts.
Previous mathematics courses of ICT engineering curriculum (or equivalent skills):
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
01.12.2023 - 15.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
60 - 100
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Juha Saarinen
After completing the course the student can
- apply logical rules and notation
- compute and apply permutations and combinations
- apply the concepts and properties of divisibility and congruence
- process arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
- calculate the sum of a converging infinite geometric series
- form Taylor polynomials and utilize them in numerical computation
- determine coefficients for Fourier-series expansions using mathematical computation tools
- Fundamentals of logic
- Basics od number theory with applications
- Basics of combinatorics with applications
- Sequences and series
- Taylor series
- Fourier series
Itslearning-sivulta löytyvät:
Laskuharjoitusten tehtävät
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Tietotekniikan matematiikka:
- Osakoe
- Puolivälissä kurssia (Helmi-Maaliskuun vaihde)
- Osakoe
- Huhtikuun lopulla
- Toukokuussa
- Voi tehdä jomman kumman osakokeista
Student workload
Tietotekninen matematiikka:
10*2h tietotekniikan matematiikan luennot
5*2h laskuharjoitukset
2h tietotekninen matematiikka -koe
5*2h sarjat-luennot
5*2h Matlab harjoitukset. Matlab harjoituksissa on läsnäolo pakko
2h sarjat -koe
loppu opiskelijan itsenäistä opiskelua
Content scheduling
Tammikuu-Helmikuu, tietotekniikan matematiikka:
- Logiikka
- Kombinatoriikka; yhteenlasku/kertolaskusääntö, permutaatiot, kombinaatiot
- Kombinatoriikan sovelluksia todennäköisyyslaskentaan
- Lukuteoria: alkuluvut, syt/pym, Eukleideen algoritmi, kongruenssi/modulolaskenta, hajautusfunktiot, jäännösluokkarengas, RSA-algoritmi
Maaliskuu-Huhtikuu, sarjat:
- Lukujonot, aritmeettinen ja geometrinen lukujono, lukujonon raja-arvo
- Lukujonon summat, aritmeettinen ja geometrinen summa
- Sarjat, geometrinen sarja ja suppeneminen
- Taylorin sarja
- Fourierin sarja
- Fourierin muunnos
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Osakokeista täytyy saada tietty määrä pisteitä päästäkseen läpi.
Laskuharjoituksista saatavat pisteet parantavat arvosanaa
Sarjat osion laskuharjoituksissa on läsnäolopakko.
Arvosanataulukko löytyy Itslearning-sivulta.
Previous mathematics courses of ICT engineering curriculum (or equivalent skills):
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
01.06.2023 - 17.09.2023
05.09.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
60 - 105
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
- Jetro Vesti
After completing the course the student can
- apply logical rules and notation
- compute and apply permutations and combinations
- apply the concepts and properties of divisibility and congruence
- process arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
- calculate the sum of a converging infinite geometric series
- form Taylor polynomials and utilize them in numerical computation
- determine coefficients for Fourier-series expansions using mathematical computation tools
- Fundamentals of logic
- Basics od number theory with applications
- Basics of combinatorics with applications
- Sequences and series
- Taylor series
- Fourier series
ITSL-sivulta löytyvät:
Laskuharjoitusten tehtävät ja mallivastaukset
Teaching methods
Vapaaehtoinen harjoitustyö
Exam schedules
Osakoe ennen syyslomaa ja uusinta sen jälkeen.
Tietotekniikan matematiikka:
Osakoe ja sen uusinta ennen joululomaa
Lopullinen uusinta seuraavan vuoden tammikuussa:
voi tehdä jomman kumman tai kummatkin osakokeista
Completion alternatives
Pelkät osakokeet ilman pisteitä laskuharjoituksista (sarjat tehtävistä 25 kpl pakollisia)
Vapaaehtoinen harjoitustyö, + 2op
Student workload
5*2h sarjat-luennot, joissa yhteensä 50 kpl tehtäviä
10*2h tietotekniikan matematiikan luennot
5*1h laskuharjoitukset, joissa yhteensä 50 kpl tehtäviä
2*2h kokeet
loppu opiskelijan itsenäistä opiskelua
vapaaehtoinen harjoitustyö, + 2op
Content scheduling
Syyskuu-lokakuu, sarjat:
- Lukujonot, aritmeettinen ja geometrinen lukujono, lukujonon raja-arvo
- Lukujonon summat, aritmeettinen ja geometrinen summa
- Sarjat, geometrinen sarja ja suppeneminen
- Taylorin sarja
- Fourierin sarja
- Fourierin muunnos (vapaaehtoinen)
Lokakuu-joulukuu, tietotekniikan matematiikka:
- Logiikka
- Kombinatoriikka; yhteenlasku/kertolaskusääntö, permutaatiot, kombinaatiot
- Kombinatoriikan sovelluksia todennäköisyyslaskentaan
- Lukuteoria: alkuluvut, syt/pym, Eukleideen algoritmi, kongruenssi/modulolaskenta, hajautusfunktiot, jäännösluokkarengas, RSA-algoritmi
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Osakokeista täytyy saada tietty määrä pisteitä päästäkseen läpi.
Laskuharjoituksista saatavat lisäpisteet parantavat arvosanaa (sarjat tehtävistä 25 kpl pakollisia)
Arvosanataulukko löytyy ITSL-sivulta.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Ei tarpeeksi pisteitä kokeista.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Arvosanataulukko löytyy ITSL-sivulta.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Arvosanataulukko löytyy ITSL-sivulta.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Arvosanataulukko löytyy ITSL-sivulta.
Previous mathematics courses of ICT engineering curriculum (or equivalent skills):
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
01.06.2023 - 17.09.2023
05.09.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
25 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Paula Steinby
After completing the course the student can
- apply logical rules and notation
- compute and apply permutations and combinations
- apply the concepts and properties of divisibility and congruence
- process arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
- calculate the sum of a converging infinite geometric series
- form Taylor polynomials and utilize them in numerical computation
- determine coefficients for Fourier-series expansions using mathematical computation tools
- Fundamentals of logic
- Basics od number theory with applications
- Basics of combinatorics with applications
- Sequences and series
- Taylor series
- Fourier series
Lecture notes, homework and MATLAB exercises will be published in Itslearning.
Teaching methods
Part 1, Logic, combinatorics and number theory:
lectures and demonstrations, self-study, homework
Part 2, Sequences and series:
lectures, MATLAB exercises, self-study, exercises/homework
Exam schedules
Midterm exam, on Part 1 on week 41, retake on week 43.
Midterm exam, part 2 on week 49, retakes on week 50. Exact dates and times in the schedule.
Note. Homework and exercises must be submitted in time, there is no way to complement or "retake" them later.
Student workload
Lessons 46 h
Exams + preparing for them 20 h
Self-study (homework, installing and learning Matlab etc.) 70 h so approx. 6 h per week.
Content scheduling
Fall semester 2023, according to the schedule.
Part 1, weeks 36-41
Part 2, weeks 43-50
Further information
We use MATLAB, for which TUAS has a campus licence. You'll need to download it to your laptops.
Taking the self-study course MATLAB Basics for ICT is highly recommended prior to the start of Sequences and Series part (Part 2).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Submit in time at least 25 % of the homework/exercises for both modules.
Active participation in classroom and exercise sessions (at least 75 % attendance for both modules).
Achieve at least 6/15 points in both Midterm exams or retakes.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Less than 25 % of homework exercises submitted in time.
More than 25 % (unauthorized) non-attendance from lectures and exercise sessions.
Less than 6/15 points in one or both of the Midterm exams or retakes.
Student has not demonstrated achieving the learning objectives of the course. They recognize and can use only few of the concepts of the course topics, and show no skills to apply them.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course on satisfactory level. They recognize and can to some extent use most of the concepts of the course topics.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course well.
They recognize and can use most of the concepts of the course topics, and are able to apply them on various study and work contexts.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student has demonstrated having achieved the learning objectives of the course on excellent level. They master the concepts of the course topics, and are able to fluently apply them on study and work contexts.
Previous mathematics courses of ICT engineering curriculum (or equivalent skills):
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
30.11.2022 - 18.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 30.04.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Paula Steinby
PIOTK22Degree Programme in Information Technology, Cyber Security and IoT
After completing the course the student can
- apply logical rules and notation
- compute and apply permutations and combinations
- apply the concepts and properties of divisibility and congruence
- process arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
- calculate the sum of a converging infinite geometric series
- form Taylor polynomials and utilize them in numerical computation
- determine coefficients for Fourier-series expansions using mathematical computation tools
- Fundamentals of logic
- Basics od number theory with applications
- Basics of combinatorics with applications
- Sequences and series
- Taylor series
- Fourier series
Lecture notes, homework and MATLAB exercises will be published in Itslearning.
Teaching methods
Part 1, Logic, combinatorics and number theory:
lectures and demonstrations, self-study, homework
Part 2, Sequences and series:
lectures, MATLAB exercises, self-study, exercises/homework
Exam schedules
Midterm exam, part 1 on week 7, retake on week 9. Midterm exam, part 2 on week 16, retakes on week 17. Exact dates and times in the schedule.
Note. Homework and exercises must be returned in time, there is no way to complement or "retake" them later.
Student workload
Lessons 49 h
Exams + preparing for them 26 h
Self-study (homework, Matlab etc.) 60 h so approx. 5 h per week.
Content scheduling
Spring 2023, according to the schedule.
Further information
We will use MATLAB, for which TUAS has a campus licence. You'll need to download it to your laptops.
Taking the self-study course MATLAB Basics for ICT is highly recommended prior to the start of Sequences and Series part.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Submit in time at least 25 % of the homework/exercises for both modules.
Active participation in classroom and exercise sessions (at least 80 % attendance).
Achieve at least 6/15 points in both Midterm exams or retakes.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Less than 25 % of homework exercises submitted in time.
More than 20 % (unauthorized) non-attendance from lectures and exercise sessions.
Less than 6/15 points in one or both of the Midterm exams or retakes.
Student has not achieved the learning objectives of the course. They recognize and can use only few of the concepts of the course topics, and show no skills to apply them.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Student has achieved the learning objectives of the course on satisfactory level.
They recognize and can to some extent use most of the concepts of the course topics.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Student has achieved the learning objectives of the course well.
They recognize and can use most of the concepts of the course topics, and are able to apply them on various study and work contexts.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student has achieved the learning objectives of the course on excellent level.
They master the concepts of the course topics, and are able to fluently apply them on study and work contexts.
Previous mathematics courses of ICT engineering curriculum (or equivalent skills):
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics